The Way of the Righteous

The first thing one must do in order to understand the Psalms is to start at the beginning. That may seem the obvious first step for any book, but it is especially true when it comes to this collection of songs and prayers. In Psalm 1 and 2, we have a great double door that must be passed through before entering the study of the Psalms. These two Psalms aptly begin the book with the idea that one must honor the word of God and the Anointed of God if he or she is to be approved of God (blessed). Lord willing, we will look at the later of those next week, and the former today.

In Psalm 1, great contrasts are seen. On one hand is the way of the righteous, and on the other is the way of the wicked. Each of us come to this great fork in the road of life and must determine which path we will take. After that, we must daily choose whether we are to stay on the path on which we travel, or abandon it for the other. When we look at the contrasts within this Psalm, the choice should seem simple.


He is not…

  1. Following the advice of the world (1a).
  2. Following the actions of the world (1b).
  3. Following the associations of the world(1c).

He is…

  1. Delighting in the word of God (2).
  2. Dwelling on the word of God (2b).
  3. Digging into the word of God (3a). Note that the “rivers” or “streams” comes from a Hebrew word meaning “channel” or “irrigation ditch.” The enriching water of God’s word does not come to us naturally, we have to dig!
  4. Displaying the word of God by yielding fruit (3b).
  5. Developing by the word of God (3c). He isn’t withering, he is growing!

All of this makes his a prosperous life and able to stand before God (3d, 6a)!


He is not:

  1. Saturating his life with God’s word as the righteous man (4a).
  2. Standing among the righteous (5b).

He is:

  1. Useless like chaff (4b).
  2. Unstable like chaff (4b).

All of this makes his a perishing life and unable to stand before God (5b, 6b)!

So, when you look at the two paths, the choice should be clear. Choose the way of God. Choose the way of His word. Choose the Way of the Righteous!

Corey Sawyers