What The Cross Was Supposed To Be

The cross was supposed to be the bringer of sadness,

But Christ used it to bring eternal joy (1 Peter 1:8-9).


The cross was supposed to be the displayer of shame,

Yet it only showcased Christ’s glory (John 12:23ff).


The cross was supposed to be the place of dishonor,

But it instead brought Christ the ultimate respect He deserves (Hebrews 12:2).


The cross was supposed to be the deliverer of a dose of humility,

But through it Christ was exalted to the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).


The cross was supposed to be for pain and suffering,

But Christ used it to bring Christians an eternity without pain (Revelation 21:4).


The cross was supposed to be a symbol of fear,

Christ turned it into the symbol of the greatest event that has ever occurred (Matthew 27-28).


The cross was supposed to be the revealer of weakness,

But it merely showed that Christ held back His superior power and authority (Matthew 28:18-20).


The cross was supposed to be one of the ultimate punishments,

But through it Christ has given us access to the ultimate reward (Revelation 21).


The cross was supposed to be reserved for the guilty,

Yet the Innocent One died on it so that we who are truly guilty can be forgiven (Romans 6:23).


The cross was supposed to be an instrument of death,

But through it Christ became the instrument of eternal life (Acts 2:38).

Brett Petrillo