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The Church is not the Building

All my life, I have heard the oft-repeated message, “the church is not the building, it’s the people.” Another way I have heard it expressed is, “You can’t ‘go to church” because you are the church.”

Well, now’s the time to prove it! Our meeting houses have been empty for a month now, but the church is as busy as it ever has been!

  • While our church buildings have been as quiet as a tomb for the past month, the church has raised her voice and proclaimed the gospel of Jesus broader than ever before.
  • While the doors to our church buildings are locked and none are entering, the doors to the church are still open and many have walked through those doors and into a new or restored relationship with God.
  • While our church buildings are dark, the church remains to be a light to the world, reflecting the brightness of God’s glory to the world.
  • While the last echos of laugher and edification have long since faded away in our church buildings, the church is as active as ever in building one another up in the most holy faith.
  • And while our church buildings are currently an unused tool in the churches’ toolbox, thank God it is not the only tool in our toolbox, and thus the work continues.

You know, what I’ve heard all my life is right!  The church is not the building, it’s the people, and this pandemic has demonstrated it. And for those who have for many years affirmed “the church is not the building” but who are upset because we are not able to meet at the building at this present time, I would encourage you to start believing what you’ve been preaching for all these years! The church building is not the focal point of our religion, Jesus is! Remember, the church is not a building, it’s the people!

by Steve Higginbotham


Faithfully serving God

David was nearing the end of his life. Although he had wanted to build the temple for God, he had not been allowed to because he was a warrior (1 Chronicles 28:2-3). Instead, he drew up the plans and what needed to be made, as well as organizing the Levites and priests to serve in the temple (see 1 Chronicles 28:11-21).

God had chosen David’s son Solomon to be David’s successor and rule for God in Israel. “He said to me, ‘Solomon your son is the one who will build my temple and my courts, for I have chosen him to become my son and I will become his father. I will establish his kingdom permanently, if he remains committed to obeying my commands and regulations, as you are doing this day’” (1 Chronicles 28:6-7).

But notice for Solomon to enjoy God’s blessings of being his son and God being his father and to have his kingdom permanently established there was an ‘if’. “If he remains committed to obeying my commands and regulations.” Solomon needed to faithfully serve the Lord, so David had instruction for his son, as well.

“So now, in the sight of all Israel, the Lord’s assembly, and in the hearing of our God, I say this: Carefully observe all the commands of the Lord your God, so that you may possess this good land and may leave it as a permanent inheritance for your children after you. And you, Solomon my son, obey the God of your father and serve him with a submissive attitude and a willing spirit, for the Lord examines all minds and understands every motive of one’s thoughts. If you seek him, he will let you find him, but if you abandon him, he will reject you permanently” (1 Chronicles 28:8-9 NET).

Solomon needed to carefully follow all of God’s commands. He needed to have a willing spirit to serve and obey God submissively. Although he would be king, he also needed to serve – to serve God, doing what God commanded.

Solomon needed to remember that God knew him better than he knew himself – God knew his mind, his motives, and his thoughts. Solomon could not fool God by doing one thing and desiring to do something else, or do something when he worshipped but doing something different when he thought God wasn’t looking.

If he would seek God, God would let Solomon find him. God wanted a relationship with the king of his people! But if Solomon were to abandon God, God would reject him, and reject him permanently.

God was consistent in his promises and blessings. He promised to bless Solomon but it required Solomon to faithfully obey and serve him.

And is it any different for us? Although most of us will never rule a nation, God still desires a relationship with us and this relationship must be based on the same obedience that God wanted from Solomon.

God wants us to obey him, serve him with a submissive attitude and willing spirit. God will allow himself to be found if we but seek him.

We also need to remember that God knows us as he knew Solomon. He knows our minds, understands every motive behind our thoughts – he knows what we are thinking. He knows when we desire something sinful. He knows when we are only half-hearted in what we do as a Christian. He knows everything about us.

God has eternal life stored up for us, something that is far better than a physical kingdom. May we, at the end of our life, be able to say as Paul said:

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. There is reserved for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give me on that day, and not only to me, but to all those who have loved his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4:7-8 CSB)

Jon Galloway

A flashlight and a Three Musketeers bar

When I was a pre-teen, not quite sure of the age, two other kids and I decided we would explore a cave in the woods. Now, we were ready a flashlight and a Three Musketeers bar.

We had no idea what we would find or how long we would be in the cave. All we knew was it was different, and it was an adventure. The opening was small, but we were kids and squeezed right in.

I am not sure how long we were in the cave before we realized that we had no idea where the entrance was. I don’t think we panicked, but two were crying.

I don’t know who said it but, what he said was something like, “let’s stay together and we will just walk and watch for the sunlight coming in. That made sense, and that is what we did.

Of course, we had good luck and found the light and the way out. The thing was it was not the opening where we came into the cave. It was much larger and let in much more light. That was a blessing!

Note with me a few verses about light.

