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Handling The Pressure

For ages, people have wondered what was on the ocean floor.  On August 15, 1934, Otis Barton and William Beebe came closer than ever before. On that day, they descended to a depth of 3,028 feet into the dark ocean, a record that remained unbroken for 15 years.

The way they achieved this was through a spherical deep-sea submersible called a bathysphere. This submersible was made from very thick cast steel. The most amazing part of this journey was when they went down and turned on the lights. What did they see?  Fish!  These fish were just roaming around as free and careless as ever. How could the fish do this? They simply compensate for the pressure outside by having equal pressure on the inside. These fish did not need thick cast steel to swim around; they were just made that way by God.

In our world, there is an unfair amount of pressure on people. This pressure comes in all forms from almost every angle. Sometimes the pressure of this life is truly enough to break someone. So, how can we handle such pressure?  The answer is not to become thick-skinned. It’s not to become cold and unfeeling. The way to handle the pressure of this life is to compensate with the right power on the inside.

Many great figures in Scripture understood this so very well. David said, “The LORD is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The LORD is the defense of my life; Whom shall I dread?” (Psalm 27:1).

The Lord often reassured people as well during times of great pressure. Noticed what he told Isaiah: “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10).

Whatever pressures we are facing, know that, as Christians, the power in us is greater than any pressure of life (1 John 4:4).

Brett Petrillo

Fast Food Communion

Much of today’s theology is an effort to emulate the practices of those who were closest to Christ in the first century. Finding true Christianity begins at looking at the life of Christ and those who were first-hand witnesses of Him. It is through observation of these lives that one can come to an appreciation and a realization of how important Jesus was in the life of those who were touched by His actions.

One of the most important practices in the life of a Christian is the time spent participating in the Lord’s Supper. In fact, it is so important, that the Lord’s Supper was the basis for the early Apostles to make time in their chaotic agenda to be with the Christians and partake of the meal (Acts 20:7).

Unfortunately, the Lord’s Supper is often seen as just another checkbox in our worship rather than a time of meditation and reflection. Wayne Burger infamously stated, “people often think we come to the assembly to hear a sermon, but in reality we are here for our remembrance of Christ.”

Our world is fast-paced. We get impatient if shipping takes more than two days, if our food takes longer than 5 minutes, and if our drive to work takes an extra 5 minutes due to traffic. Yet in the midst of all this rush we have somehow become okay with expediting our time at the Lord’s table. The general command of Jesus in His installment of the Lord’s Supper was “do this in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). In an effort for us to draw a deeper relation to the Living King, consider some of these thoughts to meditate on in taking the Lord’s Supper:

  • How do I remember Jesus from the scriptures? Even from the events outside the crucifixion?
  • Can I remember the time I first believed in the Christ and how that changed everything?
  • Who was Jesus as a man, and how was He perceived? What all did He accomplish?
  • Who was Jesus as God? How has He been as my Master?
  • How has Christ influenced people I know?
  • What has Jesus given me?

By directing our attention and focus back on Jesus, we realize that the Lord’s Supper is a time for us to commune with our God. It’s a monumental experience for us to deepen our relationship and re-calibrate our minds.

Tyler King

Where Is He?

It’s tempting to run with Jesus’ words in Matthew 24, “But of that day and hour no man knows…only the father.” We might think we’re all set or that he won’t come in our lifetime. I Thessalonians 5.1-3 reinforces the surprise nature of his return. II Peter 3 says the same. For sure, we won’t know when, but it’s good to be reminded that we aren’t promised tomorrow.

The Patriarchal Age lasted roughly 2500 years, the Law was in effect for around 1500 years, and we’ve been in the last age for nearly 2000 years. No one can point to a day, but there’s nothing wrong with living as if He’s coming back in our lifetime.

“Since all of these things will be destroyed, what kind of people should you be in lives of holiness and godliness, waiting for and hurrying God’s return?” (II Pet. 3.11).

“Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (I Thess. 5.1-3).

Gary Pollard

God knows what we do

“The Lord told Jeremiah, ‘Go and buy a clay jar from a potter. Take with you some of the leaders of the people and some of the leaders of the priests. Go out to the part of the Hinnom Valley that is near the entrance of the Potsherd Gate. Announce there what I tell you.’” (Jeremiah 19:1-2 NET)

The Hinnom Valley. In Jeremiah’s time this was an area associated with one activity: idol worship. And not just any false gods were worshipped here but what would seem to be the worst ones, the ones when children were sacrificed. Jeremiah described what went on in this valley to the south of Jerusalem through the words of God himself.

“Look here! I am about to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who hears about it ring. I will do so because these people have rejected me and have defiled this place. They have offered sacrifices in it to other gods that neither they nor their ancestors nor the kings of Judah knew anything about. They have filled it with the blood of innocent children. They have built places here for worship of the god Baal so that they could sacrifice their children as burnt offerings to him in the fire. Such sacrifices are something I never commanded them to make. They are something I never told them to do! Indeed, such a thing never even entered my mind.” (Jeremiah 19:3-5)

You can hear the anguish of God as he described what went on in this valley. Children, innocent children, were offered as sacrifices. From what we know, children were burned alive as sacrifices to Ba’al as well as Molech. Descriptions of Molech worship tell us that the idol was of metal, a fire was lit within it, and infants were placed on the idols superheated outstretched arms to then roll into the fire. Such a thought as this is revolting. It was just as revolting to God – “such a thing never even entered my mind,” God said.

Yet these practices had been going on for years in the shadow of the God’s temple. King Ahaz, Hezekiah’s father, had sacrificed his own son (2 Kings 16:3). Manasseh, Hezekiah’s son, did the same and even worse: “Furthermore Manasseh killed so many innocent people, he stained Jerusalem with their blood from end to end, in addition to encouraging Judah to sin by doing evil in the sight of the Lord” (2 Kings 21:16). What was God’s reaction to all of this?

“The time will soon come that people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Hinnom Valley. But they will call this valley the Valley of Slaughter!’…Now break the jar in front of those who have come here with you. Tell them the Lord of Heaven’s Armies says, ‘I will do just as Jeremiah has done. I will smash this nation and this city as though it were a potter’s vessel that is broken beyond repair. The dead will be buried here in Topheth until there is no more room to bury them.’” (Jeremiah 19:6, 10-11)

God was aware of what they were doing and he was about to take action.

Jesus used this valley as a picture of hell – Gehenna (Matthew 18:5, et al). Although we often are told of a burning garbage dump, Jesus was using a more abhorrent picture for hell, that of child sacrifice which took place in this valley. Hell is not a place that we want to be near, let alone spend eternity.

The good news is that Jesus came to deliver us from such an eternity. Temptation is there, but we need to turn to Jesus for strength to resist as well as forgiveness. God does not want anyone to perish but for us all to change our lives and serve him.

The Valley of Hinnom today, Jerusalem, by Jon Galloway, 2019.

Jon Galloway

A sharp sickle in his hand

The main image of the sickle or scythe that people have is the caricature of death coming to reap (take away) life. Death is called the Grim Reaper. It is a popular image today among gamers. The sickle is an implement with a crescent-shaped blade attached to a short handle, used for cutting grain or tall grass.

In the book of Revelation, it is not Death personified, but an angel of God who wields the sickle. It is in his hand. The hand, in the Old Testament, is that part of the body “that carries out a person’s will” (Richards 324). John shares that perspective. Here, the angel is carrying out the will of God. Frank Cox noted that this angel is in the central part of seven in this part of chapter from verses 6-20 (Cox 90). It is a key section, then. This is an important moment and key action in the book.

