Author Archives: blogabible

The power of forgiveness

Years ago, some men were talking after a church fellowship lunch about the news headlines. One man read about some government employees who went to jail convicted of conspiracy to defraud after filing false expense records.

The man said something that struck me in a way I’ll never forget. He said, “I hope these men get the maximum sentences for their crimes.” He didn’t stop there. “I can never forgive anyone for defrauding the government,” he said.

Recently, a Dallas jury convicted a former officer of murder in the shooting of a man. According to published reports, she said she fired because she thought a stranger was inside her apartment. During the sentencing phase of the trial, the victim’s brother said he forgave the officer and would not hold his brother’s death against her. That young man was a Christian, indeed.

Jesus taught his disciples to forgive those who sin against them (Matthew 6:14-15). This means that we must forgive fully and freely, just as Jesus has forgiven us (Ephesians 4:32). If we do not forgive others, God will not forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15).

Jesus raised the bar on forgiveness. It is probably too high for that man who couldn’t forgive anyone for defrauding the government. Christianity is about higher standards. It always has been. Living the Christian life is not easy. It requires sacrifice and even pain and suffering.

But if you can release vindictive feelings toward others, you will find a wealth of peace for your soul you’ve never known before. Imagine how blessed the apostle Paul felt when Jesus forgave him of killing Christians (1 Timothy 1:15).

Can anyone say they deserve forgiveness for sins? None can. God, in abundant mercy, forgives those who turn to him in obedient faith.

The most excellent example of forgiveness is seen in Jesus as he, dying, said, “Forgive them, father; for they know not what they do.”

John Henson

My Greatest Command

A little more than 150 years ago, General Robert E. Lee was camped approximately 10 miles from General Stonewall Jackson. Lee sent a message to Stonewall Jackson, informing him that he wanted to meet with him at his convenience.

The very next morning, while Lee was eating his breakfast, Jackson appeared at his tent, prepared for their meeting. Lee asked Jackson, “What are you doing here?  I didn’t mean for you to come immediately. It wasn’t urgent. Did you not read what I said? I said, ‘at your convenience.’  You unnecessarily rode through a terrible snowstorm to get here.”  In defense of his actions, Stonewall Jackson responded, “General Lee, your slightest desire is my greatest command.”

Friends, most of life’s challenges and temptations could be defeated if we possessed the same attitude toward God.  What better disciples would we be; what more committed soldiers in the Lord’s army would we be if we decided to make God’s “slightest wish our greatest desire.”

Give it some thought.

by Steve Higginbotham

A Dozen Ways to Murder a Church

If you would like to kill the work of your local congregation, then I have the perfect plan:

  1. Skip services often and encourage others to skip, too.
  2. When you do attend, come in late and cause a little disturbance. While there, take a good nap.
  3. Always be critical and nit-picky
  4. Never volunteer to help, but always complain about the way the volunteers are doing things.
  5. Even though you don’t want to volunteer, still act annoyed and put out when you don’t get an important job.
  6. If asked directly to give your opinion, act like you don’t have one. Later, get on the phone and tell others how things should have been done in the first place.
  7. Never do more than absolutely necessary, then accuse those who are doing the work of being a clique.
  8. Withhold your contribution and tell-others why you don’t think they should support the work either.
  9. When you do volunteer for a job, just do a half hearted mediocre job.
  10. Never compliment or encourage any of the members.
  11. Don’t bother with converting anyone, but if you do, then make sure that they are as negative and disruptive as you.
  12. Every time you hear some juicy gossip be sure to tell everyone you can. After all, it is your duty to proclaim the truth. Your brethren have a right to know.

– by Mark White

Gender Ideology and Truth

    One of the most egregious efforts at ignoring Reality is the “gender ideology” debate. Homosexuality is one appalling effort to ignore reality. Women were not made to engage in sexual behavior with other women; nor were men made to do so with men. In Romans 1, the apostle Paul wrote that homosexuality is “unnatural” (1:26-27). But, you don’t need the Bible to understand the science behind that statement. Men have been ignoring that reality at least since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    But now our society, in an effort to embrace every form of deviancy, has now decided to ignore XX and XY. We learned in 10th grade biology class, if not before, that the XX chromosomes create a female with all of her hormones and bodily features, including a certain view of the world. The XY chromosomes create the male, with all of his hormones and bodily features and his own, biologically influenced, view of the world.

    Gender dysphoria refers to those individuals who are confused about their XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes. This condition is apparently real but also extremely rare. Those who suffer from this psychological problem (it is not a physical issue) need love, patience, and counseling. But our society is turning it into an identity that should be embraced. And it is and will have horrible repercussions.

    We have politicians and even medical professionals who are denying reality, who are lying, because of their agenda. Children are undergoing transition treatment when they are no where near old enough to be making such drastic decisions. There is especially an appalling effort to hide the pain and confusion of young girls who need counseling and love, not chemicals and a scalpel.

