The Other Option

Jesus faced a lot of people who disagreed with Him in His time on the earth. It goes to show that no matter who you are, no matter how good of a message you have, and no matter how pure your motives are, there are people who will still disagree with you. However, there is something to be learned through the Son of Man as He handled such intense difference.

Jesus Listened in Love (Luke 7:9)

As Jesus entered Capernaum, news was delivered that a Centurion’s servant was near the point of death. The Centurion sent Jewish elders and friends to Jesus, for he didn’t think himself worthy enough to have Jesus under his roof. When the Christ listened to everything being spoken to Him, He was impressed with the their faith and healed the Centurion’s servant. Despite Jesus and this man being on political contrasts (as a roman commander), He still listened in love.

Jesus Looked Through Love (Luke 7:13)

Jesus’ ministry led Him to a town called Nain. As He was entering, He saw a widow suffering the loss of her only son. Looking to her, Jesus felt compassion and sought to comfort her. The Lord proceeded to raise the son back to life and returned him back to his mother. Notice how this woman was not a close friend to Jesus, was not from the same town, nor was she asking for His help. Yet seeing opportunity to show love, He eased the pains of this woman.

Jesus Spoke by Love (Luke 7:48)

the recorded story of Luke 7:36-50 is incredible. A Pharisee approaches Jesus and asks Him to share a meal. Jesus agrees and reclines at the table with the man (already inspirational considering Jesus paused what He was doing to eat with a Pharisee). A sinful and mournful woman approaches Jesus, and begins cleaning His feet with her tears and her hair. Her conviction was clear as she recognized the greatness of the Christ. The Pharisee speaks up and notes her sinful condition. In a proverb-like manner, Jesus pauses His attention on the woman, teaches the Pharisee a simple lesson in forgiveness, and resumes to speak love to the woman in distress by forgiving her sins.

In all three of these circumstances, Jesus could have easily rejected the other party. He could have brushed off the centurion, ignored the funeral in Nain, and belittled the weeping woman. Yet in every circumstance, we see Jesus choosing the option of love, and because of that, life is produced. While the world around might seem like it’s dying, we have the same opportunity to reflect the one who lived out love. Your actions just might have the opportunity to produce life.

Tyler King