I’m Fine, I’t Fine, Everything’s Fine

“How are you?”

“Doing fine, how about you?”

“All good here.”

How many of these sorts of conversations have you had? Pleasantries exchanged, nothing real, nothing significant and nothing helpful. Look, I know we don’t want to run down the list of all of our issues in every conversation, with every person we encounter. That being said, there should be a different sort of communication that we can engage in with those brothers and sisters within our spiritual family. The idea of sharing highs and lows with one another is a biblical principle (Galatians 6:2, Romans 12:15). So, the question is, why don’t we share more, with those folks who understand the challenges of life from a spiritual perspective? Here are just a few potential reasons:

  • Yep, that sounds ugly, but let’s face it, our own arrogance can be a barrier to sharing our lives with our fellow Christians. Maybe we have painstakingly forged a persona and that persona doesn’t allow for admitting spiritual/physical/emotional challenges. Our self-esteem will be impacted if we show a crack in the armor, our persona damaged. It takes courage to allow others to see our struggles.
  • This can be a pretty long list. Fear of being judged harshly. Fear of a self-righteous response. Fear of our issues “getting out”. Fear of how we might be perceived going forward. Fear of being misunderstood. There are any number of fears that we equate with personal risk, but some risks might be worth taking.
  •  More specifically the lack of them. Building a level of trust that allows us to be able to share our challenges/concerns with others, requires intentional time and effort. Relationships don’t just happen, they are created. Trust is wrought.
  • You know how this might go. If I share things with someone, they might do the same with me! Now we have created a situation. We now have a degree of responsibility to be helpful to the person that we initially were hoping to get some perspective from to help ourselves. The idea of reciprocating is fundamental to creating good relationships. It can’t always just be about me.
  • Why would I need anyone to lean on, any other perspective, someone to pray for me, a sounding board to bounce ideas off of? We are a self-sufficient lot aren’t we? We typically feel that we can do it ourselves, whatever “it” is. Overconfidence is self-limiting. By only relying on ourselves, we build a tight box around our potential.
  • We have been fooled. Somehow, we have bought into the busyness that defines our society. We struggle to find the time to do all of the things expected of us professionally, in school and in our community. Even worse, those things are ever in front of us and demand a daily response. In many cases, taking time to be with our Christian family has become something we only work into our calendars when we can. Loving one another is an action. Action requires our time.  (John 13:34, 1 John 3:18)

Life is difficult. Life is challenging. Life is wonderful. God has established a spiritual family, to encourage, to support, to cheer and to cry… together. The opportunity to serve one another by participating in each other’s lives (Galatians 5:13) is unlimited. Work to grow closer through the lens of God’s word. Prefer one another. (Romans 12:10)

Dean Murphy

A Little Puff Of Wind

The clouds above squeezed out a raindrop. Below this little droplet set a house at the peak of a mountain. This house wasn’t sitting on just any mountain though. It was sitting at the peak of a mountain on the Great Continental Divide. As all the other droplets hit the roof, they were sent to one side of the divide or the other. Some would fall off to one side of the divide and began heading to the Pacific Ocean. Other drops fell off the opposite side and headed for the Atlantic Ocean. The little water drop continued to fall and was just about to hit the peak of the roof.  It looked as if it was going to end up on the Atlantic side. Just then, a little puff of wind came. This gentle breath of air caused the little droplet to change directions, landing it on the Pacific side. At just the right moment, this little puff of wind changed the raindrop’s path. This small wind resulted in a massive change in direction.

We see people every day. Going about their normal lives. Doing the things they normally do. Sometimes we talk with them. Sometimes we joke with them. Maybe at times we even develop friendships with them. These people are currently heading towards one of two spiritual destinations (Matthew 25:34, 41). What we do with the people we meet can drastically change their eternal end.

With some people, it may take just a little puff of wind to change their direction. This could be a brief conversation about God. This could come by answering some simple questions about the Bible. This could come by handing out an article or other religious material. This could come through a simple invitation to a Bible study. This could even come through an invitation to worship.

