The earth is not millions of years old. Science does not demand such a belief and the Bible will not allow it. Man would not know how the earth came to be unless God had told man the details. Genesis is part of the “law of Moses,” so we know that Moses wrote Genesis. It may have been written during the 40-year wandering in the wilderness.
Let’s take a fresh look at Genesis 1:
Notice, first, that Moses does not set out to describe or define “God.”
Let me point out here that some people, who are confused about the dating-methods of earth, try to squeeze millions of years in-between verse 1 and verse 2. The Hebrew grammar will not allow millions of years to transpire between verse 1 and verse 2. Verse 2 begins right where verse 1 left off: “God created the heavens and the earth and this earth (Moses is writing), was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep.”
Moses describes this original creation because he is going to elaborate on how God is going to give this earth form and life and light (see Isaiah 45:18). God created the earth with the purpose that it would be inhabited. In fact, the whole point of the earth’s creation was for man’s dwelling place. That fact, in and of itself, refutes the theory of evolution that teaches everything has happened by accident, by chance.
The first thing we observe here is that God created light. This light is not the light from the sun because God will not create the sun until Day 4. So, wherever this light originated, it was not the sun.
It seems to me that God created light first in order to set the stage and the pattern for Him creating the world in six days. While the “24-hour cycle” did not apparently begin until God created the sun on Day 4, I think we are safe in seeing these first three days as long as the last three days, as days of 24 hour cycles. I suggest this because after He created “light” and separating it from darkness on Day 1, God then defines every day afterwards as “there was evening and there was morning, one day.”
GOD GIVES THE EARTH LIFE – Plants and the Sun: 1:11-19:
Please note here that God created the Law of Biogenesis here on Day 3. These plants were to produce “after their kind, with seed in them.” The Law of Biogenesis supports the doctrine of special creation, not the doctrine of evolution.
On Day 4, we have another evidence that these days were not millions of years long. We all know that plants need sunshine to make food. But if plants were created on Day 3, how could they have survived for millions of years before God created the sun on Day 4? The fact is, these days were normal days, as we understand them, and God created the sun on Day 4 to provide the food that plants need.
GOD GIVES THE EARTH LIFE – Animals: 1:20-25:
God created water-dwelling animals. He also created sky-dwelling animals. Every living creature that moves, God created and placed here. Please note again the reference to the Law of Biogenesis: these creatures reproduced “after their kind.” That’s not what evolution teaches but it is what we find in science.
GOD GIVES THE EARTH LIFE – Humans: 1:26-31:
Finally, we have recorded the creation of God’s crowning achievement, human kind. We are made on a special day, our own day, in a special way, “in the image” of God. The whole rest of the Bible is focused on this unique creation of man.
Among the unique aspects of man’s creation, we see:
1. He is made in the image of God, in distinction from the animal creation.
2. He is to rule over and have dominion over the animal creation.
3. He is to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, and subdue it.
4. He is to eat and enjoy the life that God has given him; here, it is plants. Following the flood of Noah’s day, our diet will also include animals.
Science supports what Genesis tells us about the creation of the world. We know that everything around us came from somewhere. The book of Genesis tells us where: God. We see the power of God in His creation, the wisdom of God, His love for His creation – all of it, including and especially mankind.
This wonderful creation we see around us and enjoy should compel us to worship God and love Him and serve Him with all of our being.
Let the creation remind you of the power and love of our God in heaven.
Paul Holland