How We Show Our Love 

It is fairly easy for us to identify those of our families and friends who love us. If they really love us their love for us will be shown in many ways. Consider the following…

  1. They will make efforts to spend time with us.
  2. They are happy when with us.
  3. They make sacrifices for us.
  4. They sympathize with our pain.
  5. They easily forgive us when we offend.
  6. They listen to us talk about our problems.
  7. They speak words of encouragement to us when we are down.
  8. They are always there when we need them.
  9. They do thoughtful things for us.

These are just a few ways in which we verify another’s love for us. Now consider these thoughts from God’s perspective. How can He identify those who love Him? How does He verify those who truly love Him?

  1. They will make efforts to spend time with Him in worship.
  2. They are happy when they are with Him in worship.
  3. They make sacrifices for Him (e.g., time, offerings, etc.).
  4. They allow Him to sympathize with their pain in life.
  5. They get forgiveness from Him when they sin.
  6. They take their problems to Him so He can help.
  7. They hear His words of encouragement from His Word.
  8. They always come to Him when they need Him.
  9. They do thoughtful things for Him (e.g., help someone in need, teach someone about Jesus, do a good deed for others, etc.).

Are you showing your love for God? Can your love for God be verified by your actions? Think about it!

Kevin Williams