The worst possible thing we can do is nothing. What we might view as a small or insignificant act could very well change someone’s eternal direction. As Christians, our job is simply to spread the seed (Matthew 13) and bring people to Christ (Matthew 28:19-20).  It may not happen right away, but that little “puff of wind” could result in a person finding eternal glory in heaven. There is nothing greater!

Brett Petrillo

Word Of…

Even though we live in the “information age” it has not led to certainty, but uncertainty. The “information age” has not led us to truth, but to the belief that there is no absolute truth. Instead of leading us to trust, it has led us to doubt. Instead of leading us to an authority, it has led us to believe there is no authority. Instead of leading us to unity, it has led us to anarchy. It was not too many years ago that people looked to God and His Word as the authority, but since we have gotten into the “information age,” many have lost their faith in God and especially in His word as being the authority to guide our lives. To save ourselves and our nation we must return to the Word of God which is only revealed in the Bible!

We must return to the Word of God because it came from heaven, the throne of God, and it offers certainty to calm our confused minds. The psalmist said, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven” (119:89). The literal meaning of “settled” is “stands firm.” His Word is not going to change. We can always depend on it to give us certainty and trust. It is interesting to note the many ways that the Bible describes the Word of God and with each description one finds a blessing. It is called…

The Word of Truth (Colossians 1:5). We may doubt that the word in the “information age” is truth because it comes from man, but God’s word is truth (John 17:17). It is God’s truth that sets us free from information from human ideas (John 8:32).

The Word of Grace (Acts 14:3; 20:32). The blessing is that we do have to earn it – we cannot earn it! God recognizes our weakness and made up for that weakness by sending His beloved Son. We can receive God’s grace if we are obedient to the word that tells us about God’s grace.

The Word of Reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:19). Even though we cannot keep the Word of truth perfectly, when we follow the Word of grace to the best of our ability, God enables us to be reconciled to Him by our obedience to the Word of reconciliation. Our sin had separated us from God (Ephesians 2:12) and we were wandering in darkness (Ephesians 5:6) as aliens from God. But, the love of God gave us the Word of reconciliation so that we could have fellowship with Him (I Corinthians 1:9).

The Word (message) of Salvation (Acts 13:26). God blesses us in our daily life, but the “bottom line” is salvation for eternal life. God wants fellowship in eternity with those whom He has created. Therefore, He has given us the Word of salvation so that we can prepare for eternity.

The Word of Life (Philippians 2:16). During His personal ministry Jesus said, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). Jesus did not come to make life a burden. He came so that we can have life in abundance. That thought could be expanded to help us understand all that entails. Paul used the phrase “word of life” as to what Christians ought to offer a dark sinful world. “So that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights to the world, holding fast the word of life” (Philippians 2:15-16). God’s word tells us what life is all about – both on earth and in eternity.

The Word of the Gospel (Acts 15:7). After thinking about the other phrases involving the “Word of God” it is surprise that it is called the Word of good news! “Gospel” is a great summary of all that the Word of God brings to men.

Those of us who have absorbed the Word of God have experienced all the blessings that Word brings. We need to bring to this dark, unstable, confused world, the Word of God. They need what God wants to give them!

Wayne Burger



He’s in his mid-70’s.

He goes out to the cemetery and neatly mows and trims a grave with his own mower and weed-whacker.

He’s a veteran. He served three tours in Vietnam. T-h-r-e-e.

The grave he cares for in Resthaven Cemetery/Duncan, OK is that of another veteran; a veteran of WWII.

Mind you, he doesn’t do this only on occasion; he does it regularly. In fact, he couldn’t imagine not doing it.

Whenever he goes, he takes a friend with him. Doesn’t that make you smile? “Many hands make light work.”

Oh, and one more thing … the veteran has no feet.

No. Feet.

And he uses a push mower.

So why not just go and do likewise? On Sat., May 27. At 10 AM. And beyond.

Bring a push mower or trimmer. Pick up wind-borne trash and fallen limbs.

Volunteer. Do good. With a smile. Show respect for our veterans.

Whether or not you have feet.