This angel with the sharp sickle in his hand acts on cue from another angel who comes out from the temple — the habitation of God. Yet another angel comes out from the altar, representing the prayers of the saints, Revelation 6.9; 8.3-5. God is acting because the saints have prayed!

In Revelation, the hand plays an important role. See this incomplete list elsewhere.

The angel with the sharp sickle in his hand acts. “So the one seated on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was reaped” 14.16. Apparently, all it took was a single swipe and the deed was done, judgment was performed.

Contrast this story of God’s judgment with Demetrius’s accurate summary of Paul’s preaching that “gods made by [human] hands are not gods at all” Acts 19.26.

The angel with the sharp sickle in his hand reminds us of several lessons:

  1. God judges and does so in his time.
  2. God’s judgment is swift and sure.
  3. God judges and gives his people victory.
  4. God’s judgment is moved by the prayers of the saints.

The judgment mentioned in Revelation 14 was on the Roman Empire. God will do more judging still. Let us watch for the hand of God and pray that he moves on behalf of his people.

WORKS CITED. COX, Frank L 1956. Revelation in 26 Lessons.  Gospel Advocate. RICHARDS, Lawrence O. 1985 Expository Dictionary of Bible Words. Zondervan.

R. Mathney

“Everything has a price.”


Is there anything that you own that you wouldn’t sell if the price was right? From cars to couches, from books to broaches, there is a price that you would consider if someone were willing to pay.

The tragedy of Judas is well-known to us. One of Jesus’ twelve, Judas was able to spend more personal time with the Word who became flesh than almost every other human being ever. He was present for Jesus’ public teachings. He listened to the Master teacher’s sermons. He saw the mercy of the Son of Man. His feet were washed by the Son of God.

Judas was given power over unclean spirits, and he could heal every disease and affliction (Matthew 10:1). He was given a position of responsibility as he had charge of the moneybag (John 12:6).

But Judas loved money. He “used to help himself to what was put into” that moneybag (John 12:6). John describes him bluntly as a “thief.”

To Judas, everything had a price, even his integrity.

Judas was not the first to put a price on that which should not be sold. Esau sold his birthright (Genesis 25:29-34). The nobles and officials sold their kinsmen into slavery (Nehemiah 5:7, 8). Ahab “sold himself to do what was evil in the sight of the LORD” (1 Kings 21:20, 21). The people of Israel followed the example of Ahab, and “sold themselves” (2 Kings 17:17).

It is this selling of oneself that has the most disparate of outcomes. Jesus once asked, “what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? (Matthew 16:26).

No matter what a man gains in the selling of himself, he always comes out a loser.

It seems fair to assume that Judas’ love of money had a part to play in his betrayal of Jesus. He was already used to selling himself. Why not put a price on someone else? Judas knew that the chief priests wanted Jesus dead, but they needed to apprehend him quietly. Judas knew where Jesus went to be alone. He sold out his Lord and his own soul for 30 pieces of silver.

This son of destruction sealed his fate when he ended his life. Unlike the other disciples who departed from Jesus but repented and returned, Judas left no avenue for forgiveness. Sin collected on his debt.

We should be careful not think too lowly of those in Scripture and too highly of ourselves. While we have certainly never sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, I wonder to what paltry sum we have agreed?

Perhaps we’ve sold Jesus for our life, as Peter thought he did (Luke 22:54-62). Perhaps we’ve sold Jesus for our possessions as the rich young ruler did. Perhaps we’ve sold Jesus for pride like Diotrephes, or for passion like Demas. No matter the perceived gain, we will always lose that transaction.

We will sin (1 John 1:8, 10). But remember that when we sin, we have an advocate with the Father (1 John 2:1). The One we betray or deny is the One who will speak for us when we repent. Jesus valued us so highly that he redeemed us from sin (Titus 2:14), giving up his life for us (1 Corinthians 6:20).

He will never sell us.

by Lee Parish

A Christian Is…

In writing to the saints at Corinth, the apostle Paul said, “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s” (I Cor. 6:19-20). Paul reminds the Corinthian saints of something we need to be aware of as well: that theirs was and ours is a holy and dignified calling. Our bodies and spirits belong to God – we’re not our own. It’s not for us to take our bodies and use them only in the way we desire. In the final analysis, they don’t belong to us; they belong to God and we ought to use them for His glory!

In John 15, verses 5&6, Jesus says, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.  6If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.” Jesus has already declared in verse 1 that He is the True Vine, but He hadn’t before declared that every disciple is a branch of the Vine. We need to understand that this message is addressed to members of His one body, not to denominations, as some would pervert the text.

A branch’s main purpose is bearing fruit.. It may be weak in itself, but it has a living relationship with the vine and can be productive. To abide in Christ means to be in communion with Him so that our lives please Him. The disciple, without Christ, can do nothing. Paul declared, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4:13).. Christ is our strength.

A Christian is a branch in Christ and I has the responsibility to bear fruit. He or she can’t get by on the fact that other branches are fruitful, each Christian must be bearing fruit in whatever way they’re capable. In addition to being a branch, a Christian is also:

A stone in the building. “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.  6Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded” (I Peter 2, verses 5 & 6). Brethren, are we telling others about that “chief corner stone?” Are we doing what we must in order to spread the message of Christ? I can’t get by on the fact that the other stones fit into their places and do their work well in supporting the building. I have to do my part as well.

A Christian is a candle on the candlestick and must personally shine. “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. 15Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.  16Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matthew 5, verses 14-16). This is perhaps one of the more powerful Bible passages about our responsibility to teach and evangelize others. We must let our light shine, that doesn’t mean we shine it in the face of others to blind them or force our beliefs on them. We let it shine so that it can be seen by others and be used to lead them to Christ. That’s the purpose of letting our lights shine. We’re to do it before men. Not in a way that will draw attention to ourselves just for the sake of having others see us (Matthew 6:1), but so that those who need to be led to Christ can see our light and find Him. Christ is the light, you see, and we’ll reflect His light if we walk in it.

According to Matthew 25, each of us has at least one talent, and we have a personal responsibility and an obligation to use what we have for the glory of God.

– R. W. McAlister


The United Methodist Church losing a quarter of its churches in five years is just the start.

The Tennessean, Nashville’s daily newspaper, in a front page story on Monday, April 15, related the recent rift in the United Methodist denomination between the liberals and the conservatives. Last week’s “Hugh’s News & Views” was already written and in the mail pipeline when the newspaper report appeared, so an article—this one—that the story prompted had to wait until this week.

The first four paragraphs of the newspaper article capture the gist of the story. They were as follows:

“The United Methodist Church losing a quarter of its churches in five years is just the start.

“The proposed budget to the upcoming UMC General Conference—the denomination’s top legislative assembly, which meets every four years—is $23.8 million less than the last spending plan.

“The proposed budget recommends 17 fewer bishops, so that one of the denomination’s seven general funds doesn’t run a deficit. Meanwhile, the regional conference staff that those bishops oversee has already faced cuts and a consolidation of administrative duties.

“The upcoming UMC General Conference in Charlotte begins April 22 for a long-awaited and unquestionably consequential summit. The international delegation is meeting for a regular session for the first time in eight years, a time in which conservatives led an exodus out of the United Methodist Church following disagreements about theology and church policy, including dealing with LGBTQ + rights.”

