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I’ll be a blue-nosed gopher

Please Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts

    Old Bill was quite a strange fellow who fell victim to a rare mental disorder, the Cotard Delusion — a condition in which the affected person holds the delusional belief that he or she is already dead. One morning he awoke thoroughly convinced that he was dead! His wife did her best to persuade him that he was still very much alive, but he clung to the delusion that he was dead. Bill’s children and grandchildren all had a go at convincing the old fellow that he was still in the land of the living, but he point-blank refused to believe it. He knew that he was dead and nobody would persuade him otherwise.

Eventually his family became so concerned that they took him to a psychiatrist. The doctor spent many hours with Bill over several weeks, but all his skills were of no avail as the stubborn old gentleman continued to insist that he was stone cold dead. After one particularly fruitless session the psychiatrist was ready to give up. But just then an idea struck him.

Taking down his medical books, he used them to illustrate the irrefutable scientific fact that dead people do not bleed. After about an hour he asked, “So Bill, do you agree that dead men don’t bleed?” “Of course,” agreed Bill, “everybody knows that!” “And do you still insist that you are dead?” “Doc, I’ve told you a thousand times, I’m as dead as a doornail.” At this point the psychiatrist took a pin and suddenly jammed it into Old Bill’s thumb. Immediately a trickle of blood leaked out. “So, what do you think now!” said the psychiatrist triumphantly. “Well, I’ll be a blue-nosed gopher,” Bill exclaimed, “dead men do bleed!”

At times I’ve been like Old Bill in the refusing to budge from my preconceived notions and foregone conclusions. The attitude exhibited was “I know what I believe—I’ve made up my mind, so don’t confuse me with the facts!”

Brothers and sisters, let’s fight against such tendencies—especially regarding spiritual truth—and be receptive to what God has clearly indicated in His Word; whether by declaration, command, example, or necessarily implication. When we ascertain what God has said about any matter, we may have confidence that what He says is accurate and true. As Jesus prayed for His disciples, He asked of His Father, “Sanctify them through the truth; your Word is truth” (John 17:17).

I love the attitude, “If God said it, that settles it.” This is the attitude every Christian should take when it comes to learning, loving and obeying God’s inspired and inspiring Word.

By Johnny Hester

Thanksgiving 2022

A day of Thanksgiving was first ordered by our first President, George Washington.  He offered the following proclamation on October 3, 1789. (Take note of how often the President of the United States gave thanks to God.  We have not heard this from our presidents in recent years.)

Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor– and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

As we enjoy our Thanksgiving feast, surrounded by loved ones, in our comfortable homes, let us remember; “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning”(Jm.1:17).This Thanksgiving Day pray for our nation, give thanks for your blessings, and enjoy the day with family.

-Dennis Doughty







Shakey went to a psychiatrist.  “Doc,” he said, “I’ve got trouble.

Every time I get into bed, I think there’s somebody under it.  I get under the bed, I think there’s somebody on top of it.  Top, under, top, under …  you gotta help me, I’m going crazy!”

“Just put yourself in my hands for two years,” said the doctor.

“Come to me three times a week, and I’ll cure your fears.”

“How much do you charge?”

“A hundred dollars per visit.”

“I’ll think about it,” said Shakey.

Six months later the doctor met Shakey on the street.  “Why didn’t you ever come to see me again?” asked the psychiatrist.

“For a hundred bucks a visit?  A friend cured me for ten dollars.”

“Is that so!  How?”

“He told me to cut the legs off the bed!”

I suppose that’s one way to conquer your fears!  Most of us, though, have fears which are much more difficult to overcome — fear of failure, fear of dying, fear of letting others down, fear of living alone, just to name a few.

And, as you read through the Bible, you see that fear is not unique to those of us in the 21st century.  One phrase that reappears over and over throughout the Bible is the phrase, “Do not be afraid!”  In fact, if you’re looking for a good topic for a personal or small group Bible study, take the time to see just how often (and on what occasions) that phrase is spoken.

There is one positive attribute which is strongly contrasted to fear in the scriptures.  Jesus often told his apostles and others, “Do not be afraid, only believe.”  It is evident that growing in faith will cause us to have less fear, and that often fear is the direct result of a struggle with our faith.

If you are living in fear this day, may these words of Jesus spoken to his apostles serve as a comfort to you:

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27)

May you know that peace he offers.

Have a great day!

Alan Smith


The following story is told about a United Airlines gate agent in Denver, Colorado who was confronted with a passenger who probably deserved to fly as cargo:

During the final days at Denver’s old Stapleton airport, a crowded United flight was canceled.  A single agent was rebooking a long line of inconvenienced travelers.

Suddenly an angry passenger pushed his way to the desk.  He slapped his ticket down on the counter and said, “I HAVE to be on this flight and it has to be FIRST CLASS.”

The agent replied, “I’m sorry sir.  I’ll be happy to try to help you, but I’ve got to help these folks first, and I’m sure we’ll be able to work something out.”

The passenger was unimpressed.  He asked loudly, so that the passengers behind him could hear, “Do you have any idea who I am?”

