No Excuses!

How many times has it happened? I walk into the bedroom of one of my sons, and it is very messy! Excuse after excuse comes until I finally say, “There is no excuse for this!” In Jeremiah 1, God is telling Jeremiah he has a job for him to do, and Jeremiah begins to make one excuse after another to the Lord. Notice there are five excuses he uses that we still try to use today.

“THE WORK IS TOO HARD” (Jer. 1:6). Jeremiah says, “ALAS! The word is “an interjection of lamentation” Jeremiah is saying, “Oh no! Really? You want me to do THAT?” We sometimes think God’s work is too difficult. However, just because something is hard, does not mean it is not essential! We should take comfort in knowing that God has known us and had plans for us before we were conceived.

“I AM NOT TALENTED ENOUGH!” (Jer. 1:6). Jeremiah says, “Behold, I do not know how to speak” (Jer. 1:6). How could he be a preacher if he could not even speak properly (Ex. 4:10)? We think we are not talented enough. God can use someone humble enough to let himself be used by Him.

“I AM TOO YOUNG” (1:6). Jeremiah says, “I am a youth.” (Jer. 1:6). He was probably late teenage years, or maybe early 20s. Sometimes being a youth and a spokesman is awkward because the older ones will not listen. We often think we are too young, too busy or too old, in our mind at least. Still, just as with Jeremiah, God is with us!

“THIS IS DANGEROUS WORK!” Jeremiah says, “I see a boiling pot, facing away from the north” (1:13). This was a message of judgment, and Jeremiah would not be beloved for preaching it. We sometimes do not want to do something we think is dangerous. Still, we must stand up for Jesus, and when we do, God is with us!

“I DON’T WANT TO DO IT NOW.” Jeremiah did not say this audibly. However, it almost seems like The Lord is answering this one before Jeremiah has a chance to say it. We sometimes will use that excuse of  “just not right now.” Nevertheless, God expects and demands obedience. Now. Not on our time, on His time!

We can make excuses all day long, but they are not reasons, because they are not honest. Jeremiah made excuses as to why he could not preach. In the end, he became one of the greatest preachers of all time. We can make excuses for what we cannot do. Nonetheless, you do not know what you can be until you let Him use you! It is time we obey and serve – No Excuses!

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