    While Christians who believe in the Genesis account of creation and intelligent design have been blackballed by the scientific community for decades, those who believe that XX means you are a girl and XY means you are a boy are finding themselves blackballed. The “powers that be” are refusing to fund or promote research into the physical and psychological risks of gender transition therapy and surgeries and the risks involved. 

    We have got to be extra careful that we do not slip into the cesspool of ignoring Truth. You can refer to an XX or XY by her or his chosen name. To use inappropriate pronouns is to mangle the English language and make language mean nothing. It is also true that XX are women, whether they are “trans” or not and XY are men, whether they are “trans” or not. There is no denying reality. To do otherwise is to worship at the altar of Satan’s lies.

    Our society is in a heap of mess. There is no end to the ludicrous things that people will believe, if it fits their agenda. That’s why it is so important for God’s people to “buy the truth and do not sell it” (Prov. 23:23). That holds true for everything the Bible teaches. God’s word is Truth (John 17:17).

Paul Holland

Doing Good

The New Testament tells us that Jesus “went about doing good” (Acts 10:38). Jesus spent His life in service to others and helping others.

  • Have you ever heard of a “complainer” doing good for others with his complaining?
  • Have you ever heard of a “gossip” who helped others with his/her gossip?
  • How much good has a liar ever done with his lying?
  • How many people have ever been aided by the anger from an angry person?
  • How many individuals have had their lives made happier by the slander from one who maligns another’s character?
  • How well thought of is the disagreeable and negative person who can never find good in anything?

If we want to make a difference in our living, we need to be like the Lord Jesus and “go about doing good.”

– by Bill Dillon



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If you don’t Know, It Could Be Dangerous!

While in the military service in the early ’70s, there was a man in the squadron that owned several single-engine planes. And from time to time, we would get together and take a few short trips.

On one occasion, I was to fly the 1938 Luscombe. Now it was beautiful and well cared for, good electronics, (for the day) and good Cleveland heel brakes, well, it was just nice all the way around, even though you had to hand prop it to get it started.

Howey propped it, I got it started taxied out, took off and was back on the ground in less than five minutes. The reason? The engine quit as soon as I was off the ground. Next, I banked left back over the grass, lined-up, and as I was about to put it on the ground, the engine started. That was a shock.

You can imagine I was a bit concerned. When I taxied back to the line, shut it down, got out, and said to Howey, “That was exciting.” He said, “Oh, I forgot to tell you it doesn’t have a fuel pump. So don’t put the nose above the horizon. It is gravity fed.  ” With the new information, I was back in the air, with no other problems.

Now the point is this; the fact that I didn’t know it didn’t have a fuel pump didn’t make any difference. Truth is truth; rather, you realize it or not. And the result is the same; rather, you know the truth or not. In the case with the little Luscombe, it didn’t matter if I knew it or not it still didn’t have a fuel pump.

When the word of God is considered, it is the same. There are consequences for not knowing the truth just as if you know the truth and chose not to obey. Note two verses with me.

     II Thes. 1:6-8, “For after all it is only just for God to repay with affliction those who afflict you, and to give relief to you who are afflicted and to us as well when the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus.”

     Luke 12: 47, “And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few. From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and to whom they entrusted much, of him they will ask all the more.”

The point is: rather we KNOW the truth and fail to put it into action, or we DON’T know the truth and can’t put it into action, the consequence is the same.

So let us be learners, and teacher, that all may be doers of God’s Word.

Dick Brant

Trust in God or what we have?

“Now a certain leader asked him, ‘Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ Jesus said to him, ‘Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone. You know the commandments: “Do not commit adultery, do not murder, do not steal, do not give false testimony, honor your father and mother.”’ The man replied, ‘I have wholeheartedly obeyed all these laws since my youth.’” (Luke 18:18-21 NET)

Most people that I know want the best out of life and to have the best life possible. The man Jesus was talking with wanted this. From what we can see he was living a good life. He was a Jew, one of God’s chosen people, and he was faithfully, wholeheartedly, following God’s commands. But he was missing something. “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” he asked Jesus.

“When Jesus heard this, he said to him, ‘One thing you still lack. Sell all that you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ But when the man heard this he became very sad, for he was extremely wealthy.” (Luke 18:22-23)

Although the man was very wealthy, he seems to have lacked compassion in his life, especially compassion towards those who were poor. It would seem he was hoarding his wealth for himself. Jesus recognized what this man needed in order to have the life that would lead to eternal life. He needed to learn to rely on God and not on the wealth he had accumulated. The solution? Sell it all and give it to the poor, thus securing real treasure, treasure in heaven. Then follow Jesus as the Messiah.

This man became very sad because he was “extremely wealthy.” How would we feel if Jesus asked this of us? Often when we study this we are very quick to point out that he doesn’t ask this of everyone. And that is true, as we can see many in the book of Acts who sold what they had and some (like Mark’s mother Mary) who had a house and servants.

Perhaps we are often quick to justify our own wealth, to justify spending what we have on ourselves. But isn’t this the problem Jesus was addressing? The man’s problem seems to have been similar to the man in another parable Jesus told. If you remember, this man had a bumper crop and needed more storage space so he could store it all and have a good life. Too often we think only of ourselves rather than how we can use our blessings to further Jesus’ mission of seeking and saving the lost, of being a blessing to others.