Without hesitating, the gate agent smiled and grabbed her public address microphone.  “May I have your attention please?” she began, her voice bellowing throughout the terminal.  “We have a passenger here at the gate WHO DOES NOT KNOW WHO HE IS.  If anyone can help him find his identity, please come to gate 17.”

The folks behind him in line began laughing hysterically.  Although the flight was canceled and people were late, they were no longer angry at United.

I grew up in a time when people spent a lot of time trying to “find themselves” (though I never quite figured out exactly what they were looking for).   Do we have any idea who we are?  Those of us who are Christians are children of God.  That doesn’t make us “special”, but it does give meaning to our lives.

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.” (Romans 8:14-17)

Have a great day!

Alan Smith


How We Show Our Love 

It is fairly easy for us to identify those of our families and friends who love us. If they really love us their love for us will be shown in many ways. Consider the following…

  1. They will make efforts to spend time with us.
  2. They are happy when with us.
  3. They make sacrifices for us.
  4. They sympathize with our pain.
  5. They easily forgive us when we offend.
  6. They listen to us talk about our problems.
  7. They speak words of encouragement to us when we are down.
  8. They are always there when we need them.
  9. They do thoughtful things for us.

These are just a few ways in which we verify another’s love for us. Now consider these thoughts from God’s perspective. How can He identify those who love Him? How does He verify those who truly love Him?

  1. They will make efforts to spend time with Him in worship.
  2. They are happy when they are with Him in worship.
  3. They make sacrifices for Him (e.g., time, offerings, etc.).
  4. They allow Him to sympathize with their pain in life.
  5. They get forgiveness from Him when they sin.
  6. They take their problems to Him so He can help.
  7. They hear His words of encouragement from His Word.
  8. They always come to Him when they need Him.
  9. They do thoughtful things for Him (e.g., help someone in need, teach someone about Jesus, do a good deed for others, etc.).

Are you showing your love for God? Can your love for God be verified by your actions? Think about it!

Kevin Williams

Get and follow good advice

Where do you go for advice? Who do you listen to? When do you feel the greatest need for guidance?

You can find advice everywhere. Just ask your neighbor. Turn on any television channel. Walk into any bookstore or library. Websites abound with people telling you what to think or do or urging you how to feel.

But not all advice is good. Much of what people recommend you to do will actually get you into trouble.

The person is greatly blessed “who does not follow the advice of the wicked” Psalm 1.1. But seldom does the advice of the wicked sound wicked. It is couched in terms to make you think you are doing the best thing possible.

Proverbs is a book of great advice, even about listening to advice.

“The way of a fool is right in his own opinion, but the one who listens to advice is wise” Proverbs 12.15.

“Listen to advice and receive discipline, that you may become wise by the end of your life” Proverbs 19.12.

Great men have listened to good advice. The powerful Pharoah listened to Joseph’s good advice, Genesis 41.36-38. Moses, leader of Israel and the meekest man of all, listened to his father-in-law’s wise counsel, Exodus 18. Listening to good advice is strength, not weakness.

The Bible gives great advice to those who know how to listen.

What is the best advice of all?

It’s hard to pick a single text, but these words from the Lord Jesus Christ must figure near the top of the list.

“Do not work for the food that disappears, but for the food that remains to eternal life—the food which the Son of Man will give to you. For God the Father has put his seal of approval on him” John 6.27.

There is so much here in this concise piece of advice.

One, don’t work for the wrong thing. Are you focused on material things? Do your efforts have only physical good attached to them? How foolish to work so hard for things that perish! How silly to worry with ephemeral things!

Two, work for the right thing: eternal life. This is what matters. When you and I face the portal of death, we will have a single concern: What lies beyond? What awaits us in the Afterlife? Are we prepared this very minute to step through that portal?

‘Tis but a step away, the door of death,
The heart will fail to beat, with loss of breath;
Then go we all to Hades’ dark abode,
Where we will face the hardest debt we’ve owed.

Three, you must work hard for it, but ultimately eternal life is the gift that Christ gives. It cannot be earned, but it must be sought, Hebrews 11.6. It cannot be bought, but all must be surrendered for it, Mark 8.34-38. Half-hearted effort is no effort at all. If we do not give all, we will gain nothing but grief.

Four, if you really want what matters, eternal life, you must go to the right person. Jesus is the only one who has God’s approval. He received it at his immersion and at the transfiguration. His resurrection was proof of the Father’s approval. Jesus said,

“For this is the will of my Father—for everyone who looks on the Son and believes in him to have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day” John 6.40.

Only a fool spurns good advice. And only a fool’s fool ignores the sweet counsel of Christ to prepare for eternity.

J. Randal Matheny

The word GOD is a family name

The Godhead?

Question: Are Jesus and God the same person?

Reply: No, they are two distinct beings. Both are members of the Godhead. It consists of three members – God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit.  The Godhead Is mentioned three times In the New Testament – Acts 17:29, Romans 1:20 and Colossians 2:9.

It will help you to understand that the word GOD Is a family name. It means divinity, deity, or divine nature. “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). In that verse, “God” Is plural (Elohim). This explains verse 26 where the Bible reads “let US make man In OUR Image.” Both Jesus (Col. 1:15-16) and the Holy Spirit (Psa. 104:30) helped in the creation.

