22 Encouragements For Strugglers From the Letter to the Philippians

I was recently reading again the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I was preparing a sermon on finding some joy during the holidays when it’s hard.

Although I’ve read this little letter many times, it occurred to me to see it through the eyes of painful experiences. Paul is in prison, not because of a crime. He is concerned about how people are talking about him, using his imprisonment as a source of gossip and profit. He’s concerned about how unjust this situation is. He is thinking about two women in the church who are not getting along – women he thinks highly of and wants to urge to mend their fences. Other things are on his mind also.

So here we are. A time of year when the world sings sentimental songs, has family gatherings, and offers gifts to others …. many are left behind in sadness and discouragement. Whether it’s death, financial loss, relationships crumbling, mental health debilitating, or failing physical health -those are the kinds of things that do not care if it’s Christmas or not.

It’s important to me to share some thoughts from a fellow struggler during this sometimes extra difficult time. All references are from the book of Philippians, found in the New Testament.

1. Let memories bring joy. (1:3)

2. God isn’t through yet, hang on. (1:6)

3. Bad experiences are not the end of the story. (1:12)

4. The prayers of others are a comfort. (1:19)

5. No matter what happens, hang on to Christ. (1:20)

6. Whatever happens, conduct yourself as Christ would. (1:27)

7. We are not alone in our suffering. (1:29-30)

8. How can you serve others? That will get the focus off of self. (2:4)

9. Recovery is an ongoing process. (2:12-13)

10. Minimalize conflict with others. Set boundaries. (2:14-15)

11. Realize that joy can be found even in suffering. (2:17)

12. Look out for others. (2:21)

13. In losses, find the gain in Christ. (3:7-8)

14. Remember Christ suffered as well. He knows. (3:10-11)

15. Nobody’s perfect. You don’t have to feel pressure to do this well. (3:12-14)

16. Try to move forward. (3:16)

17. Turn from anxiety to prayer. (4:6)

18. Expect unexpected peace. (4:7)

19. Choose to think about the right things. (4:8)

20. You are going to make it, friend. (4:12-13)

21. God will meet our needs. (4:19)

22. God’s grace will calm your spirit. (4:23)

Remember to read each of these as written from the hands of someone in pain and loss, constricted from the life he would have liked to live. And I hope that if this is a sad Christmas time for you, you will find a little relief, hope, even joy, in spending time in this letter from Paul to his friends in Philippi.



Encouragements For Strugglers Available Online at:



Link to Sermon: When The Holidays Are Hard



John Dobbs