“When Jesus noticed this, he said, ‘How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! In fact, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.’ Those who heard this said, ‘Then who can be saved?’” (Luke 18:24-26)

Those who heard what Jesus said are similar to many today. We think that if a person is successful in making money, then God must be blessing him. Jesus said the opposite: the rich will struggle to enter God’s kingdom. Why? Because wealth can cause them to trust in themselves and what they have rather than in God.

There was a gate in Jerusalem known as “the eye of the needle” which would be very difficult for a camel to get through, especially if it were loaded down. Some think this is what Jesus was referring to, but I believe it was more than this. A camel could never go through the eye of a real needle. Neither can a person who trusts in his wealth enter God’s kingdom.

Although it is easy to point our fingers at others, we need to examine ourselves. What are we doing with the blessings God has given us?

Photo by Jon Galloway: “the eye of the needle” (on left) in Alexander Nevsky Church, Jerusalem

Jon Galloway


“Solomon had seventy thousand who carried burdens, and eighty thousand who quarried stone in the mountains, besides three thousand three hundred . . . who supervised the people who labored in the work” (1 Kings 5:15-16).

One project in Bangladesh involved considerable digging and moving of dirt. A team of ten men were used, three or four of whom dug out the dirt and loaded it into baskets. These were then carried on the heads of the remainder of the crew to the place where the dirt was dumped. Each basket weighed an estimated 80 to 100 pounds. As I watched I could not help but be reminded of the massive building projects of Biblical times, such as the pyramids of Egypt and the great Temple and other buildings of King Solomon of Israel.

The Temple required seven years to build. In addition to 150,000 laborers working in Israel, Solomon also used 30,000 to help cut and transport timber from the mountains of Lebanon to Jerusalem. Such prodigious use of labor is incredible to many of us, who are much more accustomed to heavy machinery and other modern technology.

And yet it still astonishes to see what manpower alone can accomplish. It may be slow. It may work hardship on those who are required to do the work. But even a few able-bodied workers, using skills developed through training and practice, can accomplish great things.

This is true not only in terms of work like construction, but also of God’s eternal purpose of saving the lost by means of the gospel and through his church (Romans 1:16; Ephesians 3:10). He could have sent angels to preach as he did to announce the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:9-14). He could have chosen to reveal himself and speak directly with a voice from heaven, as he did on Mount Sinai to Israel (Exodus 19-20).

God did not use his great power in those ways. Rather he chose a few faithful men to be his witnesses (Acts 1:8). The chosen few left homes and occupations to carry out the task assigned them. They did this fearlessly and tirelessly, so that “They did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ” (Acts 5:42).

As a result, within one generation the gospel reached into all parts of the Roman Empire (Romans 15:19). Since that first century it has been preached throughout the world, with immeasurable results. Only God could number the miles traveled, the sermons preached, and the good works done in the name of Jesus in order to carry out his purpose.

Yes, there are technologies available today that enable a person to speak to thousands in distant places with little physical effort. Yet one can still go next door, or down the street, or into another city, sit down with someone who has spiritual needs, and teach the gospel with nothing but one’s own knowledge of Christ and a love for the lost.

Machines can be a big help. But manpower can still get the job done. “Go into all the world and preach the gospel” (Mark 16:15).

Michael Brooks



“And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, ‘What is the sign that the Lord will heal me, and that I shall go up to the house of the Lord the third day’ ” (2 Kings 20:8)?

On a trip to the mountains of Nepal we followed a local bus for several miles. On the back of the bus was printed their slogan, “We make travel fun.” Really? What is so much fun about riding on extremely narrow, rough, crooked roads in high mountains where in order to pass traffic one must literally hang out over steep drops? It is not unusual to see below the burnt out ruins of vehicles that did not safely negotiate those conditions.

Promises are easy to make, but sometimes difficult or even impossible to keep. Whether it is in advertising, political campaigns, or more personal assurances, most people soon learn to take any pledge with at least a little skepticism. We learn to ask questions, such as, “How do I know you can do that?” Or “What guarantees can you give?”

When King Hezekiah of Judah became ill the prophet Isaiah told him he would die. The king prayed for mercy and God granted it. Isaiah returned and assured the king that he would recover and live for 15 more years (2 Kings 20:1-6). When Hezekiah heard the new prophecy his response was to ask, “How can I be sure?” He desired a sign from God — that is something miraculous — as sure proof that he would live.

Such is human nature. We are so cynical that we ask even God for proof that he will keep his promises. Show me a sign. Perform a miracle. Do something special just for me so that I can be certain that my faith is well placed.

And while we are longing for signs we easily forget that they have already been provided. When Paul described the Gospel which he preached throughout much of the Roman Empire, he said it was “Concerning his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, who was born of the seed of David according to the flesh, and declared to be the Son of God with power according to the Spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the dead” (Romans 1:3-4).