Jesus is the only member of the Godhead who has taken on human form (Col. 2:9).

There are many passages where all three are mentioned as separate, distinct personalities. Read Matthew 28:19, John 14:26, John 15:26, Ephesians 4:4-6.

Additionally, note the prayer of Jesus In John 17:1-26. Jesus the Son was praying to God the Father. Read verse 21: “that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I In You; that they also may be one In Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me.” Was Jesus talking to Himself?

Why does Jesus say that “I and My Father are one?”  Because in many way they are – in unity, power, purpose, love, grace, divine nature and characteristics. But they are separate beings. A husband and wife are said to be “one” (Matt. 19:6). But they’ are still two distinct people. So It Is with God the Father and Jesus the Son.

– by Roger Hillis

Why Some Are Not Saved

It grieves God that myriads of people are lost. He paid the ultimate price for our sins, through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ, so that all might be saved (John 3:16; Romans 5:8-9; 2 Peter 3:9). What are some reasons, then, why multitudes remain in their sins and will be eternally lost (Mathew 7:13-14)?

Some have allowed the devil to snatch the Word out of their hearts (Matthew 13:19; Luke 8:12). He cunningly deceives them with his “thou shall not’s” as he did with Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:4-5). He is called “the great dragon,” “that old serpent” and “the Devil and Satan who deceives the whole world” for good reason (Revelation 12:9).

Some, not loving truth, even to the point of despising it, have been deceived. Paul graphically described such a process along with its results (2 Thessalonians 2:3-15). They exchange the truth for the “pleasure in unrighteousness” (2 Thessalonians 2:12).

Some simply love sin (John 3:19). Our current culture reflects the words of the Lord, for we surely live in a time wherein people are thrilled by the “darkness” of sin rather than the “light” of truth! A large segment of the populace revel in unrighteousness.

Some diligently seek the praises of men more than the praise of God (John 12:42-43). Many crave the praise of their peers. It has long been and continues to be the goal of a large segment of humanity. Trading God’s approval for the praise of man is not a smart decision (2 Timothy 2:15; Matthew 16:24-26).

Some follow man’s religion instead of following Jesus (Matthew 10:37-38). It may be the religion one’s parents, as seen in the above text. It may be the religion of a favorite theologian or philosopher. Whoever it may be, there is no substitute for the Christ. In Him alone is salvation found and are all spiritual blessings enjoyed (Acts 4:12; Ephesians 1:3).

Some mistakenly trust in their personal morality to save them (Romans 1:16; Ephesians 5:23). The centurion Cornelius was of impeccable character and morality, and yet, it was necessary for him to hear, believe and obey the Gospel to be saved (Acts 10:1-4, 22, 33, 43, 47; 11:14).

Some just neglect salvation (Hebrews 2:3). Though of vital importance, religion is allowed to slide to the back burnerif not completely off the stove! Lots of folks talk about their “bucket list,” but when it comes to spiritual things, their buckets have no bottom! Sadly, this phenomenon is not just true of “worldlings,” but it is also true of many church members. The writer of Hebrews was, after all, writing to Christians!

Let us ever be on guard and never neglect the “great salvation” only realized and received in Christ!

Edward Anderson

Why World Evangelism Matters

We live in America, and so, naturally, that’s where most of our focus lies. We read news about our country, know about the leaders of our country and are concerned about the issues of it. Yet, if we’re serious about the Gospel – Jesus’ call to go into all the world (Matthew 28:19-20) –  shouldn’t we be concerned about the morality of other places on the globe as well as morality in our own country?

Specifically, shouldn’t we be concerned about the fact that 336,000,000 babies have been aborted over the last 42 years (as of 2013)? That’s 336 million. The 50 million or so babies aborted in the US during the same time frame disgusts us, and so, what should our reaction be to the multiplied problem in other countries?

To put that huge 336 million figure in perspective, the number of abortions in China over the last 42 years is more than:

  • the entire population of the world during the Crusades (AD 1100)
  • the combined deaths caused by the Bubonic Plague (100M), the Chinese famine (45M), the 1918 flu pandemic (40M), HIV/AIDS (25M), the Holocaust (13M) and the Civil War (.8M)
  • the combined deaths of the 10 deadliest wars in human history
  • the combined populations of the United States and Australia

Pretty scary, isn’t it? Now, no one is counting on government to overcome the great evil happening in that country (and the same is true for ours). The only thing that will halt the murder of innocent babies is the Gospel, and the responsibility for getting the Gospel to people who don’t have it lies heavily on the shoulders of the ones who do have the Gospel. That’s us! It’s our job to reach people around the world with God’s message of hope and truth. Only then might we see the staggering numbers from China decrease. They need the Gospel. Today, I hope you’ll take a moment to thank God for missionaries who give their lives to take the Gospel to distant places.