Psalm 89:15, “How blessed are the people who know the joyful sound! O LORD, they walk in the light of Your countenance.

Isa 2:5,”Come, house of Jacob, and let us walk in the light of the LORD.

John 8:12,”Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.

John 12:35-36, “Jesus said to them, “For a little while longer the Light is among you. Walk while you have the Light, so that darkness will not overtake you; he who walks in the darkness does not know where he goes. “While you have the Light, believe in the Light, so that you may become sons of Light.”

So as we live day by day don’t you find it interesting that each of us is referred to as light in such passages as, Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; 15 nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. 16 “Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven.”

Or again we have this thought from Ephesians 5:8, “For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light.

Thinking about a real light because of the curvature of the earth, about 3.1 miles is the limit. If the earth were flat or you were on a high mountain a light could be seen 100 miles away. Even a candle could be seen 30 miles away if the earth were flat. (Preparedness Advice, Posted January 5, 2014)

Now while those facts are interesting, we are very seldom that far away from anybody, even the 3.1 miles. We are in contact with people all the time, every day. And as a Christian you know many are watching to see what you will say or what you will do. Be ready with a word of encouragement and a helping hand.

So, let us remember not only are we to walk in the light, we are the light for many. It could be you are the only light.

Be ready to share and show the way out of the darkness.

Dick Brant

When a blessing doesn’t look like a blessing

“Don’t be deceived,” James warns, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father … who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:16-17).

Some are indeed deceived. They mistake the temporary gratification of sin for a blessing “from above.”

After all, the pleasures of adultery are undeniable. Revenge can bring quick and cheap gratification. Crushing someone else by gossip or hurtful words can bring a kind of pleasure.

But these gifts are not from above. They are not “good and perfect gifts.” They are tainted and tarnished and temporary.

Then there are those blessings that don’t appear to be blessings at first. James has already pointed out how trials can bring blessings such as “faith,” and “perseverance,” and spiritual “maturity” (James 1:3,4). The gift of loneliness lies in the fact that it makes us seek the fellowship of God. The gift of failure makes us understanding of others who fail. The gift of sorrow makes us better able to sympathize with those in sorrow.

Not every gift looks alike. Don’t be deceived. Trust the father, who is not capricious, who does not lash out because he’s “having a bad day.” He doesn’t, and you can count on it, even the trials are a sign of his love.

Stan Mitchell

Invisible and visible influence

The scientific name for yeast used in making bread is Saccharomyces Ceremisiae, which means “sugar-eating fungi.” This fungus loves sugar. As it eats sugar, the fungus produces alcohol and carbon dioxide. The gas cannot escape in the dough and causes the batter to rise.

This process is not visible to the naked eye. The fungus is only one cell and is seen only with a microscope. The result of the process is very visible. Bread dough can grow visibly larger because of the presence and appetite of the fungus.

Jesus taught a very short parable about this process in Matthew 13:33. The Lord could say more in one verse than most poets could say in ten. He said the kingdom of heaven was like leaven that a woman hid in some flour until all of it had risen.

Christ’s kingdom would influence the world. The church that Jesus built grew from humble beginnings in Jerusalem hardly visible to the world until the Roman Empire noticed.

The influence of Christianity was visible in the letters of Pliny the Younger to Emperor Trajan. Pliny, governor of Bithynia, told the emperor how he dealt with Christians by making them either recant their religion or suffer punishment.

But, there was another more visible and more palpable aspect of the leaven of Christianity. The love, good conduct, and fine reputations of its members had an influence in the world (James 3:13; 1 Peter 2:12). Christianity results in good conduct, love, care, and concern for others.

Want to experience this kind of good influence? Find the Lord’s church and see it for yourself.

John Henson

Love yourself?

Here is, as they say on Facebook, an unpopular view.

I have noticed a fascinating trend with regard to Jesus’ second greatest command to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:39). What this statement says, many insist, is that we should love ourselves, because Jesus says we should.

This is an excellent example of concluding the exact opposite of what the Lord is trying to teach.

I get that it is popular to teach self-love. How compelling it would be to find a Bible passage that actually teaches it! It’s popular these days to speak of one’s self-worth, and since time immemorial loving self has been popular. I am sorry to break it to you, however; that’s not what Jesus was saying in this passage.

To begin with, the emphasis needs to be placed on the first part of the statement, not the second. We ought to emphasize the “love your neighbor” part, not the “love yourself” part. Second, I suspect when Jesus said this, he was depending on the fact that we already love ourselves; he’s saying, OK, now love your neighbor like that! This statement is more like the Golden Rule, where Jesus declared that we should treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves (Matthew 7:12). We need to see beyond our needs to the needs of others. The challenge is more than that, however; it expresses the ability to put ourselves in their position and treat them accordingly!

The Bible is far more concerned with our pride and selfishness than in our self-image. Ask yourself: what kind of people have caused the most problems in our world, those with poor self-images, or those with giant egos?

