Have You Seen Him?

Upon seeing the name, “Jesus,” what is the mental image that is painted in your mind? Is it the Catholic portrayal of a cartoonish man with long brown hair and a nicely trimmed beard? Maybe the modern-day media sight of a Caucasian man, robbed in white who looks to be fairly ordinary? It seems that everyone has their own mental picture of Jesus readily available in their minds. However, Revelation chapter one has quite the description for us concerning the Son of Man and it may be a different sight than what one is accustomed to.

Upon receiving the revelation from Jesus, John was first admitted into spirit form (1:10). From that point on, John was about to experience an incredible journey with Jesus. Not long after being in the Spirit, John begins hearing a voice. He looks to see who it was and his description is as follows:

  • One like a Son of Man
  • Clothed with a long robe
  • A golden sash around His chest
  • The hairs of his head were white, like wool or snow
  • His eyes were like a flame of fire
  • His feet were like burnished bronze
  • His voice was like the roar of many waters
  • In His right hand, he held seven stars and from his mouth came a two-edged sword
  • His face was like the sun, shining in full strength

Now, that’s probably not what you had in mind when picturing Jesus. On the contrary, there is a significant fact to be had concerning this mental image we have from John. This is a portrait of Jesus in His heavenly glory. The Revelation description bears some resemblance to the transfiguration accounts in Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9. When Jesus came to earth, He humbled Himself greatly; forfeiting a lot of His heavenly features (Phil. 2:6-8). However, once ascended back to His heavenly realm, Jesus was brought back to glory.

So what do we do with this mental image? How is it a benefit? For John, there was no other way to respond than to fall down before Him (1:17). The Son of Man is far greater than any other figure we have ever come in contact with. He is powerful, mighty, and glorious. Perhaps we can share in the comfort John received as Jesus spoke to him after his initial sight, “fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of Death and Hades.”

Tyler King