Chad Ezelle

Just Keep On Paddling

I had the opportunity to attend a meeting of the Alabama Scenic River Trail this past Monday. I was amazed to find out that there are over 5,300 miles of accessible waterways in the State of Alabama. It was stated that this mileage is more than any other state except Alaska. The main portion of the River Trail runs 650 miles from the waterways of northeast Alabama to Fort Morgan in the Gulf of Mexico. It is amazing that this state has such a topography, from the mountains of the north to the beaches in the south.

One of the speakers at the meeting was a gentleman that my coworker and I guessed to be in his 70s. Earlier this year, he and a relative, in two kayaks, paddled the entire 650 miles of the main trail. It took them 34 days to complete it. It was amazing to hear him recount the trip. I cannot imagine paddling across a pond, much less paddling for 34 consecutive days. Some days, he said, they went maybe 3 or 4 miles, while some days they went 18 or more miles. It depended on conditions and weather. The point was, however, no matter what the conditions, they just kept paddling.

At one point, he was talking about the strong headwinds that they occasionally faced, especially as they neared the gulf and the final stretch. He said when those strong headwinds came, “You either paddle or you go backwards.” That phrase really struck me. I mentioned it to my wife, and her reaction was basically the same as mine: “That sounds like life to me.”

Sometimes in life, the going is not difficult. We can kind of put it in cruise control and do alright. The paddling is easy at that point with very little resistance. We still have to paddle, but it is just not as difficult. However, when difficulties come, when things are not easy or when we face the rough seas, that is when we have to make the concerted effort to keep on keeping on. Either we paddle or we go backwards.

John recorded these words of Jesus to the church in Smyrna in Revelation 2:8-11.

And to the angel of the church in Smyrna write, These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death. (NKJV)

Paddle or go backwards. Stay faithful even in the face of persecution and difficulty. A good portion of the New Testament epistles are written to encourage Christians to stay the course or to be faithful no matter what comes their way. It was obvious from the words of the kayaker that sometimes the paddling was not taking him forward, but it took all of his strength to keep from going backward. There are times in life when we feel like we are paddling as hard as we can, and yet, we cannot see any progress at that moment. What we have to do is to keep on paddling. Eventually, with the help of God, we will begin to move through the problems and difficulties that blow against us like a heavy wind. We will see the victory if we just keep on paddling.

When the kayaker reached Fort Morgan, all of his efforts paid off. Every sore muscle was vindicated, and strong headwinds were overcome. He enjoyed the journey, but he was excited to reach his goal. Let’s enjoy the journey, despite the difficulties and hardships we may face. Let’s live life in service to God. Let’s decide that we are going to paddle instead of letting life take us backwards and away from God. Remember, paddle or go backwards!

Dean Kelly

People are making decisions about God that are not based on good informatio

…the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness” (Titus 1:1)

I was a juror in a trial involving a man whose dog had attacked a bicyclist, injuring her enough that it required hospitalization.  He denied that it was his dog, and there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that it was his dog.  We let the guy go.  After the trial was over, the judge came in to thank us.  She also told us that this was the fourth time that man’s dog had attacked someone.  I was pretty upset!  That was the kind of information that we needed, but according to law, it was ‘inadmissible in court.’  We had made a decision that was based upon the information we had, but it wasn’t good enough or thorough enough.

Today people are making decisions about God that are not based on good information.  Their view of God is based upon their own feelings (terrible source), their family and friends (not a good source), or even their religious leaders (not always a reliable source).

If there is one area that we must absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt have good information, it is about God.  Our eternal life is dependent upon our knowing God.  Notice: God will “deal out retribution to those who do not know God” (2 Thessalonians 1:8; See also John 17:3).

When Paul wrote the letter to Titus, he described the work Titus had to do on the island of Crete, and it was wrapped around the idea of giving them “the knowledge of the truth.”  Without that knowledge, there is no way to be godly, and without godliness there is no hope of eternal life (Titus 1:2).  It was crucial that they receive good information, because there were lots of lies being spread (Titus 1:12).  Sounds like today, doesn’t it?

Bible study isn’t just a nice thing that Christians do.  It is an essential, life-saving activity.  The Bible is from God; therefore, it will never give us bad information or incomplete information.  What we believe and practice is based upon the Bible.  What we know about God is based upon His revelation of Himself in the Bible.

Point to Ponder

  • What grade would you give yourself when it comes to Bible study?  An A? B? Or maybe even worse?
  • As children of God, should we not devote ourselves to the study of His word?

Denny Petrillo

Airplanes & Lightning

Some things just don’t mix. Oil and water. Orange juice and toothpaste. Forks and power outlets. Feet and LEGO’s.  Of all the bad combinations, one would think airplanes and lightning would be near the top. However, in this amazing age of technology, lightning poses very little threat to airplanes.  In fact, “It’s estimated that lightning strikes each plane in the U.S. commercial fleet about once a year without any serious consequences” (CNN).

According to William Voss, the president and CEO of the Flight Safety Foundation, “Since the 1930s, it’s been clearly understood that aircraft will be subjected to lightning strikes, so they’re sort of designed to take it” (ibid). With modern technology and materials, today’s planes essentially act as an extension cord to the lightning. The lightning is channeled around the skin of the plane and then back out into the atmosphere through antenna-like devices. When lightning strikes a plane, the passengers usually don’t even realize it happened.