God has provided every necessary evidence of his existence and nature (Romans 1:19-20), his love for mankind (Romans 5:8), and the facts and promises of the Gospel of Salvation. By the resurrection of Jesus from the grave he established beyond question his ability to raise all the dead. By giving his son to die for us he has proven his great and matchless love for us.

Regarding eternal salvation, Paul wrote in another place, “In hope of eternal life which God, who cannot lie, promised before time began” (Titus 1:2). God’s own nature is our guarantee that we can trust his promises. He cannot lie. What he speaks is true, always (John 17:17).

Bus companies and politicians may promise almost anything. One trusts them at one’s own risks. But if God says it, it is true. Him we can believe. In fact, if we are to have any hope we must believe him and follow all of his commandments (Matthew 7:21).

Michael Brooks


Re-calibrating ourselves

Self-centeredness, rudeness and keeping a list of failures might be expected from a dog-eat-dog world. However, what happens when those who profess Christ and have made a commitment to “do unto others what you would have them do unto you” repeatedly treat us in unloving ways? The disappointment and frustration can be even greater.

Thoughts like, “they know better” and “they should not be so unkind,” can eat away at our peace releasing anger and bitterness. What can we do?

We might need to re-calibrate our thinking. Before taking any action, the need exists to have the proper goals in mind. Remembering the following truths could assist in a spiritual realignment.

  • We cannot make another person be considerate, even if they know they should. They must choose to love.
  • Expecting people to treat us as they ought creates a prescription for resentment.
  • Focusing on how others behave can sidetrack our service to God.
  • Remembering those times when we failed to seek another’s well-being can empower forgiving others.
  • Since we can only control what we do, what matters is our motivation and behavior.

While we won’t always be able to inspire or lead others toward greater demonstrations of love, we can always stop the spread of unkindness by refusing to reciprocate or pass it on. We can always make a difference.

Barry Newton

The tomb is empty. Jesus lives!

In 1 Corinthians 15:13-19, Paul acknowledged that if Jesus never rose from the grave, Christians have no hope and should be pitied. Furthermore, those who claimed they saw Jesus alive after his death would be liars.

If, however, Christ arose from the dead, then a number of ideas are certain: God must exist. The gospel is true. Jesus’ teachings do contain eternal consequences.

For Christianity, everything hinges upon the resurrection. Here’s some of the evidence.

The Romans were experts in death.

Roman soldiers knew a dead body. Their lives depended upon it, since soldiers who failed in their mission suffered consequences. The soldiers were certain Jesus died on the cross.

The proclamation “He is risen” is too early to be legendary material.

History reveals that legends develop and grow after the eye witnesses have died. Yet, even skeptics acknowledge Paul wrote 1 Corinthians between 55-57 A.D, less than 25 years after Jesus’ death. Yet, in 1 Corinthians 15:5-8 not only does Paul proclaim Christ risen, but he essentially invited skeptics to ask the eye witnesses for themselves.

Similarly, Acts was probably written during the 60’s A.D. It records the resurrection being proclaimed on Pentecost within 50 days of Jesus’ death creating a significant event within Jerusalem. To deny such early preaching becomes untenable for several reasons. The church’s early growth within Judaism becomes unexplainable. Also, if Acts had fabricated such stories, opponents would have exposed it.

Women(!) found the tomb empty.

In first century Jewish culture, women were not considered credible witnesses in court. If someone wanted to fabricate a story that appeared credible, women would not be the prime witnesses. The only reason to include such an embarrassing detail is this is what actually happened.

The disciples’ transformation.

Something must account for the disciples transforming from fearful and cowardly retreat to fearlessness within 50 days. Nothing short of Jesus’ resurrection accounts for such a transformation.

No one produced a body when it was to their advantage.

The Roman guards whose lives were in jeopardy because of the missing body could not produce Jesus’ body. Jewish leaders who wished to discredit Christianity could not produce a body. The early persecuted Christians within that inner circle at Jerusalem did not produce a body to prove the resurrection was a hoax in order to save themselves or those they loved. Rather, they were willing to insist he is risen and suffer the ensuing consequences.

Prior to Jesus’ birth, the resurrection had been foretold.

Peter taught that David had foretold the Christ would rise from the dead (Psalm 16:8-11; Acts 2:22-36).

Taken together, these observations along with the various supporting lines of evidence for God’s existence and the Bible’s reliability converge providing us with good reason to trust and obey God’s word. God does not ask us to make a blind leap of faith. He has given us good reasons to believe.

Barry Newton


Prayer as the Christian’s duty

Prayer is one of the great privileges of God’s children. The Lord has an open-door policy. We may approach his throne at any time. We may ask anything of him, according to his will. We may express any sentiment from the heart. He hears and answers our prayers.

Besides being a great privilege, prayer is also a great duty of the Christian. It is required in order to maintain and strengthen our relationship with God. It is a must for advancing the gospel in the world. Brotherly love requires that we pray often for the family of faith.

One small indication of the duty of prayer comes from the Lord Jesus, as Luke introduces one of his parables.

“Then Jesus told them a parable to show them they should always pray and not lose heart” Luke 18.1.

