In the rotunda of the capitol building is a Bible.

Today I’m going to offer a dissertation on a subject that really “bugs” me, and I suspect that it might some of you too. My thoughts will include our federal government and a subject that I truly find both interesting and much abused. I’m referring to the topic of “standards” and their relationship to both said government and Christianity. Let me just fire my opening shot by citing to you something Solomon said regarding “standards” in Prov. 20:10. He said that God’s people are to have equal weights and equal measures, referring to having honest “standards.”

Now, Solomon was just reiterating what God had already told his people about being honest – upholding “standards.” In Lev. 19:35-36, He said they were to have “just balances” as to “weights, lengths and quantities.” Over in Deut. 25:15-16 He told them to always have “fair weights and measures” and that anyone who violated His law, was a cheater, was also an “abomination” to God.

In just about all the uses of the word “standard” in the Bible its referring to the idea of a flag, or a banner, or a signal. In other words, something that people can draw to or compare measures and actions to. What we’re saying is, that a “standard” is something that is set. It can’t be variable or changeable otherwise it cannot be a “standard.” Think about it this way, how can you compare or measure something to see if it’s true if the “standard” isn’t set? Simple answer: you can’t.

Well, having said all of that, it brings me back to our federal government, the epitome of varying “standards.” How I intend to apply my thoughts on “standards” versus the government and Christianity will be to tell you about something I once saw while watching a televised visual tour of our nation’s capitol building. And, based on what we currently see going on there, what I’m about to reveal to you about that building, might just surprise you, considering how many of our legislators carry-on.

In the rotunda of the capitol building is, (ready for this?) a Bible. However, not just any Bible, but a copy of the first printed in English in this country. But, there’s another interesting thing about this Bible. There is a citation with it that reads: “A neat edition of the Holy Scriptures for the use of our schools.” What an amazing concept! That at one time our government actually thought that the “Holy Scriptures” should be used in our schools.

And, another inscription is found on the inside front cover of this Bible, the following words placed there by our founding fathers: “Resolved, the United States and Congress assembled, recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.” Isn’t that truly a wonderful concept endorsed by our federal government? That the Bible was recommended for use by all citizens and to be “used in our schools?”

But, it’s pretty obvious to me anyway, that over the intervening years our government seems to have abandoned those early precepts. That the “standards” in that town have changed quite a bit. Think about these changes. Our federal government began with “A firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence” and the belief that “God governs in the affairs of men” to its position today that just about anything to do with God and the Bible is either discouraged or even not allowed.

Doesn’t it seem to you that the “standards” with which we started have been changed? And even sadder is the fact that “we the people” have allowed it. Not only have we allowed it, we’ve pretty much let “government of men” replace God. I might be wrong, but I just think that “government” doesn’t want to compete with God and thus, if God is removed from any form of prominence in the affairs of governing, the “Government,” by default, takes His place and sets the “standards.” If the “Government” is setting the “standards” those “standards” are only convenient until they’re not. Then the “standards” change.

Just look at our current governmental situation. How far would you say we’ve digressed or deviated from the “standards” we started with? We started with the Bible and It’s precepts being recommended by the federal government to use in the “schools” and all the “inhabitants” of our nation to the point that you can’t even mention anything religious in schools. To the point that you can’t have the 10 Commandments placed on the walls of federal buildings.

It’s my humble opinion that a major factor in the government moving its “standards” is “polls.” Our legislators change or shift depending upon what some poll says. Of course, any statistics professor will tell you that a poll can prove whatever you want it to show. I do believe that our “standards” are affected by how people want, or don’t want, to act. I believe that is why there is always those who want to “modernize” the Constitution, to upgrade it, so to speak. In other words, they don’t like the “standards” so let’s change them.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen those same sort of “change agents” operating in religion also. They’re always saying that the Bible, the Word of God, needs upgrading too. To make it more appealing and in line with the current mores. They say the Bible needs to be more relevant to these current times. In other words, as times change, and people’s likes and don’t likes change, we need to change God’s message to fit our “standards” not His.

There is only One True Standard and that is God. And we know from the last chapter of Revelation what the eternal outcome is or those who take it upon themselves to change God’s “standards.” You might also keep in mind that God isn’t swayed by polls.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Covey

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