The following story is from “I Infancy,” one of the Apocryphal Gospels. The Apocryphal Gospels make several false claims about the Lord and here is a prime example of what they say:
1. And Joseph, wherever he went in the city, took the Lord Jesus with him where he was sent for to work to make gates, or milk-pails, or sieves, or boxes; the Lord Jesus was with him wherever he went. 2. And as often as Joseph had anything in his work to make longer or shorter, or wider, or narrower, the Lord Jesus would stretch his hands towards it. 3. And presently it became as Joseph would have it. 4. So that he had no need to finish anything with his own hands, for he was not very skillful at his carpenter’s trade. 5. On a certain time the King of Jerusalem sent for him and said, I would have you make me a throne of the same dimensions with that place in which I commonly sit. 6. Joseph obeyed and without delay began the work, and continued two years in the king’s palace before he finished it. 7. And when he came to fix it in its place, he found it lacked two spans on each side of the appointed measure. 8. Which, when the king saw, he was very angry with Joseph; 9. And Joseph, afraid of the king’s anger, went to bed without his supper, not taking anything to eat. 10. Then the Lord Jesus asked him what he was afraid of. 11. Joseph replied, Because I have lost my labor in the work which I have been about these two years. 12. Jesus said to him, Fear not, neither be cast down; 13. Lay hold on one side of the throne, as I will the other, and we will bring it to its exact dimensions. 14. And when Joseph had done as the Lord Jesus said, and each of them had with strength drawn his side, the throne obeyed, and was brought to the proper dimensions of the place: 15. Which miracle when they who stood by saw, they were astonished, praised God.