The Bible says a great deal about pride. Far from learning self-love, we are warned continually against it. Paul warns that a time would come when people are “lovers of self, lovers of money, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy …” (2 Timothy 3:2). When we exhibit an oversized ego, we are shining the light and the attention on ourselves. Instead, we learn that “God opposes the proud,” and “gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6). A prideful person is a selfish person; he thinks only he and his interests are important.

We are further warned, “For where jealousy and selfish ambition exists, there will be disorder and every vile practice” (James 3:16). Paul warns us to “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interest of others” (Philippians 2:3,4).

To suggest that Jesus is teaching self-love is not only to miss the point of Jesus’ teaching on the second greatest commandment but to miss the teaching of Scripture as a whole. In a word, love God, love your neighbor. Don’t be too impressed with yourself. It’s easy, and all too common, to love self; it is uncommon and commanded to love others as we already love ourselves.

Stan Mitchell

Get off the grass

I don’t want to be the old guy who yells at the kids to “get off the grass.” I don’t want to grow into old age speaking in negative terms of the church, succeeding generations, and how everything was just peachy in my day.

To begin with, things weren’t just fine when I was younger. As is true of any generation, the people of God had their struggles against false teaching, arrogance, and apathy. Furthermore, there are many great young people being trained to serve the cause of Christ today. Many are already doing so with distinction. Urging young people to go back to the Bible and follow it completely is not the theological equivalent of yelling at them to “get off the grass,” however. It is sound, urgent advice. It is the theological equivalent of begging people to refrain from polluting the water supply.

I am concerned that young people begin to pick up the mantle of leadership soon. I welcome the freshness of their ideas and the eagerness of youth. But I want to caution them that when they see something that has been built over the decades they not automatically assume it was built without cost, without love for the Lord, without thoughtfulness. Some activities today are the result of tradition, it is true. Some traditions should be removed, like a gardener cleaning a rosebush in winter. No tradition, of course, is the equivalent of divine command (Mark 7:3-9).

Beyond tradition, however, is something more foundational. I have fought for more than 40 years for the people known as churches of Christ. I guess some would say that makes me a conservative. In reality, the term conservative does not completely describe who I am. As a biblical conservative, I am not a heartless, graceless legalist. I am aware that many devotional talks and blog entries depict me that way, but these are caricatures, not realities.

Please take note: My love for the Lord, for the lost and for my brethren is deep and steadfast. I have a track record to show for this. We built on the foundation of Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:11). It is hard to be on the scaffolding, continuing to build, when people below hurl criticisms and innuendo at us.

Believe me, baby boomers weren’t (and are not) perfect. Many of the seeds of our discontent were scattered by baby boomers. Young folk are idealistic and want visual evidence of the church’s advance. Remember two things; not every advance in God’s sight is visual (the heart, the spiritual nature of a person is unseen, not seen). Second, just because you don’t see the service others render, please don’t assume they have not rendered any. Only God is omniscient.

Young person, if you feel the church is lacking, don’t leave; climb up the scaffolding and help us build!

Stan Mitchell

We are accountable to God for what we have and for what we can do. Let us be diligent in our service.

Seasonal harvests

“Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, he was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves he went to see if perhaps he would find something on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. In response Jesus said to it, ‘Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.’ And his disciples heard it” (Mark 11:12-14 NKJV).

When I arrived in Bangladesh in early March, the fruit trees on the campus were in bloom and beginning to set fruit. Unfortunately, when it was time to leave a couple of months later the fruit was hanging heavily, but not yet ripe enough to eat. To say it was frustrating to watch mangoes, jackfruit, and other tropical fruits which I don’t get much opportunity for at home (at least not tree-ripened and fresh) get that close to edible but still not available to me is rather an understatement.

Most of us can understand the Lord’s disappointment at a potential fresh fig lunch failing to materialize. From a distance, the tree looked promising. When he got close, however, there was nothing on it to eat. No wonder he cursed the tree so that it withered and died.

But was it the tree’s fault? Mark actually says it was not the season for figs. That is a rather puzzling statement — if no figs could be expected why did Jesus go to the tree in hope? Why did he curse the tree so that it died? His reaction may seem to some moderns to have been excessive and inappropriate.

Several factors may have been involved to cause Jesus to do what he did. Some suggest that he was simply teaching his disciples a lesson concerning faith and his own divine power. Others think the tree may have been exhibiting a false promise, with leaf development more like that of the time when figs were normally ripe. It was in rebuke of that false signal that Jesus punished the tree, they suggest.

These or other factors may have influenced the Lord’s actions. None of the gospels give any reason for them, however. We are left to apply this story as best we can. One moral that is evident is that fruitfulness is always better than barrenness.

There may have been good reasons for the tree to lack figs, but the fact remained that when Jesus approached it, there was nothing there for him. Often we find ourselves unproductive in our spiritual walk. We do few good works. We seem spiritually weak and are not growing satisfactorily. Even our worship may at times seem routine, ritualistic, and not overly sincere.