The verb “should” comes from the Greek term dei. Danker’s revision of Bauer’s lexicon says that in this text it refers to “that which one should do …: one ought or should …” The versions usually translate it as ought, should, or must.

Though his teaching on salvation goes awry, R. C. Sproul has this right:

“… we need to establish that it is the sovereign God who not only invites us but commands us to pray. Prayer is a duty, and as we perform that duty, one thing for sure is going to be changed, and that is us. To live a life of prayer is to live a life of obedience to God.”

More than one’s own life will be changed. As prayer is focused toward the mission of God and the salvation of others, many will be saved.

This commandment to prayer, this duty of the Christian to pray without ceasing is not a heavy or burdensome thing, when he considers what powers it opens to him, what blessings come from it, and what omissions occur in his life when he refrains from it.

One teacher, never one to oversimplify or exaggerate, attempted to help his hearers understand the power of prayer by saying that prayer is the way to get things from God. He was not being materialistic. He sought to urge all disciples to pray at all times because it brings all the spiritual blessings in Christ to bear in his life. It also blesses others.

If Jesus needed prayer for himself, and if he saw the importance of praying for others, John 17; Luke 22.31-32, must not we require it as well?

Prayer, then, is an absolute must. We cannot survive without it. We cannot work successfully when we forget it or allow Satan to keep us from it. We cannot love properly when we neglect it.

Have you done your duty today?

J. Randal Matheny

Don’t Look Back

No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62, ESV).

When I had a more fitting location than my present one, I used to grow a decent-size garden. We tried to grow pretty much everything: tomatoes, beans, corn, cucumbers, lettuce, eggplant, weeds.

We grew a lot of weeds.

These days, I only have space for a few tomato plants. Not nearly as rewarding, but much less work.

I have a gas-powered, rear-tine tiller. Great machine. But you have to watch it. You can’t just turn it on and let it go. You have to stick with it. And though it does 98% of the work, the 2% I do is a pretty serious wrestling match.

It wants to go the path of least resistance. In response, I have to lift it, and scoot it, and yank it every which way, just to keep it moving straight. If I start looking around, off she goes.

In the Lord’s day, tillers and petroleum were unheard of. They used wood and metals to build farming implements they would hook on to mules or cattle. The tool and the beasts still did 98% of the work, but you had to follow and stay focused.

Beasts don’t care about straight lines. Like their mechanical counterparts, they take the path of least resistance. Or, like their mechanical counterparts, they might just decide they want to stop for no good reason.

With gardening, or even commercial farming, it takes a human being, with intelligence and determination, to direct the brute force of farming equipment. One moment of distraction could make a big difference. It could be disaster.

This is precisely what the Lord had in mind for his disciples. You can’t put your hand to the plow and then let yourself get distracted. You’re going to hurt yourself, or someone else. You have to decide, before climbing on that combine, or walking behind that tiller, or hooking up that mule, that you’re all in.

You’ve made a promise to everyone who relies on this process, that you are going to take your job seriously. You are going to pay attention. You are going to stay focused. You are going to control the one thing in the process that you can: you.

Failing that is not only to fail yourself, but everyone else.

When one decides to follow Jesus, he or she must be all-in.

Jesus offers no course in half-discipleship.

There is no trophy for showing up.

One does not become a Christian and then decide to roll up their sleeves and get to work.

One has decided that they are ready to roll up their sleeves and to go work for the Lord, so they obey the gospel.

People should not only desire to have their sins forgiven, but to spend their life working in the Lord’s vineyard.

When I offer an invitation as part of my sermons, I often remind people that they need to be forgiven.

But I also often remind them that they may be the only person in their immediate circle who knows the gospel. They need to obey the gospel so they can work with the Lord to save souls.

The Lord needs workers.

The Lord needs plowmen.

The Lord only accepts people who will grab the handle and not look back.

Rick Kelley


In the rotunda of the capitol building is a Bible.

Today I’m going to offer a dissertation on a subject that really “bugs” me, and I suspect that it might some of you too. My thoughts will include our federal government and a subject that I truly find both interesting and much abused. I’m referring to the topic of “standards” and their relationship to both said government and Christianity. Let me just fire my opening shot by citing to you something Solomon said regarding “standards” in Prov. 20:10. He said that God’s people are to have equal weights and equal measures, referring to having honest “standards.”

Now, Solomon was just reiterating what God had already told his people about being honest – upholding “standards.” In Lev. 19:35-36, He said they were to have “just balances” as to “weights, lengths and quantities.” Over in Deut. 25:15-16 He told them to always have “fair weights and measures” and that anyone who violated His law, was a cheater, was also an “abomination” to God.

In just about all the uses of the word “standard” in the Bible its referring to the idea of a flag, or a banner, or a signal. In other words, something that people can draw to or compare measures and actions to. What we’re saying is, that a “standard” is something that is set. It can’t be variable or changeable otherwise it cannot be a “standard.” Think about it this way, how can you compare or measure something to see if it’s true if the “standard” isn’t set? Simple answer: you can’t.