It’s hard to know just how much time, money, and research has gone into lightning protection for our aircraft. However, one thing is for certain —  airplanes need lightning protection. One strike without protection could be catastrophic.

A typical lightning flash is about 300 million Volts and about 30,000 Amps (most household outlets carry 120 Volts and 15 Amps). There is no doubt that lightning is powerful.  And yet, lightning is an effortless power for God!

As Jeremiah stated so eloquently, “It is He who made the earth by His power, who established the world by His wisdom; and by His understanding He has stretched out the heavens. When He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and He causes the clouds to ascend from the end of the earth; He makes lightning for the rain, and brings out the wind from His storehouses” (10:12-13).

Job said it this way, “Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, the thundering of His pavilion?  Behold, He spreads His lightning about Him, and He covers the depths of the sea…He covers His hands with the lightning, and commands it to strike the mark.  Its noise declares His presence…” (36:29-30, 32-33).

We serve an awesomely powerful God.  One who has created forces on this earth, like lightning, which are so powerful we need protection from them just to keep living!  No other is more deserving of our fear, honor, praise, and worship than the Lord.

Brett Petrillo

Christians still prefer the rich. How crazy is that?!

The rich, as a rule, love their riches. Jesus observed how difficult it is for the rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Matthew 19.23. As well, many saints, whose eyes are impressed by wealth, give preference to the more well-off in life.

Therefore, it is necessary that we all, as brothers and sisters who love each other without prejudice or conditions, hear again the word of God, which discounts completely the possessions that a person has, for “one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” Luke 12.15.

God does not make his choices randomly. He does not choose the poor of this world because he is prejudiced against the rich. He did not decide, before creating the world, that he would save a certain group or a certain class of people. His choice is based upon the response of faith and love on the part of individuals, when the Good News is proclaimed to them. There is no merit in material poverty, besides helping a person, at times, be more receptive to the word of God.

God’s plan also does not have as a goal to make the poor rich or to change one’s life situation. In fact, one principle of the Christian’s conduct is this: “Nevertheless, as the Lord has assigned to each one, as God has called each person, so must he live. I give this sort of direction in all the churches” 1 Corinthians 7.17. Paul said this applies everywhere. The writer of Hebrews tells us,

“Your conduct must be free from the love of money and you must be content with what you have, for he has said, ‘I will never leave you and I will never abandon you.’” Hebrews 13.5.

There is in the New Testament no promise of material or financial gain to those who follow the Lord Jesus. He does promise the eternal Kingdom, 2 Peter 1.11; eternal life, Jude 21; James 1.12; eternal salvation, Hebrews 5.9; and an eternal inheritance, 1 Peter 1.4.

In his letter, James draws a great contrast between those who see with the eyes of the world and the divine perspective. If we are really God’s children, will we not see things — and people — from his perspective?

“Listen, my dear brothers and sisters! God chose the poor in the world to be rich with faith and to receive the kingdom God promised to those who love him” James 2.5 NCV.

The New Century Version, cited above, translates plainly the writer’s original rhetorical question. In question form, James probably wanted to provoke some thought on the part of his readers and point up the absurdity of showing preference to the rich.

People today have testified that it still happens in our congregations. Elders make decisions that reflect the preferences of the largest givers. The sins of the rich get overlooked. Those with nicer clothes and cars get special treatment. How crazy is that?!

Are there exceptions to Jesus’ rule about the pride of the rich and their difficulty entering his Kingdom? Absolutely! We all probably know some humble rich people of faith. But the rule still holds.

Why then treat them differently? Perhaps our own love for wealth causes us to demonstrate such scandalous conduct and thereby keep ourselves from the eternal Kingdom where true wealth is laid up.

Let us never neglect or forget the little ones who belong to the Lord.

J. Randal Matheny

Second Impression: The Ark

Let’s take a second look at one of the more familiar accounts from the Old Testament: the flood of Noah, and specifically the ark that the patriarch built.

The ark is often portrayed in storybooks, decorations, and toys as a small tugboat-like vessel. These depictions of the ark make it so tiny that there is barely room for the few animals on it. The giraffes, elephants, tigers, and a few other favorite zoo creatures are hanging out the window or over the sides. This visual description of the ark is nothing at all like what we see in scripture.

In Genesis 6:14-16, the Lord commands Noah to make an ark out of gopher wood. The size of that ark was to be 300 cubits in length, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits tall. A cubit would have been somewhere around eighteen inches. The picture below shows what that would look like if you used 17.5″ for your cubit measurement. As you can see, the ark dwarfs not only a 747 but also the largest land animals. John C, Whitcomb (The World That Perished) writes that the three decks of the ark would have been the equivalent of 20 basketball courts. Whitcomb and Henry M. Morris (The Genesis Flood) report the ark’s 1,396,000 cubic feet would have been equal to 522 railroad stock cars. Because the different kinds (note: not species!) were all represented, the math shows that there would have been plenty of room on the ark. John Morris and Time LaHaye (The Ark of Ararat) suggest that the animals would have only used about thirty-six percent of available floor space. Regardless, there would have been plenty of space in the ark. That is only true if we think of the massive real ark, not the miscast tiny one!