We may feel that there are good reasons for our lack of fruit. Perhaps there has been sickness, either of ourselves or of loved ones, that has hampered us. Maybe there are economic problems that have us distracted. It simply does not seem to be the season for figs (I.e., spiritual fruit). We hope God will overlook our failings and that a better season will come soon.

The story of Jesus and the fig tree reminds us that God is demanding of his people. He expects us to use that which he has entrusted to us wisely and well, as is taught in the parable of Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). The “one talent servant” who failed to use the resources he was given was judged “wicked and lazy” and was cast into outer darkness, bereft of the money he had neglected.

Like the fig tree with which Jesus was disappointed, that servant failed to reach his potential and was judged accordingly. We are accountable to God for what we have and for what we can do. Let us be diligent in our service.

Michael Brooks

Ministering to the Grieving

Through the years, I have stood at the head of many caskets, and I have heard many comments made to grieving families that made me cringe.  While the intent was not to harm or add pain, in reality that is what they did.  Like Job’s friends, they would have better served as comforters if they would have just remained silent.

I think most people share a common fear of saying the wrong thing to one who is grieving, or simply not knowing what to say.  Because of this fear, we often withdraw from people at a time when they need us the most.  The apostle Paul said that since the God of all comfort comforts us in our tribulation, then we should comfort others (1 Corinthians 1:3-4).  The following suggestions are offered in hopes of equipping us so that we may effectively minister to those who are grieving.

Give them your presence.  Don’t allow a person to suffer alone.  Understand that you don’t have to say anything.  Just be there.  A hug; an expression of sorrow; and a reaffirmation of your love for them is all that you need to say.  Your presence is what will be remembered and treasured, not your words.

Don’t stress over words.  No words can fix the situation, so drop the burden of feeling you must come up with the “perfect thing to say.”  There is no sage advice to offer at this moment that if they do this or that, it will all be better.

Be there when the dust settles.  We often inundate the grieving family with support during the immediate time of loss, but who is ministering to this family two months later?  Determine to be the person who is ministering two months, four months, six months after the funeral.

Remember dates.  Mark your calendar and make note of birthdays, anniversaries, and especially the anniversary date of the person’s death.  I assure you that the anniversary of a person’s death will not be overlooked by loved ones we are left behind.  Let the grieving know that we remember too. Such remembrances are treasures by those who are grieving.

Do good.  Don’t simply offer to do good, actually do it.  Sometimes we find ourselves saying, “If there’s anything you need, just let me know.”  This offer may salve our consciences, but it is rings hollow and is an offer that will rarely be acted upon.  Instead, if you really want to offer your help, say something like, “Would you rather me run to the store and get some groceries for you, or would you rather have me do the dishes for you?”  This wording is much more likely to receive a positive response and allow you the opportunity to minister.

Let people grieve.  A widow once told me that whenever she started to cry, a close relative would tell her to stop crying and be strong.  Don’t encourage a person to suppress grief.  Crying is not only a human response to grief, but it’s healthy.

Avoid empty platitudes.  Trite phrases that do not comfort and some of which do not even  accurately reflect biblical truth, need to remain unspoken.  Saying things like, “I understand exactly how you feel,” or “God must have needed another angel,” or “it was God’s will,” or “at least you’re young, you can marry again/have more children” are either hurtful, insensitive, or do not reflect the truth.  If you struggle for words to say, then simply say these, “I’m sorry.”  “I’m praying for you.”  “I love you.”

If we follow these suggestions, we will be better equipped to comfort others the way God comforts us (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

by Steve Higginbotham

Why Preach?

2. TO EDIFY THE HEARER (1 Thess. 5:11)
3.  TO INFORM THE LIS­TENER (Matt. 28:19,20)
5.  TO PRODUCE FAITH (Rom. 10:17)
6.  TO CONDEMN ERROR (James 5::19,20)
7.  TO REBUKE THE ERRING (2 Tim. 4:2)
12. TO SAVE SOULS (Mk. 16:15,16)

– selected

The Sandwich Generation

One of the most basic aspects of being a part of the Sandwich Generation is that the children become the parents and the parents the children, except for the children of the children, they are still children….you see how complicated a life we live. Yes, my parents have taken on, in many respects, the characteristics of my children. Since we still have four children living at home, then my wife and I are interacting with 6 people who are at different life stages, some are maturing physically and emotionally and some are regressing in both areas.

For instance, my Dad was once a really great driver. He could drive long distances without a single stop. He could avoid any obstacle. He even was a trained ambulance driver and had amazing reflexes…but not anymore. Riding for more than an hour hurts his back. Driving at night is dangerous. The insurance company isn’t thrilled about him driving either. At the same time, my teenage daughter is becoming a really good driver. She is safe. She doesn’t like to have other people in her car because she really likes to focus on driving. The insurance company still isn’t thrilled with her skills yet, but her rates will go down while my Dad’s will go up. It’s a struggle whenever either one drives away.

