Who is this God who invites us to profoundly reorder our lives to their very core? After all, the call to discipleship is the invitation to radically align our allegiances, beliefs, values and behaviors according to God’s character and word.
By revisiting the stories of Moses and the Israelites, we can learn something about this God who desires to transform us. Step with me back into the sandals of Moses as he approached the burning bush. Remember, even from a distance Moses had realized this fiery bush was unusual. The fire blazed on yet it did not consume.
Notice that before God spoke one word to Moses about going to Pharaoh or leading the Israelites out of Egypt, before God began reshaping Moses’ life, God first revealed something of himself. As Moses approached the burning bush, God spoke to him thereby causing Moses to realize he stood in God’s presence. There could be no doubt.
Furthermore, God revealed he had heard Israel’s cries because of their sufferings. He also promised to rescue them and he identified himself as the God of Moses’ ancestors. God provided all of this before asking Moses to lift a finger. Moses’ service would not be built upon a blind faith.
Nor did God seek for either Israel or Pharaoh to trust without good reason. God provided Moses with signs that he could perform for Israel and Pharaoh. God’s activity preceded any call for faith or action.
By the time Israel reached Mt. Sinai, they had seen God’s power demonstrated in nature through the plagues, the dividing of the Red Sea as well as God’s provisions of water and bread in the wilderness. And so when God invited Israel at Mt. Sinai to serve him, Israel had good reason to trust and obey. No leap of faith was required.
In fact, the same is true today as well as when Jesus walked the earth. With the start of his ministry, Jesus performed signs and wonders providing good reason to accept his life-altering message. We are being called to live as Jesus’ disciples after God has first raised him from the dead.
Who is this God who would reorder our lives? He is a God who acts first in order to give us good reason to trust and obey.
Barry Newton