David Smith

Eyes On You

A story is told about Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire.  Through his conquests, he captured a prince and his family.  When they came before him, the monarch asked the prisoner, “What will you give me if I release you?”  “The half of my wealth,” was his reply.  “And if I release your children?”  “Everything I possess.”  “And if I release your wife?”  “Your Majesty, I will give myself.”  Cyrus was so moved by his devotion that he freed them all.  As they returned home, the prince said to his wife, “Wasn’t Cyrus a handsome man!”  With a look of deep love for her husband, she said to him, “I didn’t notice.  I could only keep my eyes on you — the one who was willing to give himself for me” (sermonillustrations.com).

In a very similar way, Jesus was not only willing but actually gave up everything for us.  He temporarily gave up His seat in heaven.  He gave up His own needs.  He gave up His own comforts.  He even gave His life for us.  Like the prince’s wife, our response to such and incredible act of love should be to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Hebrews 12:1-2 sums this thought up perfectly, “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

May we always keep our eyes focused on Jesus!

Brett Petrillo


The Golden Box

A Chinese legend tells of some cultured gentlemen who often met to exchange wisdom and drink tea.  Each host tried to impress the guests with the finest and most costly teas.  When it came time for the most esteemed and respected one of the group to entertain, he served what appeared to be a truly exquisite tea.  He showcased a small golden box.  Glistening in the light, the host opened the lid and carefully measured out the tea leaves.  After drinking the tea, the guests praised the host for this most exceptional tea.  The host smiled and said, “The tea you have found so delightful is the same tea our peasants drink.  I hope it will be a reminder to all that the good things in life are not necessarily the rarest or the most costly.”

What a great reminder!  Truly all of the greatest parts of this life are free because the greatest parts are the ones that come from God.  Take Romans 6:23 for example, “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Consider Ephesians 1:6-8 as well, “to the praise of the glory of His grace, which He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved.  In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace which He lavished on us…”

The eternal life, grace, redemption, and forgiveness God offers us doesn’t cost us a dime.  These gifts aren’t even rare since they are offered to everyone on earth.  We don’t have to scour to the ends of the earth to find these incredible blessings.  We don’t have to complete some impossible tasks.  God freely gives them.

What does make these gifts rare, however, is the fact that so many in this life reject them (Acts 4:11-12).  It seems the Lord’s precious gifts have the opposite effect as in the story above.  The Lord’s box isn’t flashy and expensive-looking.  Instead, it appears simple and meek (i.e. Christ), yet it contains the greatest parts of this life.  Many do not see the tremendous value found in Christ and His gifts.  What a tragedy this is.

Let’s remember how little we had to pay for God’s incredible gifts to us.  Let’s accept these gifts through obedience to God (Acts 2:38; 1 Peter 3:21).  Above all, let’s praise the Lord for giving us far beyond what we deserve (Romans 6:23).

Brett Petrillo

I’VE BEEN RE-READING through 1 Corinthians 13 this week…

Each time I mull over and meditate on the verses within this chapter, I try to treat them as though they’re new to me—as though I’ve never read them before.  I’ve been trying not to bring my prejudices and preconceptions to the text; I just want the Word to teach me.  Here’s what I’ve gleaned thus far:

  1. The context of the chapter is miraculous; Paul mentions gifts of tongues, prophecies, faith and knowledge (v. 2).
  1. Chapter thirteen is actually sandwiched between two other chapters concerning miraculous gifts. Chapter twelve addresses the number and MANIFESTATION of gifts, chapter fourteen addresses the use and REGULATION of gifts, while chapter thirteen addresses the DURATION of gifts.
  1. Each member of the Corinth congregation who possessed a gift was able to exercise it of their own free will and volition (cf. 14:32). Unlike many Pentecostals today, there was no out-of-control, frantic behavior by those who had received an endowment.
  1. Not everybody who exercised their miraculous gift did so with the right intent. Some used it with selfish, proud and arrogant motives rather than for the edification of the church body at large (v. 3). “Look at me! Look at the gift I possess!” The underlying problem that permeated Corinth was division (cf. 1:10ff), and ultimately what created the division in the first place was a lack of love.
  1. Agapē love is based upon a decision as opposed to a feeling.
  1. Love (vv. 4-8a) is expressed by what it does positively (e.g., patience, kindness, bears-believes-hopes-endures all), as well as by what it doesn’t do negatively (e.g., envies, parades, puffs up, behaves rudely, seeks its own, is provoked, thinks evil, rejoices in iniquity).
  1. It is possible to understand, from an historical perspective, how the lack of love hurt the church at Corinth and still act in an unloving fashion today.
  1. The apostle made a clear distinction between those gifts which were temporary (e.g., miraculous) and the gifts that were permanent (e.g. faith, hope and love). See #2—and remember DURATION.
  1. Paul distinguished between that which was “in part” (v. 10b) and that which was “perfect” (v. 10a). The Word was being received in part/fragments—while the finished, finalized (Jude 3) Word would be perfect/complete (cf. Eph. 4:11-13).
  1. The miraculous gift period of the early church was child-like and immature because it did not possess the finalized, entire Word of God (v. 11). It only had bits and segments of the whole, divine revelation.
  1. The miraculous gift period of the early church was like looking into a cloudy, brass mirror (v. 12). But when God fully and finally revealed the totality of His Word in the latter part of the 1st century, the church’s insight would no longer be obscured, and she would be able to see and understand the Father’s will from a sharper and richer perspective (i.e., “face to face”).
  1. Paul couldn’t have been talking about the return of Jesus when he said, “When that which is perfect is come,” and I don’t need a degree in Greek language to know that: a)  If “that which is perfect” refers to Jesus at His final coming, THEN ALL MIRACULOUS GIFTS ARE PRESENT IN THE CHURCH TODAY.  But Paul didn’t say, “These twelve…”, he said, “these three” (v. 13), and b) If “that which is perfect” refers to Jesus at His final coming, THEN WE DO NOT HAVE THE COMPLETE, FINALIZED WORD OF GOD TODAY.
  1. Even though miraculous gifts are no longer employed in the 21st century, love must continue to be practiced.

Mike Benson

God loved us, so we need to ask how God shows His love.

As Christians we are called to love like God (John 13:34). If we are to love each other in the same way that God loved us we need to ask how God shows His love? People claim that there are generally five love languages that every person relates to:

  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
  • Gift Giving
  • Acts of Service
  • Physical touch

Each one of us feels love in different ways. Your love language may be different than mine, and your spouse’s love language may not be the same as yours. God has shown His creation that He loves us by speaking and interacting with us using all five languages.

Words of affirmation. When we use words of affirmation we think of phrases like: “You’re the only one for me baby” or “You mean so much to me” or even “Let’s go get Krispy Kreme.”  We use words of affirmation to show our love to our significant others. God has done the same for us. In showing His love God said to us, “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you” (Isa. 54:10). God uses words of affirmation and has told us that His love will never depart from us. Even when we deserted Him and chose to live a life of sin, God still kept His word. He loved us even when we were corrupted by sin (Rom. 5:8). Words of affirmation are a way to tell someone how you feel. God opened up to us through His word, and He revealed that He loves us more than we will ever be able to understand.

Quality time. God desires nothing more than to spend quality time with His creation. In the beginning God spent quality time in the presence of Adam and Eve. He longs for this to be the case again in heaven. Sin ruined any chance of spending quality time with Him. But God showed that He loved us. And He looks forward to the day when He can dwell with His children for an eternity. 1 John 4:16 says, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” I can’t think of a better way to spend quality time with God than by having Him abide in me. He loves us and He desires to spend quality time with you and me.

Gift giving.  God has clearly expressed His love to us through gift giving by giving us someone that is invaluable. “God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). Want to see God’s love? Look at what He has sacrificed for you. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” God expressed His love by giving a gift that has the power to eternally change our spiritual outcome. “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6:23). There is no denying that God has expressed His love to us through gifts.