Please note: The budget for the UMC calls for seventeen fewer bishops and a consolidation of their administrative duties. What if all Methodist bishops were eliminated? What if the entire Methodist hierarchy were dismantled? What if the United Methodist Church quietly closed all its church building’s doors, turned some of them into shelters for the homeless, and homes for the widows, the orphans, the neglected? What if the remaining properties were sold and the proceeds given to the poor? If the United Methodist Church folded in its entirety would that be the end of the Christian faith? I dare say no one would answer in the affirmative. The world could do without the Methodist Church and still have the religion of Christ. After all, we had Christianity and the church that Christ established for seventeen hundred years before the Methodist Church was ever conceived!

The Methodist Church arose in the first half of the eighteenth century out of the efforts of John and Charles Wesley to reform the Church of England. The Wesleys sought to bring a greater degree of piety to the cold, formal Church of England and to infuse it with stricter methods (hence, “Methodists”) of prayer, meditation, and ways of ministering to the poor, the imprisoned, etc. At first there was no intention to start another denomination, only to reform the Church of England (in America, the Episcopal Church). But another denomination was born when the first Methodist Society was formed at Kingswood, near the city of Bristol, England in 1739. But we had had Christianity and the church of Christ from the day of Pentecost (c. A.D. 30) as recorded in Acts 2!

I sometimes ask when teaching and preaching on church history what would happen if we started with the last denomination that was established, quietly closed it down, and moved back through history, closing down every protestant and Catholic denomination on the face of the earth? Would the closing of the most recently established denomination be the end of Christianity? Which denomination is necessary for the existence of Christianity? Can you tell me? Would the obliteration of all denominations mean the end of Christianity? Not at all! If every denomination quietly “folded up its tent” and went away, we could still have the church our Lord purchased with His own blood (Acts 20:28). All who had been members of a denomination could repent of their sins, confess their faith in Christ, and be baptized (immersed) into Christ for the remission of their sins, and added to the one church that Christ established (Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47; Romans 16:16; Ephesians 1:22-23; Ephesians 4:4). (Study also John 17:20-21; I Corinthians 1:10-13; Ephesians 4:1-6; et al).

Read and study your New Testament. Absorb the teaching of Christ and His apostles concerning the church. You will discover that the people of God are to exist solely as independent, autonomous churches, each under its own plurality of elders (also know as bishops, pastors [not preachers, but elders], shepherds), without any local, national, or international headquarters, and without any hierarchical structure (no conventions, conferences, synods, Presidents, ruling Bishops, District Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals, or Popes, etc.). Apostolic Christianity and the original church was simple in its organizational structure. It was undenominational and non-denominational. It was produced by the preaching of the gospel of Christ and obedience to the gospel (Acts 2:22-47).

That same church exists today. “The seed is the word of God” (Luke 8:11). Wherever that seed is sown/preached in its purity and obeyed in its simplicity undenominational Christians and undenominational congregations/churches of Christ come into existence. This is Christianity pure and simple. This is Christianity without the multiplicity of denominations (and the hierarchical systems necessary to sustain them) that came later down the stream of time, the first protestant denomination being the Lutheran, established in c. 1521.

Do I dislike denominational people? Do I dislike the Methodists? Not in the least! My paternal grandparents were Methodists and died in the Methodist Church. My father was sprinkled into the Methodist Church at the age of nine. One of his brothers preached for Methodist Churches in south Georgia for many years. But in his early thirties my father learned the truth about Christ and His church and obeyed the gospel. And he never looked back!

It is not the people who are members of denominations that I dislike. It is the system of denominationalism that I abhor (see Psalms 119:104; Romans 12:9) because it is not approved of God or sanctioned by the Scriptures. I wish the entire system, all the way from the Catholic Church with its multiplicity of unbiblical doctrines and practices to the latest protestant church that has been formed, could be dismantled and obliterated from the face of the earth. I wish that all the members of all the denominations could be brought into the one body/church of Christ on the basis of the Scriptures, bringing with them a high commitment to walk in the truth of God’s word (III John 4; cf. John 17:17).

Hugh Fulford

Is your name known in hell?

You might be known in your hometown. Perhaps you are known across your state, province, or territory. It is unlikely you are known around the world. Have you considered if you are known in hell?

During the two years that Paul was in Ephesus, “God was doing extraordinary miracles” by the apostle’s hands (Acts 19:11). Seeing the great work that was being done in the name of Jesus, some fake exorcists tried their hand at it.

“Then some of the itinerant Jewish exorcists undertook to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, saying, ‘I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims’” (Acts 19:13)

When the seven sons of the Jewish chief priest Sceva attempted this, they were rebuked, beaten, and humiliated. Listen to the rebuke by the evil spirit to these imposters:

“Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize; but who are you?” (Acts 19:15).

This demonic being knew Jesus by experience (from the Greek: ginosko), and was acquainted with Paul (from the Greek: epistamai). They knew Jesus and knew about Paul, but they did not know these foolish men.

The result was humiliation for these seven, but glory for God.

“And this became known to all the residents of Ephesus, both Jews and Greeks. And fear fell upon them all, and the name of the Lord Jesus was extolled” (Acts 19:17).

The true power of God placed against the fake magic arts convinced many to leave behind their pseudo religion and trust in the word of the Lord (Acts 19:18-20).

Let’s consider two implications and a probing question from the statement made by this evil spirit.

Demons know the authority of Jesus

In the country of the Gerasenes lived a man with a violent unclean spirit. He could be tamed by no one. But when he saw Jesus, he fell down before him and cried out, “What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me” (Mark 5:7).

This was not an isolated incident.

“Whenever the unclean spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, ‘You are the Son of God’” (Mark 3:11).

The demons not only recognized Jesus but they were afraid of him (James 2:19). They were afraid because Jesus came to destroy the power of the devil (Hebrews 2:14).

Demons recognize the power of Paul’s preaching

The work and words of Paul resounded far and wide. Paul and his companions were accused of turning “the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Paul did not preach as one full of suggestions, but he spoke with authority (see Titus 2:15). In Ephesus, Paul “spoke boldly, reasoning and persuading them about the kingdom of God” (Acts 19:8). His preaching reached the ears of all the residents of Asia (Acts 19:10).

When Paul reminded the Ephesian elders of his work in their city, he said he “did not shrink from declaring” to them “anything that was profitable,” as he taught publicly and from house to house (Acts 20:20).

Felix was a vicious man who trembled at Paul’s powerful preaching (Acts 24:25), and when he could not oppose the message of righteousness, self-control, and judgment, sent the apostle away.

Is your work known in hell?

While we do not have discussions with demons nor cast them out, our work can be known in the depths.

We may be insignificant, but we proclaim a mighty God! Let us so act that the devil pays attention.

  • May the world know we serve the risen Savior (Luke 24:46-47).
  • Do not be ashamed of God’s message of reconciliation (Romans 1:14-17), but daily live it out.
  • Find those who have wandered from the truth and speak a word to them; we may just bring them back (James 5:19-20).

We can be a faithful Christian without the world knowing our name. But if we want to live forever in heaven, they need to know who we are in hell.

by Lee Parish

The sin of stealing


It happened at the airport in Greensboro, North Carolina. I was on my way to conduct a conference, was hurrying to catch my plane, and had arrived at the security checkpoint. I placed my briefcase on the conveyor belt and was just stepping through the metal detector when I happened to look down, and there at my feet on the airport carpet was a crisp, new, one-hundred-dollar bill. Because it was hidden by the frame of the metal detector the security guard did not see me pick the money up. I looked quickly in front and behind me and realized that, in the hustle and bustle of the crowd, no one had noticed what I had done. So there I stood, with a one-hundred-dollar bill in my hand. What do you think I should have done next?

