Full Of Joy

We do not have to guess or wonder what the purpose for I John is. The beloved apostle comes right out and tells us, and continues to tell us throughout the letter. I John 1:4 says, “These things we write, so that our joy may be made complete.” The word translated “complete” means “to make full” (BDAG, page 828). He is writing so we can be completely full of JOY! The fact that the Lord wants us to be happy seems to be news for some brethren. So, what do we have to be JOYFUL about?

     First, we have Forgiveness of Sins (1:5-10). The blood of Christ washing away our sins (cf. Acts 2:38; 22:16; I Peter 3:21).is not a one-time deal. We must repent and ask, and we must walk in the light (I John 1:9,7). Yet, what a joyful promise. We have access to the blood of Christ!

     Second, we have an Advocate and an Appeaser – 2:1-2. Jesus pleads our case and defends us before the Judge. This advocate is One who knows what it means to face temptation (Heb. 4:15). We also have an appeaser – a propitiation. Our lawyer will not only defend us, He will also pay the fines and take the punishment! What a joyful thought! We have an Advocate and an Appeaser!

     Third, we have a Mission – 2:12-17. God sent Jesus, whose mission was to seek and save the lost. Jesus sent the apostles whose mission was to teach the truth to the lost. The apostles teachings sends us on a mission to seek the lost. In a world full of depression, mental problems, addictions, and so on, people are looking for purpose in life. Many are looking for something that makes their life of value. What JOY! We have it! Our mission is to teach the lost!

Fourth, we have God’s Love – 3:1-2. God loves me! I do not deserve it, but He does. Furthermore, He showed that love through the Son. He is my Father! Imagine that; He wants me in His family. It is just like the parable of the Loving Father (a.k.a., the parable of the Prodigal Son, Luke 15:11-32). When we come to Him with the attitude, “I will be your servant,” He will welcome us back as His child. We have a relationship!

     Fifth, we have God’s Ear – 3:22. Because He is my Father, because we have a relationship, this means He Hears ME! What JOY! The Creator of the universe wants to hear ME. He is concerned about ME!

     Sixth, we have Assurance – 5:13. We can know we are in a relationship with the Lord (John 17:1-3). We can have assurance! We must believe (5:13; 5:1). We must decide to follow what He says (5:2-3). We must be born again (5:4). It is only because of Jesus and what He has done for us that we can be saved.

We can have JOY! What joy there is in knowing Him means I know I am the Father’s child and will meet Him one day! However, the only way I can have true joy is to have Jesus!

Corey Sawyers