The Bride

“Reality Shows,” especially those dealing with dysfunctional family relationships, have one thing in common with our study of the Jews: both make us feel better about ourselves, because “At least we aren’t as bad as _______.” As we look at some dialogue from Jeremiah 2, we see God using the analogy of a husband and his bride’s relationship in talking about His and the Jews’ relationship. GOD EXPECTS FAITHFULNESS! Let’s notice Five P’s that God addresses with His bride.

THE PARABLE (2:1-3). Notice there was devotion, love, promises (betrothals), obedience, trust, exclusivity, and purity. Remember when you were first married, and would ask, “Will it always be that wonderful?” The Lord was the same way!

FIRST PERVERSION – Idolatry – (2:4-13). God asks them, “Why did you forget Me?” They forgot Him in worship, and in leaving Him for one who is no god. What if your spouse forgot about you? God’s bride had.

THE PUNISHMENT (2:14-17). God tells the Jews they would be slaves and prey, and that they have done this to themselves. If your spouse had forgotten you and forsaken you, wouldn’t you want to punish them? God said that they now deserved to be punished.

SECOND PERVERSION – Spiritual Adultery – (2:18-30). God said they had chosen to leave Him for another, despite all I have done for them. They had committed spiritual adultery. So, he asks, “Will your adulterous love now save you?” What if you found out your spouse was one of these people who had a secret life in another state with another spouse and family? God was upset that they had turned from Him.

THE PLEADING (2:31-32). Look at how God pleads. Listen to Me! Look to Me! Do not deny Me nor forget Me! What if your spouse had done all of these things? Would you be pleading for them to come back? If so, what kind of love and forgiveness would that take? Despite His begging, they would not hear Him.

THIRD PERVERSION – Self-Centeredness (2:33-37). They only cared about only what they wanted, not about the needs of others. How would you like a spouse that cared nothing for you? That describes with what God was dealing.

We can watch the shows and read about the Jews all day long. However, the truth is, now we are the bride (Eph. 5:22-33). What kind of bride to Christ are we collectively and individually? God still expects faithfulness. He knows what we have and have not done and will punish us if we do not return. He is begging and pleading for us to turn back to Him. He wants to show us love and forgiveness. However, He only will if we are a faithful bride!

Corey Sawyers