I was traveling through Jackson, Mississippi when I stopped at a McDonald’s to buy my breakfast. The cashier was obviously a new recruit, and she had trouble getting my order right. Then, when I paid for my meal, she confused me with the unorthodox way she counted out my change. I was sure that I had given her a ten, but she gave me change for a twenty. She slammed the cash register shut, said “Next!”, and I stood off to the side, looking at the money in my hand and trying to figure out what she had done. What do you think I should have done next?

One Saturday afternoon I stopped by the post office downtown to drop a package in the mail slot. The service counter inside had long since closed, and the lobby outside was as quiet as a tomb. As I walked to the mail slot I happened to glance at the table in the lobby, and there I saw a fat, black wallet, obviously placed there and then forgotten by someone who had been examining their mail. There were no postal workers to be found; in fact, there was not another soul in the building. What do you think I should have done next?

The Eighth Commandment is clear enough: “Thou shalt not steal” doesn’t seem to leave any wiggle room, to allow any equivocation. But the lure of larceny is such a basic temptation that all of us will find ourselves in uncomfortable situations. No one is exempt from this struggle, not even children! Kent Hughes describes an incident in the four-year-olds class of his church’s Sunday school:

At story-time the Story Lady, Mrs. Teune, donned her hand puppet, Ladi, and told the children the story of Ladi’s visit to the family doctor for a checkup. While there, Ladi spied a big red pencil just like the one she had always wanted.

As Mrs. Teune dramatized at some length Ladi’s fixation on the wondrous red pencil, the entire group of forty-five preschoolers assumed an unnatural quiet – especially as she described Ladi’s inching closer and closer to the scarlet pen while the doctor’s back was turned – and then reaching out and touching it – and finally grasping the pencil, which she then quickly hid under her dress!

But, alas, the doctor had seen the theft, for in a deep voice he said, “You must not take what doesn’t belong to you”. Mrs. Teune was obviously connecting with the four-year-olds, because one little boy raised his hand, waving it insistently, and said, “Mrs. Teune, Mrs. Teune, will you tell the story again?” And she did! – in exact detail, line by line until the fatal filch, while every child again sat motionless. (Kent Hughes, Disciplines of Grace, page 139-140).

Can’t you just picture those four-year-olds, mesmerized by the terrible tale of theft unfolding before their eyes? And you know why little Ladi’s impulsive grab of the doctor’s red pencil struck a chord: because those little children had a truly personal acquaintance with that temptation, understood how it felt to see a classmate’s shiny new Sesame Street toy, or luscious-looking cookie, or enticing Pokemon pencil box; they comprehend, deep in their heart, the experience of wanting to appropriate their classmate’s possession for themselves. From a very early age every one of us has felt the lure of larceny, the temptation of taking what doesn’t belong to us.

And unfortunately, all of us have experienced the outrage of discovering that some faceless felon has filched our favorite bracelet or sweater or wristwatch. Oh yes, the temptation of STEALING is common: all too common! When Jesus died, he was crucified between – two thieves! There are two different words used in the Bible to refer to a person who steals:

Kleptes – thief Lestes – robber

The THIEF operates under the cover of darkness, and specializes in sneaky, clandestine pilfering; on the clever fraud; or the midnight breaking and entering: READ NEWSPAPER ARTICLES.

The ROBBER operates in broad daylight, and relies on force and violence. In Rome we learned that the Italians despise the Gypsies in part because of their rampant dishonesty. RELATE STORY of children pickpockets at the Roman forum – I have never seen such brazen thievery!

The Eighth Commandment is clear enough: “Thou shalt not steal.” Even a child understands that stealing means to take what doesn’t belong to us, or to keep what truly belongs to another. Yet dishonesty is so pervasive in our society, and the temptation to steal is so fundamental to human nature, that it can assume an infinite variety of forms. I am convinced that this commandment, like all of God’s “TOP TEN,” finds its complete fulfillment in the moral teachings of the New Testament, and unless we understand the proper perspective taught there we just might fall short of the integrity that is demanded by Jesus. After all, there are so many areas in which we can convince ourselves that we aren’t really taking something of value. STEALING can be as straightforward as “breaking and entering” or as sophisticated as computer fraud (and I do hope God has a special place in hell for computer hackers, especially those who create nasty viruses!).

Stealing can be as blatant as a midnight “mugging,” or as indirect as a congressman who takes a bribe, and in effect is stealing the public’s trust and selling it to the highest bidder.

The automobile dealer who runs back the odometer on a used car is a thief, and so is the tourist who “takes” a souvenir when no one is looking.

Stealing can be done by employers who fail to credit their workers with the wages due them: James condemns some employers of his day, saying “Look! The wages you failed to pay the workmen who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty” (5:4). God is concerned about the workingman, and the Law of Moses contained special provisions to make sure he wasn’t cheated (cf. Deut 24:14-15, Lev 19:13)!

Or it can be done by the employees who fail to give their best effort! 1 in 3 workers admits stealing on the job, costing businesses more than $25 billion a year. The average American worker admits in confidential interviews that he or she spends more than 20 percent of their time at work goofing off, which amounts to a four-day work week. (Hughes, page 145)

The storekeeper can steal by putting the rotten vegetables in the bottom of the pack, by “accidentally” overcharging, or by putting 15 oz. in a 1-pound package (cf “unjust weights” – Deut 25:13-15), and the customer can steal by not paying his bills: every year merchants have to “write off” millions of dollars of uncollectable debts.

Parents can steal when they lie about their children’s age at the movie box office to get a discount, and taxpayers can steal when they shade the truth on their 1040 form.

The prophet Malachi even warned people rob God when they fail to give their tithes (Malachi 3:10), so that they stole the gifts that rightfully are His.

And preachers can steal: I have seen my own writings published by other preachers under their own name, so that, in effect, they stole my ideas!


Speaking of preachers, you’re still wondering what I did with that $100 dollar bill, aren’t you? Well, in the interest of full disclosure, let me tell you the “rest of the stories.” None of those situations was as easy as you might imagine, but not necessarily because of the Eighth Commandment!

Take that wallet, for instance. It was obvious what had happened: someone had placed their wallet on the counter while they sorted through their mail, then walked off with their mail on their mind. And I really wasn’t tempted by the money that was in it. But what should I DO about it? I thought about turning it in, but the post office was closed. I considered just leaving it there on the counter in the hope that the owner would come back, but what if someone else came along after me in the meantime who wasn’t as honest as I am? I checked quickly to see if I recognized the name and address, but I couldn’t find one. What did I do?

I headed straight for the police station, where the first officer I saw was Jeff Stinson. I handed the wallet to Jeff, told him where I’d found it, and said “This is all yours – you take care of it”!

What about the lady at McDonalds? When clerks have given me too much change, I have always tried to call it to their attention and correct the mistake. In this case, however, I couldn’t figure out what she had done with my money, and I wasn’t absolutely sure that I had given her a ten, and she had already shut the cash drawer and was waiting on another customer. I knew that if I brought the subject up she would just get all flustered again and then the manager would get involved, so I just gave up, put the money in my billfold, and left. Was I right or wrong? I don’t know.

And that $100 dollar bill? I might as well admit, the first thought that flashed through my mind was “Finders Keepers, Losers Weepers.” And the second thought that I registered was, “There’s no way that I’m going to give this money to the security guard, because he’ll just keep it for himself.” But I also knew that realistically a $100 dollar bill could not have been laying there in plain view for very long, so I held it in my closed hand as I asked the guard, “Did anyone drop their money here just a few minutes ago?” He pointed to a lady about twenty yards up the corridor and said, “Yeah, that woman dropped her money clip.” So he and I together caught up with her, and when she checked her pocket, sure enough, her money was missing. We returned the money to its rightful, and extremely relieved, owner, and I hurried on to my plane.

