As Paul writes the letter we call “Ephesians,” he begins by stressing to the Gentile Christians how important they are. Before he could cover any other ground with them, they had to understand their position in the family of God and what He had done for them. In short, he wanted them to understand what the Almighty thinks of them. Have you ever considered that? Have you ever wondered your value? Have you ever pondered just what He thinks of you? It is easy to see what the Lord thinks of you when you consider what He has done for you from Ephesians 1:
1. HE HAS BLESSED US (3) with every spiritual blessing.
2. HE HAS CHOSEN US (4) before the world was even created.
3. HE HAS PREDETERMINED TO ADOPT US (5) to be His sons and daughters.
4. HE HAS GIVEN US GRACE (6) through Jesus, the Beloved.
5. HE HAS REDEEMED US (7), paid by the blood of Jesus.
6. HE HAS FORGIVEN US (7) of all of our trespasses.
7. HE HAS RICHLY GIVEN US GRACE (7-8), to the point it abounds.
8. HE HAS MADE KNOWN THE MYSTERY (9) of His purpose to save all (cf. Eph.3).
9. HE HAS UNITED ALL (10), including Jew and Gentile, and both to Him (cf. Eph.2).
10.HE HAS GIVEN US AN INHERITANCE (11), which was his predetermined purpose.
11. HE HAS GIVEN US HOPE (12) in Christ.
12. HE HAS SEALED US (13) with the promised Holy Spirit.
13. HE HAS GUARANTEED OUR INHERITANCE (14) until we take possession of it.
After this great doxology, he prays (15-23). The summary of Paul’s prayer is this: he wants them to understand what the Lord has done for them, what position they occupy, what their future holds, and what He thinks of them. This is shown most clearly in verse 18 when the inspired apostle proclaims that followers of Jesus are God’s inheritance. Imagine that. What does He think of you? To Him you are a treasure, a benefit, a prize … something of the ultimate value. What does He think of you? You are His inheritance that He has planned for before time began, that He paid for with the precious blood of Jesus, that He sealed with the Spirit to ensure Satan knows you belong to Him. What does He think of you? He loves you, values you, and cherishes you more than anyone. How could we not love Him, serve Him, trust Him, follow Him, and praise Him?
As the little boy said, “Don’t tell me I am a nobody, ‘cuz God don’t make no junk, and He loves me!”
Corey Sawyers