My youngest daughter takes everything in and remembers things that blow me away.  My Mom has dementia. Mom is often unaware of her environment. Her short-term memory is spotty at best. My daughter is learning new skills every day and improving in her ability to communicate. My Mom is headed in the opposite direction. One is learning how to better care for herself while the other is quickly forgetting how to do so. It’s an emotional time for all of us.

My children are taking on more and more responsibilities around the house, both out of necessity and because they need to learn how to do things. They are maturing and part of maturing is learning how to work, do chores, and help each other. My Dad and Mom need help with things that were once a breeze for them. Some of the things they have forgotten how to do and other things just have become too difficult. The children are growing in their helpfulness and my parents are regressing. It’s a difficult dynamic.

Folks on the outside looking in, including my siblings who don’t live nearby, cannot fully appreciate the daily changes happening in our household. My children are growing up and facing new challenges each day, as well as new opportunities. My parents are aging and facing new challenges each day, and their opportunities are shrinking. Still, we do our best to embrace everything with a good attitude and handle the challenges and opportunities with grace and enthusiasm. If I’m being honest…it’s a real struggle, but God gives us enough grace for each day.

“The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.”
(Lamentations 3:22-23)

Timothy Gunnells

We Have to Pay for that First

Shepherd, a little boy I know, who was not quite two-years old at the time, was sitting in a shopping cart as his mother was shopping. This little boy’s mother had picked up an item that he was anxious to eat, and while still at the checkout stand, Shepherd wanted to unwrap this item and eat.  However, his mother said he couldn’t do that because they had to they had to “pay first.”  Immediately, this little boy bowed his head and began praying.  He had mis-heard his mother and thought she said he had to “pray” first, rather than “pay” first.

In contrast, consider another little boy I once met. I would guess he was about five-years old.  I was handing out invitations to a gospel meeting outside of a K-Mart in St. Croix, Virgin Islands. This little boy’s mother took the flyer I handed her, very politely thanked me for it, and then turned to her son and said, “Look what the nice man gave us. It’s an invitation to study the Bible.”  In innocence, the little boy looked back at his mother and said, “What is a Bible?”

Here we have two little boys, one taught at a very young age to pray and the other doesn’t even know what a Bible is. These two accounts remind me that parents can either be a blessing or a stumbling block to the salvation of their children. May God help us to keep focused and to raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

by Steve Higginbotham

Three thoughts to consider in the text of Matthew 5:5

Lilo and Stitch was a blockbuster hit in 2002, making over $270 million in the box office. The movie tells the story about a young girl who develops a friendship with a strange alien named Stitch. At first glance, Stitch is a character who is rough around the edges. He has a temper and a burning desire to blow everything up. However, throughout the movie Stitch develops a gentle attitude and becomes one who is caring and loving. I believe there is a lesson to be learned from the fluffy blue alien.

As an introductory foundation, Jesus starts His sermon by talking about the individuals that God approves of. Jesus starts each of these personas by stating, “blessed is the.” Another way of translating “blessed” is “God approved.” When Jesus taught on these beatitudes He was shaking the pillars of 1st Century philosophy. In the midst of the beatitudes Jesus states, “blessed are the meek.” In that time of history, meek meant weak. There was practically nothing good about the person who was gentle or submissive. Obviously there are some parallels even in today’s world. So why is it, that we ought to strive to be gentle/humble?

Three thoughts to consider in the text of Matthew 5:5:

  1. God approves of such behavior – This should certainly be one of the first motives. The ideology of the first century and the centuries to follow has always classified the meek as weak. The fact is gentleness does not promote weakness. If anything, it is the opposite. It takes great strength to put yourself last and care for the needs of the individuals around you.
  2. You might be the answer to someone’s prayer – In one scene of Lilo and Stitch, Lilo is found in her room praying for a friend. Often times, prayers consist of “Lord give me comfort” or “give me strength.” Is it too far fetched to believe that God could be providing such things through you? We as individuals have the ability to carry out the work of God if we are willing. Certainly Paul’s words ring true as he stated, “do your best to come to me soon” when he was facing severe danger in 2 Timothy 4:9.
  3. You have the opportunity to be a benefit, not a deficit – The world needs more gentle-minded individuals. Certainly was the case as Jesus taught this. When you read through His sermon, you’ll start to recognize Christ encouraging His listeners to become better people all around. Ain’t a soul out there who loves to be around someone who is harsh, degrading, and belittling. Being gentle is a great way to be a benefit in this world.

Though Stitch didn’t start out as a calm-natured, caring individual, it’s what he grew to be. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from a rough position. What matters is the destination. At the end of the movie, Stitch found his family because he was able to put himself last. He understood that being part of a family was a better life than being self-reliant and egotistical. Be gentle and kind and you’ll benefit God, the people around you, and yourself.