In every case, I had to make a difficult decision. In every case, my behavior was guided by a clear command of God. In every case, however, my guideline was not the Eighth Commandment. The command that helped me the most in each situation was the one found in Romans 13.

READ Romans 13:8-10

In each case my behavior was guided by a simple response: how would I want someone else to act if they found my wallet, picked up my $100 bill, or were unsure about my ability as a cashier? You see, when we focus only on things, and on our own response to them, we are missing the point. The Eighth Commandment is ultimately not about POSSESSIONS, but about PEOPLE:

• the rightful owners of the property I covet – to steal would be to sin against them;
• the way I would want other people to treat me – to steal would violate the “Golden Rule”;
• the kind of person I want to be myself –
to steal would be to make myself dishonest.

The opposite of the Eighth Commandment is the “Golden Rule,” because stealing is ultimately a sin against people, not possessions.

Dan Williams


“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

I have always believed that some of the best psychology ever written is found in Paul’s letter to the Philippians. We must remember that this letter was written by Paul while he was imprisoned in Rome and awaiting a trial. One of the themes that recurs throughout the letter is found in the expression, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Phil. 4:4). Throughout the letter Paul constantly reminds us to have the mind of Christ, to keep our priorities straight and to press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:14).

One definition given for the word “worry” is to give way to anxiety or unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles: “he worried about his soldier sons in the war”; a state of anxiety and uncertainty over actual or potential problems: “her son had been a constant source of worry to her”; synonyms: fret · be concerned · be anxious · agonize · overthink.

Many of us may have The Serenity Prayer embroidered on a pillow or hanging on a wall in our house. The Serenity Prayer is the common name for a prayer written by the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892–1971). The best-known form is:

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And wisdom to know the difference.

Niebuhr, who first wrote the prayer for a sermon at Heath Evangelical Union Church in Heath, Massachusetts, used it widely in sermons as early as 1934 and first published it in 1951 in a magazine column. The prayer spread both through Niebuhr’s sermons and church groups in the 1930s and 1940s and was later adopted and popularized by Alcoholics Anonymous and other twelve-step programs.

We may also remember a song released twenty-nine years ago. “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” is a popular worldwide hit song by musician Bobby McFerrin. Released in September 1988, it became the first a cappella song to reach number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, a position it held for two weeks. The song’s title is taken from a famous quotation by Meher Baba. The Indian mystic and sage Meher Baba (1894–1969) often used the expression “Don’t worry, be happy” when cabling his followers in the West.

The idea of not worrying is not a disguise for ignoring our responsibilities. God expects us to go to work and to provide for our own needs and the needs of our families. However, we can most successfully accomplish this when we remember the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matt. 6:33). Don’t be anxious. Be thankful and spend much time in prayer to God.

Scott Gage

After You Preach To Others – Avoiding the Trap of Infidelity

Text:  1 Corinthians 9:27

Aim:   to encourage preachers to recognize, and avoid, the temptations of adultery.


I commend you on your commitment to Christ and to his ministry.  I have known since the age of 12 that preaching was my calling.  I’m glad I am a preacher and I hope you feel the same way.  Even though the Lord threw me a curve ball in bringing me to Harding last year, I have never wanted to be anything else than a preacher.

Ours is a serious obligation.  You and I are in the business of saving souls:  of wielding the sword of the Spirit and proclaiming the power of the gospel so as to enable the sinner to gain redemption, to escape hell, to have the hope of heaven.

We preach the good news to the lost, we plead with the backslider to repent, and we encourage the saint to continued faithfulness.  As Paul said in our text today, we become “all things to all men so that by all possible means (we) might save some.”

But this morning I want us to focus on one sinner in particular – one special target of our teaching that we should never neglect – this morning I want to make sure we seek to save ourselves.


1 Corinthians 9:27 – “I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, after I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”

I would hate to go to hell from a pulpit.  There would be something eternally awful about suffering in hell while remembering your own messages that led others to escape your fate.

Here is the supreme contradiction, the ultimate irony:  a preacher bringing others to Christ, yet neglecting his own salvation and finally being rejected by the Lord. What shall it profit a preacher if he should save others, yet lose his own soul?  He saved others, yet himself he could not save!  Note: Paul was careful to listen to his own message, to apply it to himself as well as his audience.

The commentator Albert Barnes has, as usual, several sensible and sobering comments on this verse. He draws eight applications. I will read only the last five; read the entire discussion yourself.

“4. Ministers, like others, are in danger of losing their souls.

“5. The fact that a man has preached to many is no certain evidence that he will be saved.

“6. The fact that a man has been very successful in the ministry is no certain evidence that he will be saved.

“7. It will be a solemn and awful thing for a minister of the gospel, and a successful minister, to go down to hell.

“8. Ministers should be solicitous about their personal piety.”

The list of reprobate preachers in the New Testament is short but significant. If JUDAS could daily converse with the Lord;  if he could witness the miracles, hear the teachings, and even be sent out by Jesus on preaching missions;  and yet ultimately betray Christ, should not we today take warning?  If DEMAS could twice be listed by the apostle as a companion and fellow-laborer (Col 4:14, Phile 24) and then later desert Paul to go back into the world (2 Tm 4:10), should not we take note?

The fact is, there is no position, office, or level of service in the kingdom of God from which we cannot turn back.  Elders, deacons, Christian college professors, preachers, and missionaries all can and have left the faith.

I’m not suggesting that anyone in this room today is in imminent danger.  I have no reason to believe that is true, and every reason to hope that it isn’t.  But if so illustrious a preacher as the apostle Paul considered it a possibility to be avoided, I think each of us would be wise to take it to heart.

We preachers need occasionally to be on the receiving end of preaching!  Why do I say that?

After our text in 1 Corinthians 9, Paul follows in Chapter 10 with the sobering example of the disobedient Israelites in the desert (who were all destroyed save for two – Joshua and Caleb) and then gives the exhortation  in Verse 12 – “let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.” The quickest way to fall for temptation is to forget you are capable of being tempted!  When is the last time you were genuinely convicted by one of your own sermons? You preach good sermons – are you listening to them yourselves?

Now let me focus our lens even more narrowly, and concentrate on one specific temptation that I have been assigned to address this morning:  ADULTERY.

I don’t have any statistics to show that preachers as a class are more prone to this temptation –

but I do have ample evidence that they are not immune. In every region of the nation where I have served, I have become aware of some preaching colleague who lost his ministry, and sometimes his marriage, because of infidelity. And I have learned that the ministry has a unique set of five inter-related conditions which make this particular sin a possibility of which we should be aware  (see 1 Tm 5:1-2, 2 Tm 3:6).

  1. ACCESSIBILITY: Few professions have as much flexibility in time as does the ministry, and many doors are opened to a preacher that might be closed to others.
  1. IMAGE: That is, the image of the preacher as warm, empathetic, caring counselor. Ministers may find themselves working with women who are in sour or “dead” marriages.  When that woman (with a cold, unresponsive husband) suddenly finds herself interacting with a warm, sympathetic man, she may become emotionally involved with the minister before he is aware of it. Mary Bouma did a study entitled Divorce in the Parsonage (Bethany Fellowship, 1979) in which she found that when ministers had affairs, it was usually with a counselee (p. 50).
  1. FAMILY NEGLECT: The stresses of ministry sometimes, unfortunately, show up in our relationship with our families, and with our mate, and this breakdown makes temptation even more of a problem.
  1. IGNORANCE:  When the crowd in Lystra tried to worship Paul and Barnabas, the two missionaries insisted  “we are only men, human like you “ (Acts 14:15).  That is a statement we need to take to heart!  We work for God – but we’re not God!