There are many more misconceptions in the account of Noah and the ark.

  1. Miscast: Only two animals of each kind went aboard. Reality: Two of each unclean animal and seven pairs of each clean went aboard the ark (Gen. 7:2-3).
  2. Miscast: All the animals were represented on the ark. Reality: Only land-dwelling animals went aboard (Gen. 7:8).
  3. Miscast: Many try to explain the flood away as a local flood. Reality: Not only was all the earth covered with water, but the water was 15 cubits (about 22 feet) above the highest hill. This is important because it would keep the ark from dragging and being damaged (Gen. 7:17-20).
  4. Miscast: All the animals not in the boat died. Reality: Only the land-dwellers died (Gen. 7:21-23).
  5. Miscast: Often, the scene in the storybooks shows a steady rain, the floodwaters slowly rising, and the ark gently floating along. Reality: This was a day of judgment. Can you imagine the calamity as the skies above and the depths below emptied? The storms, thunder, tornadoes, lightning, earthquakes, and volcanoes would have been devastating. The cries from the perishing would have been gut-wrenching. The floating dead would have littered the waterways. Surely the smells of death and stagnant water would have been overwhelming.

Our first impression of the ark may have been miscast by the way the toys, storybooks, and decorations have pictured the ark and the scene around it. God’s word gives us a second impression which teaches us the love of God’s grace to those who are faithful and obedient, and the punishment that comes to those who reject Him. His ark is always big enough for us!

For more about the ark and the flood of Noah, visit  Much research for this article began there.

Corey Sawyers

Blind to duty

Don’t me and my family require the highest degree of concern and protection? Me first. Then, maybe, I can do something or other for my family. That is, if they’re good to me. After that, if there’s any extra time, money, or good will, we can think about church and neighbors, and throw in a stranger or two for good measure. And for my country? Nah, why bother with patriotism for a nation well on its journey down the tubes?

Isn’t that pretty much the idea these days of priorities and commitments? Gone is any sense of duty beyond me and mine.

So the following words from Lot sound like they come from another planet.

“Please, my friends, don’t be so wicked,” he said. “Look, I have two daughters who have never had sex. Why don’t you let me bring them out to you? Do whatever you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, since I’m responsible for them” (Genesis 19:7-8 GW).

The men of Sodom were at his door intending to commit aggression and sexual assault. Lot was a good man, if rather naive or stupid. He had moved to this godless city for material benefit, but failed to see how living there would harm his family.

And now he has visitors under his roof. We today have little idea of the importance of hospitality in those days. Lot knew he was responsible for their well-being. If anything happened to his guests, he was to blame, so it fell upon him to protect them at all costs — he even offers his daughters to the perverse men as a tactic to protect his visitors.

Some see Lot as being hypocritical here, and they may well be right. In Sodom he has tried the live-and-let-live philosophy until now. He should have known that at some point that approach would come back to bite him.

For all his faults and missteps, however, Lot has this acute sense of duty and he seeks every recourse to fulfill it. In that he is most worthy of imitation.

In our day, mainly the military retains a sense of duty. Our society now nurtures the entitlement philosophy. People want what they think is due them — and it’s always more than what they have. Nobody thinks anymore of what is required of them.

Verses like the following get cut from today’s religion.

“Moreover, it is required of stewards that they be found faithful” (1 Corinthians 4:2 ESV).

“So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, ‘We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty’” (Luke 17:10).

“And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your good?” (Deuteronomy 10:12-13).

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8).

“For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to lay on you no greater burden than these requirements” (Acts 15:28).

“Therefore, brothers, pick out from among you seven men of good repute, full of the Spirit and of wisdom, whom we will appoint to this duty” (Acts 6:3).

Each age of time develops its own foibles and wrongs. One of the great points of blindness of ours is that it lacks a sense of duty.

Will the saints of God be blind in this as well?

A. A. Neale

“I’ll Watch My Language”

Several years ago my brother and I went golfing. Just being the two of us, we were paired up with two other guys in order to make a party of four. Not too long after we began playing, a lot of bad words and inappropriate topics were discussed between the two guys (particularly by one guy). Eventually, the conversation turned towards our careers. I explained that I was a youth minister. The one with the dirtiest mouth responded, “Oh sorry…I will watch my language.”

I found this whole situation interesting. Up until that point, the man had absolutely no hesitation or care about what he was saying. Why did this man suddenly feel the need to watch his words? This led me to a few observations, not only about this man, but about our society.

  1. He knew his language was morally wrong. Otherwise, why would he feel the need to apologize for his language and refrain from it?  This man knew there are certain things God disapproves of. God has placed within us a conscience and morals to help us make the right decisions (1 Samuel 24:5f; Romans 2:14-16; etc). Deep down, most people know what is ethically right and wrong. Sadly, this “moral code” is often suppressed because of our selfish desires.
  1. He wanted to put on a “good front.” Now that he knew a minister was around, he felt the need to show that he was better than he actually was. It was as if he saw me as some sort of watchdog or reporting agent to God. No matter what he thought, for whatever reason, he simply want to appear better (Matthew 6:1-7; 15:8-9; etc).
  1. He was reminded that God expects different behavior. Just telling him my occupation produced a change in behavior. He know that God is pure and frowns on contrary behavior. He knew, at some level, that God expects better.