Well, having said all of that, it brings me back to our federal government, the epitome of varying “standards.” How I intend to apply my thoughts on “standards” versus the government and Christianity will be to tell you about something I once saw while watching a televised visual tour of our nation’s capitol building. And, based on what we currently see going on there, what I’m about to reveal to you about that building, might just surprise you, considering how many of our legislators carry-on.

In the rotunda of the capitol building is, (ready for this?) a Bible. However, not just any Bible, but a copy of the first printed in English in this country. But, there’s another interesting thing about this Bible. There is a citation with it that reads: “A neat edition of the Holy Scriptures for the use of our schools.” What an amazing concept! That at one time our government actually thought that the “Holy Scriptures” should be used in our schools.

And, another inscription is found on the inside front cover of this Bible, the following words placed there by our founding fathers: “Resolved, the United States and Congress assembled, recommend this edition of the Bible to the inhabitants of the United States.” Isn’t that truly a wonderful concept endorsed by our federal government? That the Bible was recommended for use by all citizens and to be “used in our schools?”

But, it’s pretty obvious to me anyway, that over the intervening years our government seems to have abandoned those early precepts. That the “standards” in that town have changed quite a bit. Think about these changes. Our federal government began with “A firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence” and the belief that “God governs in the affairs of men” to its position today that just about anything to do with God and the Bible is either discouraged or even not allowed.

Doesn’t it seem to you that the “standards” with which we started have been changed? And even sadder is the fact that “we the people” have allowed it. Not only have we allowed it, we’ve pretty much let “government of men” replace God. I might be wrong, but I just think that “government” doesn’t want to compete with God and thus, if God is removed from any form of prominence in the affairs of governing, the “Government,” by default, takes His place and sets the “standards.” If the “Government” is setting the “standards” those “standards” are only convenient until they’re not. Then the “standards” change.

Just look at our current governmental situation. How far would you say we’ve digressed or deviated from the “standards” we started with? We started with the Bible and It’s precepts being recommended by the federal government to use in the “schools” and all the “inhabitants” of our nation to the point that you can’t even mention anything religious in schools. To the point that you can’t have the 10 Commandments placed on the walls of federal buildings.

It’s my humble opinion that a major factor in the government moving its “standards” is “polls.” Our legislators change or shift depending upon what some poll says. Of course, any statistics professor will tell you that a poll can prove whatever you want it to show. I do believe that our “standards” are affected by how people want, or don’t want, to act. I believe that is why there is always those who want to “modernize” the Constitution, to upgrade it, so to speak. In other words, they don’t like the “standards” so let’s change them.

Unfortunately, we’ve seen those same sort of “change agents” operating in religion also. They’re always saying that the Bible, the Word of God, needs upgrading too. To make it more appealing and in line with the current mores. They say the Bible needs to be more relevant to these current times. In other words, as times change, and people’s likes and don’t likes change, we need to change God’s message to fit our “standards” not His.

There is only One True Standard and that is God. And we know from the last chapter of Revelation what the eternal outcome is or those who take it upon themselves to change God’s “standards.” You might also keep in mind that God isn’t swayed by polls.

Respectfully submitted,
Ron Covey

Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither

There are some things that never say, “That’s enough.” Agur, the son of Jakeh (see Prov. 30:1), sets before our minds this idea of “insatiable things.”

The leech has two daughters: give and give. Three things are never satisfied; four never say, “Enough” — Sheol, the barren womb, the land never satisfied with water, and the fire that never says, “Enough” (Prov. 30:15-16).

These verses form a proverbial riddle (see Prov. 1:6).

What is the point of these verses? The “answer” is not expressly stated.

I assume we are supposed to think about this for a minute. I imagine that we need to give it some thought for a while. “Hmm . . . there are some things that never say, ’That’s enough.’”

A clue here is that the writer uses a “numeric proverb” (see Prov. 6:16). The numeric proverb is a list of certain things, and when it appears that the list is complete, something else is added to the list. In other words, the list is by no means exhaustive.

In this proverb, the message is not so much what is in the list, but what could be added to the list or what is figuratively implied by the list. These “insatiable things” remind us of insatiable people.

The warning is that we can be people who are never satisfied. The moral of the story is to find contentment.

Listen to Paul:

“I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:12-13).

Two Warnings About Leeches

Suppose that someone called you a “leech.” Would you take that as a compliment? I suppose you would, if you were one. But most of us would be offended, because parasitic people are simply disgusting.

The warning is twofold. One the one hand, learn to be content. But on the other hand, watch out for leeches.

The alcoholic wants another drink.
The adulterer wants another affair.
The prideful wants another compliment.
The covetous wants another dollar.
The jealous wants what you have.
The lustful wants another peek.
The sluggard wants another freebie.
The rebellious wants to get away again.
The apostate wants your tolerance.

And all of these will in varying degrees destroy their relationships, sacrifice their own happiness, trying to get more of what they want.

But nobody has to go on living an insatiable life.

When a person wants salvation, they can find real satisfaction (Jn. 8:32).