In his book Finishing Strong, author Steve Farrar tells of a study conducted by Dr. Howard Hendricks of 246 men in full-time ministry:

“The thing they had in common was that within twenty-four months of each other they became involved in an immoral extramarital relationship.

After interviewing each man, Dr. Hendricks discovered four correlations between all 246 men:

  1. None were involved in any kind of personal group.
  2. Each had ceased to invest in a daily personal time of prayer, Scripture reading, and worship.
  3. Over 80 percent of the adultery began with a counseling relationship.
  4. Without exception, each of the 246 had been convinced that moral failure ‘will never happen to me.’

Steve Farrar, Finishing Strong, (Multnomah, 1995); submitted by Van Morris, Mount Washington, Kentucky

Apply the same advice in our own life that we would give to others and don’t let temptation and weakness collide with opportunity.  Preachers are not “immune” from temptations, yet they may miss the warning signs and thus inadvertently set themselves up in compromising situations without realizing it.  (More on that in a moment.)

  1. ATTRACTION: I am aware that nearly all of us preachers are much more handsome that the average man, but I am talking here about psychological attraction.  Several researchers who have studied the problem of ministers who become involved with affairs conclude that preachers, because of their “safe” image, may actually be more attractive to women with certain types of emotional problems (see John Dart, “Affairs:  Clergymen Struggle with Opportunities – and Failings,” Los Angeles Times Saturday, May 10, 1981, Part II, p 14-15).  I realize that some preachers are predators – but others are naïve.  Listen carefully to these two verses:

2 Peter 2:14   “With eyes full of adultery, they never stop sinning; they seduce the UNSTABLE; they are experts in greed—an accursed brood!” 

2 Timothy 3:6  “They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over WEAK-WILLED women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires…..”

I am convinced that some preachers ended up in the trap of infidelity because they were unaware of the nature of unhealthy psychological dynamics.  Simply put, some individuals are “unstable” and “weak-willed”:  that is, they have emotional problems that cause them to have a weak sense of moral boundaries.  They have great difficulty in separating any sort of healthy emotional closeness or caring from sexual attraction.  As a result, if any man comes along who shows them warmth, empathy, or affection, they will make themselves sexually available to him.

I know that over the years there have been women with whom I could have become sexually intimate, if I had pursued that path.  But hey, I’m smart enough to realize it was not because I’m such a handsome stud – it was because those women were emotionally unstable, and if I had become involved with them it would have been a toxic entanglement.

Young lady in community clinic: suicidal after the breakup of another tempestuous relationship:  Her very first words in the opening session were:  “I’ve never had a close relationship with a man that didn’t begin with sex.”  If you’re a counselor, how do you respond to that?  I replied, “Congratulations!  You’ve just started your first.  Because I care for you too much to sleep with you.” 


  1. Prioritize your relationship with your mate. The Biblical prescription for preventing adultery is still a healthy home life (cf Prov 5:15-20, 1 Cor 7:2-5).  Be especially careful of unresolved RESENTMENTS toward your mate, because they have the capacity to “set you up” for temptation.  Remember this equation:  RESENTMENT leads to RATIONALIZATION leads to RENDEZVOUS!
  1. Closely monitor your relationships with the opposite sex. There is a reason why Paul tells the young man Timothy to “treat younger women as sisters, with absolute purity” (1 Timothy 5:2).  Know the warning signs and maintain proper boundaries:
  • Never, ever counsel someone of the opposite sex by yourself (I always had a secretary on the other side of the door when I was in a session).
  • Never, ever travel alone with someone of the opposite sex – even if it is to a church conference. [Note the Boy Scouts “two-deep” policy.] This not only prevents opportunity for temptations, but it also safeguards you from unfounded accusations.
  • Beware of counseling married women for extended periods of time without their husbands present – from a counseling perspective, that is unwise for all sorts of reasons! When a therapist allows this to happen, he/she is (at the least) creating an unhealthy alliance.  When a minister allows this to happen, it may be because he is enjoying her company.
  • If you find yourself looking forward/eagerly anticipating a counseling session or Bible study with a particular member of the opposite sex, and on the morning of the day you are scheduled to see her you even add an extra splash of Old Spice, you’re already on the slippery slope.
  • And the reddest flag of all: the minute you engage in any phone conversation, any email or text, any personal comment with a member of the opposite sex that you wouldn’t want your mate to know about – you have already crossed over the line of unfaithfulness.
  1. Don’t forget your own relationship with God. Have you ever noticed that leaders in the church are always directed to their own lives first?!  [cf. stewardess’ preflight instructions:  “If oxygen masks deploy, place your own mask on first before attending to your children.”]

Acts 20:28 – “take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock …” 

1 Timothy 4:16 – “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers”

Don’t ever take your own salvation for granted – Paul didn’t!  “I beat my body, and make it my slave” – that is, he was careful to practice Christian disciplines. Three questions:

  1. Do you maintain a disciplined schedule of devotional time to commune with God through prayer and Bible study? Even Jesus needed to withdraw to a “lonely place,” and that frequently!
  1. Do you take advantage of opportunities for spiritual growth, for fresh challenges? Do you utilize lectureship, seminars, workshops, extra schooling, or trips to other ministries? We all get stale, and need to stretch ourselves, and recharge ourselves, lest we burn out! Even the best of blades will get dull every now and then!
  1. Do you have an accountability partner, some trusted colleague to whom you can confess your vulnerabilities to pornography, adultery, to any kind of temptation? Our willingness to be authentic and open to another brother who can pray for us and hold us accountable is one of the strongest signs that we are serious about maintaining our integrity AND one of the best ways to avoid infidelity!

Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:27 – “I beat my body and make it my slave so that AFTER I HAVE PREACHED TO OTHERS, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” 

I would hate to go to hell from a pulpit.  Actually, now that I think about it, I wouldn’t want to arrive there from anywhere!  But I do want us to be aware of the fact that because of our prolonged, “professional” exposure to the gospel it might become routine, mechanical, or irrelevant to our own life. We should be always remember that “after we preach to others” – we need God’s grace ourselves!

Dan Williams


What Is Hell Like?

We ought to find ourselves in a position where we are motivated by the glory of eternal life in addition to being convicted by the reality of eternal punishment. This life fades as fast as it blooms and we must be diligent to find ourselves prepared whenever our personal timeline comes to an end. In that finale of life, two destinations will be presented before each soul and it is up to each individual to prepare for such a consequence.

Many preachers have been ridiculed in the past for preaching “hell-fire and brimstone” sermons. While there certainly needs to be a balance in the pulpit, one would revel in shame if they ignore the warnings of the biblical text on the topic of hell. I’m of the opinion (again, an opinion) that we don’t communicate the reality of hell enough. We often talk of the blessings of being found in Christ but seldom discuss how awful an eternity without God would be. Here are two quick points to briefly identify what hell is like from the letter of 2 Thessalonians. In the brevity of the warning, Paul makes sure that his readers would be mindful of the despair that awaits those who are outside of Christ’s gospel.