While I doubt this created any lasting change, it was at least one more reminder that God holds us to a higher standard. It may seem like God is being purged out of our society, but deep down many people still hold to some level of respect for God and inner morality (Romans 1:18-20). Let’s make sure we stand up for this higher morality. Let’s show ourselves to be a light for God (Matthew 5:14-16). And let’s show people how a true follower of God speaks and acts (Colossians 3:9).

Brett Petrillo

Steadfast Integrity – Round #2 Job 2:1-10


Having failed in that initial mission, Satan goes for round two. Let’s read the second conversation between Satan and God; 2:1-6.

The conversation is almost identical but notice God’s assessment of Satan’s first effort: “He still holds fast his integrity although you incited Me against him to ruin him without cause.” Satan, you failed! That’s God’s message to the adversary. “You failed!” God knew Job better than Satan did.

Satan has a second proposal. “Affect the man’s health,” the adversary says, “and he’ll curse you.” Every man has a price right? At some point, every man and woman will curse God – all Satan has to do is squeeze the vice tighter. That’s his implication. How true is it? That’s a question only you and I can answer.

As earlier, God gives the adversary some freedom but He also limits Satan’s power: “Behold, he is in your power, only spare his life.” God keeps Satan limited so that he cannot tempt us beyond what we are able to bear. That is a promise from the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:13.

Satan, then, goes as far as God’s leash will allow him to go, 2:7-8. We do not have the time to point out other references to this physical condition that Satan gave Job. We do not know what it is, but people could not stand to be around Job. They could not look at him. His breath stunk. He was all alone, except for his wife.


In these first two chapters, Satan concludes his attack against Job by influencing Job’s wife who basically sides with the adversary.

Mrs. Job was hurting as much as Job, at least from the perspective of having lost all her children. She simply did not believe that Job was gaining anything by maintaining his innocence! “Accept God’s punishment, die, and get it over with.” Mrs. Job believed that doctrine that if you are suffering, it’s God’s punishment for your sin.

I believe Job also believed that doctrine. But now the facts have hit close to home and Job cannot see that he has sinned so that he deserves this type of punishment. Please observe once again the observation of the author about the character of Job in 2:10: “In all this Job did not sin with his lips.”

Whatever else we can say about Job or hear from his mouth, in these first two chapters, we have had five statements about Job’s righteousness and two of those statements have come out of the mouth of God!

Job maintains his integrity through the following series of speeches and dialogues between him and his four friends. They accuse Job of receiving what he deserves. Job responds by arguing that he doesn’t deserve what he’s receiving. But, Job never turns his back on God! That is an important point to make.


God shows up on the scene in chapter 38 and gives four chapters of speeches. Job repents of his thoughts about God (42:6).

But let’s see what God has to say about Job, 42:7-9. God was not pleased with the theology of Job’s friends. Their theology was wrong and wrongly applied in Job’s case. God tells Eliphaz that the friends needed to take their animal sacrifices and go to Job and have Job pray for them. Otherwise, God would treat them as their folly deserves! Observe that God says, “You have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has.”

The friends take their sacrifices to Job; he prays for them and notice the last statement of verse 9: “the Lord accepted Job.”

We need to live so that our behavior will reflect our beliefs. That is a life of integrity. If our beliefs are based on proper theology, then God will be pleased with our behavior.

Paul Holland

He’s Not In the Book

As a child, my favorite Disney movie was Winnie the Pooh, the adventures of the cuddly bear “stuffed with fluff,” based on the classic books by A.A Milne. One of the stories in the film tells of the time Pooh gets stuck in the entrance to Rabbit’s burrow because he’s had too much to eat. As they try to figure out what to do, a new critter appears – Gopher. Gopher has a habit of whistling out his consonants and seeks to solve digging problems with extreme tools like dynamite.

There is one witty line, though, which Gopher consistently utters. Whenever the chatty mammal leaves the scene his parting words are, “Remember, I’m not in the book.” As a kid, I always took this to mean he’s not in the phonebook (yes those were still around then) and you could only get in touch with him if he gave you a business card. It wasn’t until many years later that I realized the pun. Gopher is NOT one of A.A. Milne’s characters, and therefore, is not in the book. His existence in the story of Winnie the Pooh only happens because someone with creative authority chose to put him there.

The Bible tells the story of God’s interaction with mankind. In its pages we follow, specifically, the narrative of his redemptive work through Jesus to rescue lost humanity from condemning sin. These words were composed within the limited scope of roughly 1,500 years of human history. Like Gopher, you and I are not technically “in the book,” and thus one might think, not a part of the story. However, the story of Christ’s redemptive work did not stop with the completion of Scripture.