What Satan offers in the fruit is actually an illusion. “You can be as wise as God. You won’t need anyone to tell you what to do. You can be your own moral guide, free from all restraint.”

There is a hook in that temptation, and it’s a life of misery wherein we can never be satisfied with empty illusions and avoiding personal accountability. But godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6).

  1. S. Lewis put it like this: “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.”

Reflect upon this proverb today.

Scripture References

Proverbs 30:1; Proverbs 30:15-16; Proverbs 1:6; Proverbs 6:16; Philippians 4:12-13; John 8:32; 1 Timothy 6:6



How Much Is It Worth?

Michael Hite is not only a good friend, co-worker, and an excellent teacher. He is also a dedicated student of the Bible. As such, this man of God has worn out his Bible. He wanted to get a new one that was the same edition as his old one. It is laid out just as he likes it. Plus, the pages are made of a unique paper that is thicker than most. For someone who likes to write in his Bible as Michael does, that is an essential feature. So, he went to a Facebook Group that caters to those who use the NASB translation. He posted pictures and asked if anyone could help him find another Bible of that exact edition. The responses were:

“You got a few hundred dollars to spend?”

“Expect to pay $500 plus for one in mint condition.”

“Yep, several hundred. Amazon has some for even a few thousand.”

As it turns out, Michael’s edition is an ’02 SCR called “The Judge.” It is printed in America and has Abba Calfskin. What makes it truly special is the paper the pages are made of which Michael likes so much. It is a French milled paper that is thin, but some of the whitest, most opaque paper ever used. That particular paper is now illegal to use because of environmental laws.

It was interesting to see the value that different individuals placed on this specific edition just because of its rarity. It made me think of the value you or I might put on our Bibles, especially in light of what scripture has to say about its own value. Look only at Psalm 119 and see God’s word:

  •     Is something to be treasured (v.11).
  •     Brings joy and delight (vv.14, 16, 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 92, 111, 143, 162).
  •     Is wonderful (vv.18, 129).
  •     Brings salvation (v.41).
  •     Gives comfort (v. 50).
  •     Revives us (v.93).
  •     Makes us wise (v.98).
  •     Is sweeter than honey (v.103).
  •     Enlightens (vv.105, 130).
  •     Is an inheritance (v.111).
  •     Is like finding a treasure (v.162).
  •     Is more valuable than gold and silver (vv.72, 127).

Little did I know there were Bible Collectors out there who buy and sell copies of the different English translations and editions like commodities. However, they do so because they see how much each is worth. There is another group who should love, appreciate, and cherish the Bible for what it is truly worth: all those who follow Jesus. For they realize the Bible worth the most is the Bible that is studied and applied.

Corey Sawyers

Jesus: Tempted … Like As We Are

A story is told of a man whose wife had deserted him for another man. She had succeeded in taking away their children. The estranged husband had given in to depression and lost his business. Brokenhearted and ruined, he became obsessed with the enormity of his troubles and refused every offer of encouragement and hope.

The day came when he heard a great sermon on Christ having been “in all points  tempted like as we are,” but rather than being comforted, he resented the sermon and told the preacher, “Yes, Jesus suffered many things, but He never had a wife and family stolen from Him. He was never married, never had children, so that’s suffering He never knew.”

The preacher wisely responded, “You have seen an accomplished violinist play a great variety of music. There are only four strings on his  violin, but they can produce both dances and dirges. The same four strings can cover the whole range. No, Jesus did not experience your trials in the same details, but He endured the broad range of disappointment, desertion, grief, pain and even dying, so that the strings of His heart can vibrate with all the sad songs of life’s bitterest experiences.”

By David Pharr

That neighbor?

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39 NKJV).

A group of us were driving out of the city of Khulna when a large truck met us, driving the wrong way on our side of the divided highway. This is a frequent occurrence in Bangladesh where traffic laws are seldom enforced and many drivers are poorly trained. As we carefully steered around the truck I asked the other passengers in our van, “When Jesus commanded us to love our neighbors, did he know there would be truck drivers?”

Similar thoughts occur frequently as we are confronted with hostility, rudeness, and dishonesty in our interactions with others. There are many people in this world who are pretty much unlovable, at least in our opinions. Must we really open up to all of them and show compassion, mercy, and kindness? Does their bad behavior not excuse us from such obligations?

The Bible is clear: We must love them even if their behavior does not deserve it in our eyes. Jesus actually went considerably further than to command love of neighbor. “But I say to you, ‘love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

This incredible demand makes two principles of love abundantly clear.

First, love is about me, not the other person. No one should control how I feel about or treat others except me. My love for others should stem from who I am, not who they are. That is one of the primary lessons Jesus is teaching. When one turns to Christ and seeks to live in a godly way, he takes responsibility for his own thoughts, words, and actions. He begins to live proactively, not reactively. That is also the principle of the Golden Rule, “Therefore whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them” (Matthew 7:12). Jesus wants his followers to act first, based on how they wish others to react.

