Are you lying to yourself?

1 John 1:8-10

Self-deception is one of the greatest dangers we face in our Christian walk.  Once we successfully deceive ourselves then finding our way back to the truth is arduous and even those who seem mighty often fail to find their way back.  Take Saul for example.  He lied to himself so convincingly that he declared he was following God’s command even though he had blatantly violated it (1 Samuel 15:20).  We are given cautionary accounts about self deception throughout Scripture because when combined with one of our chief weaknesses, pride, the deception becomes nearly inescapable.  If we are lying to ourselves and believing those lies then how do we break the cycle?

First, we need to check the mirror we are using to reflect on our lives.  We need to be using the mirror of Scripture  (2 Timothy 3:16-17) and the example of Christ (1 Peter 2:21).  Only by holding our lives and actions up to this perfect mirror will be able to see the blemishes in our lives.  Once we can see the blemishes it becomes much easier to break the cycle of self-deception.

Second, in the context of Christ being our example in 1 Peter 2 and continuing in chapter 3 is an entreaty to be submissive with one another.  Humility is the other guard we have against self-deception.  When we think more highly of others than ourselves then it is easier to see the fault in our own lives rather than focusing on the problems they may have.

If we use the mirror of Scripture and keep our pride in check, then we can avoid the trap of self-deception.

Thom Vaught