Tyler King

4 Things I Want My Children to Know about the Church

     We live in times where speaking about “the Church” is looked down upon. People want to talk about Jesus, but not about the Church. Or, at times, people have a concept of the Church as just being another social gathering, much like a community club or ball team.

     The Church, however, is far more. I need to know and appreciate that, and I also need to instill that in my children. So, while this is not an exhaustive list, here are four things I want to teach my children about the Church.

     1. The Church is Not Mine; It Belongs to Christ. Here is where it all starts. This is a divine institution. It is not man-made, and it was certainly not made by me. Jesus built it (Matthew 16:18) and purchased it with His blood (Acts 20:28). That being true, He has the say in how the Church is organized and what is practiced. We do not get that say, and we only truly honor Him when we faithfully follow Him, the Head of the Church (Colossians 1:18).

     2. The Church is a Beautiful Family of People. Though a divine institution, the Church is comprised of people, and those people are from all over the world and are made up of every walk of life. The Church is described as a body (cf. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27) where each part plays a vital role in maintaining the health of the whole. Young and old, married, and single, people of every race and language; they all make up a beautiful family that must work together and work through problems together to the glory of God.

     3. The Church Should be the Center of Our Schedule. I want my children to see the priority of the Church right on our calendar. When there is an activity, priority is given to the Church, not the world. That does not mean we will be able to attend every single activity, but the priority is being with God’s people and working and worshiping with them.

     4. The Church Will be in Eternity Together. I want my children to learn to love being with God’s people here because it is God’s faithful people who will be together for all eternity! I want them to know that following Jesus really is the only way (John 14:6), so only those in the Church that belongs to Jesus will be in eternity.

     There are certainly many other things I want to teach my children about the Lord’s Church, but these four are invaluable to them gaining a lifelong love for this great body. I pray that, in teaching these things to my children, it also builds an even deeper love for the Church in my heart.

 – Adam Faughn

The destruction of the temple

“Now while some were speaking about the temple, how it was adorned with beautiful stones and offerings, Jesus said, ‘As for these things that you are gazing at, the days will come when not one stone will be left on another. All will be torn down!’ So they asked him, ‘Teacher, when will these things happen? And what will be the sign that these things are about to take place?’” (Luke 21:5-7 NET).

Of the three accounts of the impending destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21), Luke’s is probably the simplest to understand.

Matthew was writing to people of a Jewish background, so he quoted from the Old Testament, which these people would have known very well. It isn’t so strange that when people misinterpret what Jesus said concerning the temple they generally go to Matthew’s account and ignore Mark’s and Luke’s. The problem is that many today do not understand the Old Testament scriptures very well. Luke’s is written in a very plain way that can be easily understood.

In answer to the disciples’ questions (Mark tells us that it was Peter, James, John and Andrew who were with him), Jesus began by speaking of a time of war, earthquakes, famines and plagues (Luke 21:10-11). This really doesn’t pinpoint the time very well because these have been the conditions throughout the world since the beginning. Jesus may have been saying that the conditions on earth will continue as they always have or he may have been referencing to a time of more rebellions.

Next, Jesus began to pinpoint some definite things they should look for. The first of these is persecution (Luke 21:12-18). At the time Jesus said this there had been no persecution of his followers. Although the Jewish leaders at this time were seeking to kill Jesus, this did not lead to any widespread persecution.

Even in the months and years following Pentecost, the Christians enjoyed the favor of the people. The persecution began in Jerusalem with the death of Stephen (Acts 7) and from then on we find the Jews persecuting Christians as they saw many following Jesus in the areas where they lived.

The defining sign they were to look for was Jerusalem surrounded by armies (Luke 21:20-24). This would be a definite occurrence which they could not miss. It was at this time that they needed to get out of the city and flee to the mountains. It would be a difficult time especially for women who were pregnant or nursing, as swift travel would be a problem for them. It was after this that “Jerusalem will be trampled down by Gentiles” (Luke 21:24).

It is the next few verses that give people the most trouble (Luke 21:25-28). This refers to signs in the sun, moon and stars and the powers of heavens being shaken. Although this type of language may be strange to us, we find these types of references throughout the Old Testament concerning God coming in judgment on a nation. This seems to simply be saying that this was God’s judgment on Jerusalem.

To emphasize that these were things that were going to happen very soon, Jesus gave them a rough time frame in which the temple would be destroyed: “I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place” (Luke 21:32). Everything Jesus had spoken of about the temple’s destruction was going to take place during their lifetime.

This chapter does not give us signs to look for to determine when Jesus will return at the end of time. But the admonition he gave his disciples is applicable to us as we await that great event: “But be on your guard so that your hearts are not weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of this life, and that day close down upon you suddenly like a trap…But stay alert at all times” (Luke 21:34-36).

by Jon Galloway

I took him into the bathroom, which was nothing more than a dirty hole in the floor, and I stood behind him and cradled him in my arms as he took care of himself


Doug Nichols went to India to be a missionary, but while he was just starting to study the language he became infected with tuberculosis and had to be put in a sanitarium.  It was not a very good place to be. It was not very clean and conditions were difficult because there were so many sick people there.  But Doug decided to do the best he could in that situation. So he took a bunch of Christian books and tracts and tried to share the gospel with the other patients in the sanitarium.