The second principle taught in the command to love one’s enemies is that love is practical. Love “blesses,” “does good,” and “prays for others” even when (especially when) they are doing precisely the opposite. In our modern world we speak of love as an emotion, a feeling. We “fall in love” and “fall out of love.” Our emotions are often impulsive, fleeting, and shallow. Love however is a constant (1 Corinthians 13:4-8). One who practices Biblical love is consistent in doing good works, showing mercy and compassion, and providing help to others. Such a person will certainly have good feelings toward others, but the way he or she treats them does not depend upon those feelings.

A favorite definition of love is: “A commitment to the well-being of others.” This is borne out in Paul’s command, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:3-4).

In connection with the command to love one’s enemies Jesus explained, “For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do so?” (Matthew 5:46). We however are to be “Sons of [our] Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:45). Our standard must be higher than that of the world. Yes, Jesus knew about truck drivers and he taught us to love them too.

Michael Brooks


The Parable of the Shrewd Manager Luke 16:1-13

Have you ever looked at a $1 and asked yourself, where has this $1 been? Who has touched it? What has it been used to buy? The history of this $1 simply illustrates the overall point that we do not have money in our possession for very long. The question is, what will we do with it? Will this $1 be spent wisely, before it leaves my possession, or will it be spent foolishly? Will it be spent for a purpose that would glorify God or will it be spent for a purpose that glorifies the owner? Of course, the only person who can answer that question is the current owner.

Money is not good or bad; it is ethically neutral. It all depends on what you do with it. Today, I want us to study a parable of Jesus that deals with money that is recorded only by Luke.

THE PARABLE – 16:1-8a:

When this parable begins in verse 1, Jesus is speaking to His disciples. But, we do not know the context of the discussion until we go back to 15:1-2 when we see that Pharisees were criticizing Jesus for associating with tax collectors and sinners.

But also, when we read beyond our parable, 16:14, we see that the Pharisees were lovers of money and scoffed when Jesus told them this parable. So, the parable has to do with money, with the proper use of it. He tells His disciples – maybe in the presence of these very tax collectors but clearly in the presence of the Pharisees – that they need to use money wisely if they would be blessed by God.

The manager was fired (1-2):

This man was “wasting” his master’s possessions. The word “waste” is the same word as “loose” in 15:13 of the prodigal son. Some jobs make it easy to “skim off the top.” A missionary can easily siphon funds off. There is no one there to provide accountability. The payment of our taxes is, to some degree, on the honor system.

The manager makes a plan (3-4):

It is ironic that the man was ashamed to beg but not ashamed to squander his master’s possessions!

The manager implements the plan (5-7):

The manager negotiates a 50% reduction on the oil and a 20% reduction on the wheat.

The owner praises the manager (8a):

Money was considered “unrighteous” because it is, often, obtained unrighteously or used unrighteously. Please observe that “unrighteous” is found five times in four verses: 8-11. The manager was commended for his forethought and his promptness, not his dishonesty.


This seems to be the beginning of Jesus’ comments on the actions of the manager.


First (verse 9) – Make good use – generous use – of your resources here on earth.

Second (verses 10-12) – Faithfulness in this life is the basis of the reward for heavenly riches. How we handle money indicates our level of trustworthiness and ability to accept responsibility.

Third (verse 13) – Christians owe their highest allegiance to God, not material wealth.

Use your financial resources for godly purposes.

Paul Holland

Every church member is needed!

How many dogs does it take to change a light bulb?

Golden Retriever: The sun is shining. The day is young. We’ve got our
whole lives ahead of us. And you’re inside worrying about a stupid,
burned-out light bulb?

Border Collie: Just one. Not only that, but I’ll replace any wiring that’s
not up to code.

Dachshund: I can’t reach the lamp!

Toy Poodle: I’ll just talk sweet to the Border collie and he’ll do it.
By the time he finishes rewiring the house, my nails will be dry.

Rottweiler: Go ahead! Make me!

Lab: Oh, me, me!!! Pleeeeeeze let me change the light bulb! Can I?
Can I? Huh? Huh? Can I?

Malamute: Let the Border collie do it. You can feed me while he’s busy.

Doberman Pinscher: While it’s dark, I’m going to sleep on the couch.

Chihuahua: Yo quiero Taco Bulb.

Pointer: I see it, there it is, right there…

Greyhound: It isn’t moving. Who cares?

Australian Shepherd: Put all the light bulbs in a little circle…

Old English Sheep Dog: Light bulb? I’m sorry, but I don’t see a light bulb.


It’s obvious that dogs are different. They have different personalities, they excel in different areas. Some have great hunting skills, others have great herding skills, still others are ideal playmates for our children.

It’s also obvious that Christians are different. We have different personalities, we excel in different areas. Some have great leadership skills, others have great communication skills, still others are ideal teachers of our children.

Our goal is not to be exactly like every other Christian. Our goal is to take whatever gifts God has given us and use them to His glory.

“But now God has set the members, each one of them, in the body just as He pleased. And if they were all one member, where would the body be? But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.” (I Cor.

Praise be to God for his ability to use our diversity within the body of Christ!

Have a great day!

Alan Smith