The Bible has been preserved to show people in all eras that God’s plan is for this salvation story to continue to the end of time. Jesus prayed in John 17:20-21, “I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

When we submit to the Lordship of Jesus through our obedient faith, something wonderful happens. We are added to the story! Paul describes it in Colossians 1:13-14, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.”

Walt Disney added Gopher to A.A. Milne’s characters because he had been given the creative license to do so. We can be added to the salvation story of Jesus because God has the authority as the author to do so. What a joy it is to know when you read your Bible, the book may be finished, but the story is not over.

Pick Up the Lettuce

One evening a husband stood at the kitchen counter preparing the salad for supper. All the vegetables laid out, he began slicing and dicing the delectable pieces of his culinary masterpiece. Doesn’t he sound so sweet for helping out around the house?

However, along the way a stray piece of lettuce fell to the floor. Not a major ordeal, right? Yet, instead of taking two seconds to reach down and pick it up, the husband swept it under the edge of the cabinet and said to himself, “My wife will get that later.” So, how sweet does he sound now?

What troubles me about this story is the underlying attitude the husband has towards his wife. It demonstrates a feeling of superiority compared to her, even though it is something as insignificant as picking up a piece of lettuce. To put it another way, he believes himself to be too important to do such a menial task.

When illustrating such a point, we tend to think of extreme cases which no one can argue with. What if the husband had refused to fold laundry by saying, “That’s women’s work?” Or maybe a boss refuses to clean the floors because “I’m the CEO?” We’d understand those better. Yet, you might roll your eyes at the lettuce, thinking this too small an example, but I don’t think so. It demonstrates how the big things start, in small, nearly imperceptible moments. Pile up enough of those small moments and you develop a pattern that leads to bigger expressions of superiority, which become those extremes we often think of.

One of the primary characteristics of Christians in our willingness to serve in ways no one else will. Jesus showed us this in John 13 by washing the disciples’ feet, the menial task they were all too good to do. In Matthew 18:4 he taught us, “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” To humble oneself is to consciously recognize I am no better than anyone else, therefore, I am not above doing any job…even the seemingly meaningless ones.

This week let us examine the attitudes we have toward one another. Let’s work to rid ourselves of those small moments of arrogance which can pile up into larger expressions of arrogance. In other words, reach down and pick up the lettuce.

Cory Waddell


The Compassion of a Father Psalm 128

    Sin will be punished. It must be punished. The nature of God requires for sin to be punished. We will either experience that punishment ourselves, which will be an eternal torture in hell, or we can allow Jesus to experience that punishment for us on the cross. Jesus stood in our place and offered Himself to be punished in our place.

    The compassion of the Father allowed that substitution to take place. We are going to study a psalm today, a psalm which pictures God as Father: Psalm 128.

THE BLESSING – 128:1, 4:

    The word “blessed” means “being a recipient of divine favor.”

    You and I are blessed in every way in which we are “recipients of divine favor.” In this verse, the psalmist writes that we are recipients of divine favor if – “who” – we “fear” the Lord. This “fear” is the attitude of the heart. It is a deep respect for Jehovah God for Who He is and for what He has done for us. “Fear” refers to the attitude of our heart which changes how we live.

    We are also “recipients of divine favor” if, based on our fear of Jehovah God, we “walk in His ways.” That’s the obedience part. This refers to our behavior. It takes more than loving God to be pleasing to God. It takes more than sincerity to be pleasing to God. It takes obedience. It requires us to walk in His ways.

HAPPINESS – 128:2:

    We eat the fruit of our hands when we enjoy the results of our work. This is an agricultural society so they literally enjoyed eating the fruit and vegetables that they themselves had planted. But in a broader sense, the fruit of our hands refers to the enjoyment we get when we receive the benefits of our labor.

    When we do that, we enjoy some relaxing time away from work, away from the stresses of work or the hustle and bustle of life and we are happy. Time off is refreshing and provides renewal. It is well with us when we get away, whether it is for a day, a weekend, or a whole week.

CHILDREN – 128:3:

    In this verse, the psalmist turns his attention to children in the home. Your wife is fruitful like a vine, probably a grape vine, and bears children. Children are like olive plants around the table. I’ve told you one of my most enjoyable experiences is having the family around the table, playing games or just talking. Whatever we’re doing, laughing is usually a part of it.

    Children are a blessing from God. You are a recipient of divine favor if you have children. One child or five. They are a blessing.


    If we as individuals will fear God and walk in His ways, He will bless us as individuals but the blessing will have a broader impact on our larger community. “Zion” is a term for the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the nation of Israel. The Lord would bless from Zion, from the center of His people, probably referring more specifically to the temple that was in Jerusalem.

    There is an ancient proverb that says:

If there is righteousness within the individual, there will be happiness within the home.
If there is happiness within the home, there will be harmony within the nation.
If there is harmony within the nation, there will be peace in the world!

LONGEVITY – 128:6:

    Seeing your grandchildren is a great blessing; seeing your great-grandchildren is an even greater blessing! The patriarch Job was able to see his great-grandchildren, the fourth generation (42:16).

    The compassionate Father desires to show His favor on us. We need to fear Him and walk in His ways.

Paul Holland