But when he tried to pass out tracts, no one wanted them.  He tried to hand out books, but no one would take them. He tried to talk with them, but he was handicapped because of his inability to communicate in their language, and he felt so discouraged.  There he was. Because of his illness he would be there a long time.  But it seemed like the work that he had been sent to do would not be done because no one would listen to him.

Because of his tuberculosis, every night at about 2 o’clock he would wake up with chronic coughing that wouldn’t quit. Then one night when he awoke he noticed across the aisle an old man trying to get out of bed. He said the man would roll himself up into a little ball and teeter back and forth trying to get up the momentum to get up and stand on his feet. But he just couldn’t do it. He was too weak.  Finally, after several attempts the old man laid back and wept.

The next morning Doug understood why the man was weeping. He was trying to get up to go to the bathroom and didn’t have enough strength to do that.  So his bed was a mess and there was a smell in the air.  The other patients made fun of the old man. The nurses came to clean up his bed and they weren’t kind to him, either. In fact, one of them even slapped him in the face. Doug said that the old man just laid there and cried.

Doug said, “That next night about 2 o’clock I started coughing again. I looked across the way and there was the old man trying to get out of bed once more. I really didn’t want to do it, but somehow I managed to get up and I walked across the aisle and I helped the old man stand up.”  But he was too weak to walk.

Doug said, “I took him in my arms and carried him like a baby. He was so light that it wasn’t a difficult task. I took him into the bathroom, which was nothing more than a dirty hole in the floor, and I stood behind him and cradled him in my arms as he took care of himself.  Then I carried him back to his bed and laid him down. As I turned to leave he reached up and grabbed my face and pulled me close and kissed me on the cheek and said what I think was `Thank you.'”

Doug said, “The next morning there were patients waiting when I awoke and they asked if they could read some of the books and tracts that I had brought. Others had questions about the God I worshiped and His only begotten Son who came into the world to die for their sins.”  In the next few weeks Doug Nichols gave out all the literature that he had brought, and many of the doctors and nurses and patients in that sanitarium came to know Jesus Christ, too.

He said, “Now what did I do? I didn’t preach a sermon. I couldn’t even communicate in their language. I didn’t have a great lesson to teach them. I didn’t have wonderful things to offer. All I did was take an old man to the bathroom and anyone can do that.”

“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” (1 John 4:7-8)

What can you do to express the love of God to people around you today?

Have a great day!

Alan Smith


A Life of Joy with Jesus from the Gospel of John” “Pilate’s Choice” John 19:13-16

Choices. You and I have already made a number of choices this morning. We chose to get out of bed. We either chose to eat breakfast or we chose not to. We either chose to take a shower / bath or we chose not to. We chose what to wear this morning or we chose to wear what our wives told us to wear. Those choices are really not all that significant.

But sometimes, our choices are important. They reflect whether we love God supremely or not. God allows us to make those choices on our own. He does not force us to love Him because God loves us and love does not force decisions.

In the choices we make in life, we don’t always know or see the immediate consequences of those choices. But if, if, the choices are the right choices to make, then we know we ought to make those choices, even if we can’t immediately see the consequences of those choices.

In John 19, Jesus is taken from Caiaphas, the high priest, to the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John mention Pontius Pilate fifty-two times. Let’s examine the choices Pilate made…

Jesus’ first interaction with Pontius Pilate is in 18:29. Once the police officers brought Jesus into the praetorium, Pilate appears and asks them what accusation they have against him. Notice in verse 30 that the Jews do not answer Pilate’s question. Since they didn’t answer Pilate’s question, Pilate initially does not give them what they want.

At the end of John 18, we have a dialogue between Jesus and Pilate (18:33-39). Don’t you know that Pilate’s head was spinning. I’m sure he had not studied the Old Testament and he was not the type of person, probably, who thought much about theology.

Choice #1 that Pilate makes: He chooses not to pursue biblical studies any further. He is more concerned about politics; he hears this discussion about “truth” and he really doesn’t care about spiritual matters, so he throws out that question, “What is truth?”, and then proceeds to walk away from The Truth, the embodiment of the truth sent from God.

Choice #2 that Pilate makes (18:38): He chooses to accept the fact that Jesus is not a revolutionary. He is not intent on overthrowing neither King Herod nor Emperor Tiberius. Jesus is not guilty of any crime against the Roman government that would require Pilate’s attention.

Pilate makes choice #3 in verse 39. It was Pilate’s custom to release a political prisoner at Passover, to try to keep peace with the Jews. He asks if they want him to release their “king:” Jesus. No, the Jewish people ask for a robber to be freed, an insurrectionist, an enemy of the state of Rome: Barabbas.