Hell is where those who “know not God” abide (2 Thess. 1:8) — Think of the ideal Christian. Something like what Paul describes in Rom. 12:9-13. Those who know God and are obedient to His word are loving, servant-minded, selfless, joyful, generous, and hospitable. This is merely one section that describes some of what a Christian is. If one follows the Word correctly, they are an incredibly great person to be around. Hell is reserved for those who follow after their own lusts and their own pursuits. Those who do not obey God’s Word will find their eternal home in the fires of hell. It is in this eternal abode that the twisted, distorted, and most wicked of human beings will be – most definitely a place that I don’t want to be.

Hell is where God is absent (2 Thess. 1:9) — Perhaps there is nothing more convicting about hell than the phrase “away from the presence of the Lord.” If we understand the source of our blessing, joy, and goodness then we’d know that God is absolutely necessary for those things to exist in life. Removing God from the equation eliminates any pleasure, joy, satisfaction, and goodness (James 1:17). Imagine a place where there is no mercy, there is no use for praying to God to get you out of the situation, and being in a position where you can’t quit when you’re tired of the pain. When we are found in a position without God, truly there is “eternal destruction.”

These two verses are just a brief glimpse of what Hell is like. It is a place where God’s saints are absent and where God’s presence is void. There are a number of other passages that encompass the reality of such a place including the harm, pain, and suffering that one will undergo for an eternity, but these these two absences discussed in 2 Thess. are perhaps the most convincing for us to realize that we do not want to be in this place; especially for the eternity.

Life is simply too short to not understand the gravity of eternity and to cling on to the resurrection that Jesus promises. In the words of Paul, “our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself” (Philippians 3:20,21).

Tyler King

Cancelled Debt Luke 7:36-50

We can carry around the burden of our sins to the point that the burden causes us to break – emotionally, spiritually, maybe even physically. Or we can give our sin-burden to Jesus Christ; allow Him to carry it on the cross – freeing us to worship God with our whole heart and our whole lives.

One of the famous Pharisees, who are becoming His enemies (5:17-6:11), hosts a dinner and invites Jesus as an honored guest (ver. 36). In that same city, there was a certain woman whom Luke identifies as a “sinner.” This woman heard that Jesus was in the home of Simon and brought an alabaster flask of myrrh (ver. 37).

The Pharisee, Simon the host, saw the behavior, and the fact that Jesus had not sent her away, and thought within himself that Jesus surely could not be a holy prophet of God acting this way (ver. 39). At this point, in Simon’s mind, based on Jesus’ response to this “sinner!” Jesus could not be a prophet.

SCENE #2 – JESUS’ PARABLE – 7:40-43:
Jesus gives a parable using two debtors. One (ver. 41) owed the creditor a debt equal to more than a year’s salary (500 days), while another debtor owed the creditor the equivalent of a month and a half’s salary (50 days). Then Jesus told Simon (ver. 42) that the creditor “graciously forgave” both. He then asked which of the two would love “more?”

Simon responded that he supposed that the one with whom the creditor was more gracious would love more (ver. 43).

Jesus directed Simon’s attention to her by saying, “Do you see this woman?” We wonder if Simon had really seen the woman, if he had seen her as a person made in the image of God. Jesus did. Then Jesus contrasts Simon’s behavior toward Jesus with the woman’s behavior.

Jesus directed His attention to the woman and said, once again, that her sins “have been forgiven” (ver. 48). The other guests, sitting at the same table with Jesus in the same home of the Pharisee, were asking themselves who Jesus might be if He presumes to have the authority to forgive sins (ver. 49)!

Jesus finally gives the woman peace and hope, telling her that her faith – in responding to Jesus in trust and obedience – had saved her. She could leave with a settled state of mind, with tranquility in her thoughts, and peace in her heart. She was forgiven by God. Nothing else truly matters.

The focus of this text is not primarily the fact that the woman was forgiven. The purpose of the text is to highlight how she responded to Jesus after having her sins forgiven. If we want Jesus to carry the burden of our sins, we have to give that burden to Him, first of all. As He says in Mark 16:16, we have to trust Him and be baptized into Him in order to lay our sins on His shoulders.

But what further do we do? We have to accept that forgiveness once He offers it. In other words, we have to forgive ourselves. We have to give Him that burden we carry rather than continuing to carry it ourselves.

The woman’s profound display of affection is a clear sign that she knew she was freed from her moral “debt” which she owed God for her sins. When you and I realize that we have truly been forgiven and so saved from an eternal hell with Satan and his angels, we will not stop worshipping and praising God and His Son, our Savior. The primary motivation for worship is thanksgiving.

This woman had not been welcomed into Simon’s home as a guest, but as a forgiven sinner, Heaven embraced her at death with open arms.

Paul Holland


Prohibition 1920-1933

I grew up in Florida, and one summer I became close friends to an old fisherman.  He was a Prohibition Officer during the 1930’s. He would tell me stories of being assigned to watch Al Capone when he would come down on the train.  He told me many times to never believe anyone who said prohibition did not work.

“Yes,” he said, “the people that wanted to drink could always find some moonshine or illegal booze. But,” he emphasized, “that the vast majority obeyed the law, did not drink, and our society was much better for it.” Since alcohol has become legal how many crimes have been committed, innocent lives lost, and families destroyed by those under its powerful influence?

Solomon reminded us that “wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is intoxicated by it is not wise” (Pr. 20:1). Our leaders made a great mistake in giving their approval to alcoholic beverages, and it seems we are on the verge of legalizing marijuana as well.  What we learn from history is that we do not learn from history. Solomon spoke the truth when he asked, “Who has woe, who has sorrow…? Those who linger long over wine, those who go to taste mixed wine…at last it bites like a serpent and stings like a viper” (Pro. 23:29-32). True then. True now.

-Dennis Doughty

Solar Eclipse

This week, many across our nation stood in awe as a total solar eclipse swept across America.

When we stop and think about it, the fact that we have solar eclipses at all is incredible.  There are so many factors that must be perfectly in tune for this to happen.

  • The sun has to be a certain size and distance from the earth.
  • The moon has to be a certain size and distance between both the sun and the earth.
  • Everything must line up perfectly during the New Moon phase.
  • The sun, moon, and earth all have to rotate on the right planes.
  • The earth has to be in the right position to view the eclipse.
  • There must be intelligent beings there to view it, understand it, and stand in awe of it.

Joe Rao from explains these factors in greater detail: “The sun’s 864,000-mile diameter is fully 400 times greater than that of our puny moon, which measures just about 2,160 miles. But the moon also happens to be about 400 times closer to Earth than the sun (the ratio varies as both orbits are elliptical), and as a result, when the orbital planes intersect and the distances align favorably, the new moon can appear to completely blot out the disk of the sun” (Solar Eclipses).

Change any of these factors and only a partial solar eclipse would be possible. If things were changed more dramatically, eclipses would be totally impossible. At it stands, everything is perfect for solar eclipses. The sun is at the perfect size and distance. The moon is at the perfect size and distance. The earth is in the perfect position to see eclipses. Everything rotates on the right planes to see all of these things align. And we are here to stand in awe of it all.

The odds of all these things happening perfectly is astronomical. Sadly, scientists have chalked total solar eclipses as “accidents in nature” (ibid). When God is taken out of the picture, there really isn’t any other option available than calling things “an accident.”

Solar eclipses are no accident. They happen because God wanted to give us another visible proof of His power and magnificence. They happen to show evidence of His existence. When He created the sun, moon, and stars, He placed everything perfectly so we could watch in awe (Genesis 1:14-19). Solar eclipses are one more way we can clearly see God’s “eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20).

