My Greatest Command

A little more than 150 years ago, General Robert E. Lee was camped approximately 10 miles from General Stonewall Jackson. Lee sent a message to Stonewall Jackson, informing him that he wanted to meet with him at his convenience.

The very next morning, while Lee was eating his breakfast, Jackson appeared at his tent, prepared for their meeting. Lee asked Jackson, “What are you doing here?  I didn’t mean for you to come immediately. It wasn’t urgent. Did you not read what I said? I said, ‘at your convenience.’  You unnecessarily rode through a terrible snowstorm to get here.”  In defense of his actions, Stonewall Jackson responded, “General Lee, your slightest desire is my greatest command.”

Friends, most of life’s challenges and temptations could be defeated if we possessed the same attitude toward God.  What better disciples would we be; what more committed soldiers in the Lord’s army would we be if we decided to make God’s “slightest wish our greatest desire.”

Give it some thought.

by Steve Higginbotham

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