The Power of Serving 1 Kings 17:8-25

On the morning of October 2, 2006, Charles Carl Roberts barricaded himself inside West Nickel Mines Amish School. After murdering five young girls and wounding six others, Roberts committed suicide. It was a dark day for the Amish community of West Nickel Mines, but it was also a dark day for Marie Roberts, the wife of the gunman, and her two young children.

On the following Saturday, Marie went to her husband’s funeral. She and her children watched in amazement as Amish families—about half of the seventy-five mourners present—came and stood alongside them in the midst of their blinding grief. Despite the horrific crimes the man had committed against them, the Amish came to mourn Charles Carl Roberts as a husband and daddy.

Bruce Porter, a fire department chaplain who attended the service, was profoundly moved: “It’s the love, the heartfelt forgiveness they have toward the family. I broke down and cried seeing it displayed.” He said Marie Roberts was also touched. “She was absolutely, deeply moved by the love shown.”

Sometimes the “Power of Serving” is in just extending forgiveness and compassion.


We should understand here in the days of Elijah that Sidon is not on the best of terms with Israel. But, God sends Elijah to this widow in Zarephath to have his needs provided.

Observe that Elijah does not demand the widow to serve him.

As the widow was going, Elijah then calls out to her: “Please bring me a piece of bread in your hand.” It appears from the ensuing dialogue that this was intended to test the widow’s faith.


The widow emphasizes that she has no bread. All she has is a handful of flour in the bowl and a little oil in a jar. In fact, she says she is gathering sticks to prepare something to eat which she assumes is going to be her last meal.

Elijah then furthers the test of faith: “Do not fear” (an expression used 58 times in the OT). He says, “do as you have said, but make me a little bread cake from it first and bring it out to me, and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son.”

The promise of blessing, which motivates to faith, is given in verse 14: “For thus says the Lord God of Israel” (an expression used 14 times, in a different expression – “thus says the Lord” – found 419 times).

God promises that the famine is going to be over – the flour will not be exhausted nor will the oil be empty until God sends more rain. Will the widow trust God, serving His messenger first?

She did… Verse 15: “She went and did according to the word of Elijah,” and she and he and her household ate for many days.”

God’s message came true. Will you believe it?


Matthew 10:41–42; 19:30; 20:16.

“If anyone wants to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:33). Do you want to be “great?” Be a servant. Jesus took a child and set him in front of these adult men and hugged the boy and said, “Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me.”

The power of service is the power of living like Christ. It’s the power to reflect the nature of Christ into the lives of others.

Paul Holland