Brett Petrillo

Spiritual Eclipse

Excitement over the eclipse is over the top. We know that is when the moon gets between us and the sun. People have gone bonkers over this natural phenomenon, and I understand this because it doesn’t happen every day or every year. So, people are coming from all over to see this take place and spending lots of money.

There is another eclipse that I am more concerned about; that is when the world gets between people and the SON. That has caused more darkness than the “natural” eclipse.

Yet it seems no one is concerned about it or even aware of it. We wonder what is happening in our country, in the world. We’ll I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but I believe that it is because of the eclipse of the SON of God. This eclipse will not go away naturally. It will only go away when we take the world away from our sight. It is up to us individually and nationally. Don’t let it be what the Bible says of the world in John’s day. “They would not repent” (Revelation 9: 20-21), in spite of God’s efforts to get them to do so.

John Hall

Solar Eclipse

This week, many across our nation stood in awe as a total solar eclipse swept across America.

When we stop and think about it, the fact that we have solar eclipses at all is incredible.  There are so many factors that must be perfectly in tune for this to happen.

  • The sun has to be a certain size and distance from the earth.
  • The moon has to be a certain size and distance between both the sun and the earth.
  • Everything must line up perfectly during the New Moon phase.
  • The sun, moon, and earth all have to rotate on the right planes.
  • The earth has to be in the right position to view the eclipse.
  • There must to be intelligent beings there to view it, understand it, and stand in awe of it.

Joe Rao from explains these factors in greater detail: “The sun’s 864,000-mile diameter is fully 400 times greater than that of our puny moon, which measures just about 2,160 miles. But the moon also happens to be about 400 times closer to Earth than the sun (the ratio varies as both orbits are elliptical), and as a result, when the orbital planes intersect and the distances align favorably, the new moon can appear to completely blot out the disk of the sun” (Solar Eclipses).

Change any of these factors and only a partial solar eclipse would be possible. If things were changed more dramatically, eclipses would be totally impossible. At it stands, everything is perfect for solar eclipses. The sun is at the perfect size and distance. The moon is at the perfect size and distance. The earth is in the perfect position to see eclipses. Everything rotates on the right planes to see all of these things align. And we are here to stand in awe of it all.

The odds of all these things happening perfectly is astronomical. Sadly, scientists have chalked total solar eclipses as “accidents in nature” (ibid). When God is taken out of the picture, there really isn’t any other option available than calling things “an accident.”

Solar eclipses are no accident. They happen because God wanted to give us another visible proof of His power and magnificence. They happen to show evidence of His existence. When He created the sun, moon, and stars, He placed everything perfectly so we could watch in awe (Genesis 1:14-19). Solar eclipses are one more way we can clearly see God’s “eternal power and divine nature” (Romans 1:20).

Brett Petrillo

Why not begin today?

There are many things that can “fill us up.” Fried chicken can fill one up. Marital love can fill one up. Our vocation in life can often come pretty close to filling us up in several ways.

The apostle Paul had a wish for the members of the church at Ephesus. He wrote, “That you may be filled up to all the fullness of God” (Ephesians 3:19b). One might achieve that by learning the breadth, length, height, and depth of the love of Christ, which, he said, surpasses knowledge.

The cube is a perfect structure. Perhaps that’s why in the Temple, the Holy of Holies, was meant to serve as a place for God’s presence. It was a cube, an object that has four equal sides.

Perhaps Paul asks us to look at Christ’s love that way and view it from all sides. Certainly, delineating the love of Christ would take more space than this magazine can hold! Let’s look at four sides.

Christ’s love is so long it encompasses all time. How long will Jesus love us? There is no end to his love because there is no end to him. He has pledged to continue with us to the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

How deep is Christ’s love? It is so strong no outside power can separate us from it. While we can separate ourselves from him, no one else — no other power — can (Romans 8:38-39).

How high is Christ’s love? I often wonder what it would be like to climb Mt. Everest, almost 30,000 ft. above sea level. Christ’s love is so strong that he came down here to Earth, lived, and died as a man so that we might go to heaven one day.

To what lengths did Christ go to save sinful humans? Can we start with his birth, life, teachings, suffering, and death on the cross? Would that cover it? No. There is so much more.

He loves you and wants to save you. You must start by obeying the gospel and living a life of faithful service to him. Why not begin today?

John Henson


Serving Others 1 Thessalonians 1:2-4

God created mankind. He knows what we need. He knows we need each other. God knows this world is complicated. He knows this world is painful. God created both the marriage relationship for companionship and He created friendship for companionship. It is in that context that God created the church – as a group of believers to serve each other and to serve their fellowman.

Why should Christians serve?


In Mark 10:45, Jesus points out very simply that He did not come to be served but to serve, to offer His life as a ransom for many. Doing good to others was an integral part of the ministry of Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:23). When Peter was telling the first non-Jewish convert to Christianity about Jesus Christ, Peter began with this very same point: “Jesus was anointed by God with the Holy Spirit and power who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him” (Acts 10:38).

Why should Christians serve?


God has always required His children to serve others. Take the Jews, for example – the first religion organized by God. In Deuteronomy 15:4-8, the law says: “However, there will be no poor among you, since the Lord will surely bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess, if only you listen obediently to the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all this commandment which I am commanding you today. For the Lord your God will bless you as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you. If there is a poor man with you, one of your brothers, in any of your towns in your land which the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand from your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and shall generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks.”

In fact, the word “poor” is found 143 times in the Bible! From beginning to end, the Bible teaches us to help the poor.

In the great “Sermon on the Mount,” Matthew 6:2-4, Jesus assumes that His followers will help the poor: “So when you give to the poor, do not sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, so that they may be honored by men. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But when you give to the poor, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving will be in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Paul was eager to “help the poor” (Gal. 2:10).

Why should Christians serve?


In Romans 12:3, Paul tells us: “For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith” and a few verses later, Paul will say that when you give to help others, do so liberally (verse 8).

Christians have the highest standard and the highest motivation and the greatest example of “selflessness” there is – that is the person of Jesus Christ…

Why should Christians serve?


Take a look at 2 Corinthians 8:9-10: “    For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich. I give my opinion in this matter, for this is to your advantage, who were the first to begin a year ago not only to do this, but also to desire to do it.” The context of 2 Corinthians 8 is giving to help those who are in need. But Paul sets this discussion in the overall context of Jesus, who was rich but became poor for our sakes. Now, the Bible does not require us to become poor. Nowhere. But it does teach us to use our riches wisely and part of that wisdom is helping those who need help.


The Fake Walmart Employee

The 17-year-old kid certainly looked like a Walmart employee. He had all the correct attire and even knew how the corporation worked, especially since he was an employee at one point. He began traveling from store to store posing as “a manager from another branch.” The real Walmart employees bought his story. This teen guy successfully conned three different Walmart stores, achieving access to back offices and cash registers. Before he was caught, he had compiled almost $30,000 (Channel 4 News).

Some of the most dangerous people are those who seem like they belong when, in reality, they have sinister intentions. This is especially true in spiritual matters. Deceptive people like these have been responsible for ripping apart congregations, pulling people away from the church, and introducing false teachings. The damage they cause is devastating and, in some cases, irreversible.

Scripture warns, “But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words…” (1 Peter 2:1-3; cf. 1 Timothy 4:1-3).

While a Christian should always carry an attitude of love and kindness towards everyone, let’s also keep a watchful eye for those who may have bad intentions. Let’s be one who diligently study God’s Word. Let’s also test what is being taught and make sure it checks out with what Scripture says (1 John 4:1-6; Revelation 2:2).

Brett Petrillo