Chapter 19 begins with choice #4. Pilate chooses to scourge Jesus (19:1). He does so despite the fact that he had already declared that Jesus was not guilty of a crime! We should understand that, sometimes, because people have an agenda, it does not matter what the facts say, they are going to do what they want to do, even if it means killing or destroying a good man. There is true evil in the world.

Pilate allows (Choice #5) the soldiers to dress Jesus up as a king, probably in mockery, perhaps to stimulate some sympathy on the part of the Jews so that Pilate would not have to follow through with anything more serious (19:2-4).

Choice #6 of Pilate is recorded in 19:12: he made more efforts to persuade the Jews to back off their condemnation of death but then the Jews threaten Pilate with going over his head and reporting to either the Roman officer in Syria or even to Emperor Tiberius himself. Clearly, this was a political statement suggesting that if Pilate allowed Jesus to live, Pilate would be an accomplice in the rebellion among the Jews that would result.

The final choice we see from Pilate in this text begins in verse 13-16. The Jews claim to be followers of Caesar (19:15). In saying this, as a whole, they totally and completely reject the leadership of God. Of course, from Pilate’s perspective, bringing up Caesar again suggests that the Jews were willing to complain to Caesar if he did not play politics with them.

It was at this point that Pilate makes choice #7: He gives Jesus into the hands of the Jews to crucify Jesus, to put to death the sinless Son of God. The only crime for which the Jews could convict Jesus was for telling the truth. He was the Messiah. The Son of God. Pilate could not find a crime for which to convict Jesus but he chose to convict Him anyway.

If we wish to live a life of joy with Jesus, let us be careful as we live our lives from day to day that we make the right choices. The choices that put us on the side of Jesus, and Right, and Truth, and God. It might not turn out well for us in this life but if it is, in fact, the right thing to do, it will turn out well for us in the life to come.

Make the Right choices. Regardless of the circumstances or outcome.

Paul Holland

Where are the men of today?

So much needs to be said on the need for men to rise up in our culture today. I don’t mean with abusive masculinity that is often confused as “being a man.” I’m talking about Godly masculinity, strength of character, courage to lead in the best and worst of times, and a humble trust in Jesus as the one who makes us whole. Whole books have been written on the subject, so there’s not a whole lot I can add here in a short article. However, today I am inserting two video links of an inspirational martial arts instructor who seems to be working hard to teach boys and their fathers how to be strong men in their neighborhood. Full disclosure: I don’t know anything else about this man than what is in the videos. My request is that you simply take them at their face value and listen to the lessons being taught. I appreciate this sensei’s mission to call things like they are without being inflammatory. I love that he calls for boys to become strong and fathers to remain present and active. To the men who watch, we need to listen, learn, and apply. I hope videos like these will inspire more males to seek the Lord’s guidance in become true men.

But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

 1 Timothy 6:11-12 (ESV)

Cory Waddell

Will we ever learn that money is not the source of happiness?

How much money would it take for you to be happy? The “Skandia International’s Wealth Sentiment Monitor” conducted a survey to answer this very question.  Based on the results they collected from 13 countries, the perfect annual income for happiness is $95,000 (Market Watch).  According to the United States Census Bureau, the average American household makes $61,372 per year (CNBC).  People would finally be able to be happy if they had triple the average income, wouldn’t they?

Robert Thompson is the president of Sage Financial Design, a company that helps very wealthy people.  He had this to say about the clients he works with, “The rule of thumb we use is sudden wealth will ruin people in three to five years…At the end of five years, the money’s going to be gone or the human being is going to be gone. They either lose their money or themselves or both” (Chron). While Thompson was specifically speaking of people who suddenly come into money, it is no secret that even those who have worked for their riches are unhappy.  Story after story can be found of athletes going bankrupt, lottery winners losing it all, celebrities with serious life problems, as well as the demise and depression of other wealthy people.

Will we ever learn that money is not the source of happiness?  The issue rests on the fact that we need some money to survive. Unless we want to live in poverty, we need money. It’s intertwined with life. If we get a raise in salary, it does make life more comfortable. The problem is, we fall into the trap of thinking we will continue to become happier and more comfortable with the increase in money. It’s one of the greatest lies in this life.

God has often tried to warn us.  1 Timothy 6:10 says, “For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil,” and Matthew 6:24 states, “You cannot serve God and wealth.” It’s time we heed God’s warnings about money.  Having an annual income of $161,810 will not produce happiness, it would merely allow for us to feed our own selfishness.

So where is true happiness found?  Genuine happiness is found in something meaningful, rewarding, fulfilling, and something that reaches beyond ourselves. It goes past this life and reaches the eternal. Nothing fits these qualities better than life as a Christian. Jesus said it this way, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal.  For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21).

If we really want to be happy, then let’s place our wealth in Christ’s hands, not in our own.

Brett Petrillo