Acts of service. A person that feels loved through acts of service enjoys acts such as: cleaning out the garage, washing the car, doing the dishes, or folding the laundry. They feel loved because they recognize that their spouse cares enough about them to make their life easier. It’s love that is felt when a spouse sacrifices their time and energy to do something for you. God has shown His love to us through several different acts of service. Christ took on the sin of the world so that we wouldn’t be condemned by it. Christ illustrated this in the flesh when He washed the disciples’ feet (John 13). What does this say about God? It says that He loves you more than you love yourself. It says that the God of the universe is willing to place Himself below His own creation. It says that God’s love is so perfect and strong that He will grab a rag and wash the feet of imperfect men. There’s no denying that someone loves you when they are willing to humble themselves and serve you. This is exactly what God has done for us.

Physical touch. A person that feels loved through physical touch is looking for connection. They feel love when they are close to their spouse, they experience love through the physical side of their relationship. While God doesn’t physically touch us today to show His love, He has done it in the past. Mark 1:40ff, “And a leper came to him, imploring him, and kneeling said to him, “If you will, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand and touched him and said to him, “I will; be clean.” And immediately the leprosy left him, and he was made clean.” Leprosy was a disease that immediately made you an outcast. If you had this disease you were considered unclean and you were forced to live in isolation from everyone else (Lev. 13:45-46). The leper was forced to live alone because this disease was spread through physical touch. This is what makes what Jesus did even more incredible. Jesus didn’t have to touch the leper, but He went above and beyond by physically touching him. God expressed His love through the physical touch of a compassionate Savior.

We serve a God that has displayed His love to us perfectly. He has shown it to each one of us, and we will never deserve the love that He gives. Thank God for His love!

Carl Pollard


How to be a Christian in a topsy-turvy world

1. Stick with the Word

Some saints want to show themselves to be intelligent by dabbling in the philosophies of the world, the theologies of the denominations, or the politics of the nations. But the world has more than enough of these. Our message has to distinguish itself clearly from all these. We preach an almighty God whose love encompasses all of history and who glory has revealed itself in terms we can grasp. From creation we move quickly to the Book of Life, whose final author knows us better than we know ourselves. The Bible is the best argument for God’s existence. His power lives in it and from it people can be convicted of the truth.

How do we stick with the Word?

  • Read it often, memorize its pages, live its truths.
  • Be taught by God’s teachers, don’t miss a single opportunity to study.
  • Teach it at every opportunity to those in Christ and to those outside.

It’s the Ezra approach: “Now Ezra had dedicated himself to the study of the law of the Lord, to its observance, and to teaching its statutes and judgments in Israel” Ezra 7.10.

2. Be the people of God

The world is full of hate. The people of God show a superior path, where love reigns and where each looks to the interest of others. The doctrine of love is what the world must hear and see first. Not even denominations who profess to be the church can show love because, to exist, each one must proclaim its superiority over the other factions.

Christ’s followers must distance themselves in every way from such groups. We must do whatever necessary to avoid even looking like them. First impressions are important. People often will not give us a second chance. Our best foot forward is the acceptance in Christ of every single human being, whom God welcomes with open arms, when one shows faith and obedience. Otherwise, the walls of sin remain to block access to God. But the invitation remains open. Humility insists with gentleness urging repentance.

We are better than none, but we have an exclusive word from the only true God. We speak of him boldly.

We have no right to criticize any system of belief and to urge the reception of grace, if we do not live our faith and live in community for which we were purified from our sins, 1 Peter 1.22. That means that there is no question where we will be on the Lord’s Day. We will be at the Lord’s Table with the Lord’s People.

3. Declare yourself

The real Christian cannot hide his faith. A hidden faith dies quickly, just as a flame without air is soon snuffed out. It matters not what is going on around us, the message must be proclaimed. Every single Christian received from the Lord the task of the News. Not only can the silent saint not save others, he himself cannot be saved in his disobedience.

If we flinch before the fight, we are not worthy of the Kingdom of God. If we flee and hide in the “caves, thickets, cliffs, strongholds, and cisterns” of this world (compare 1 Samuel 13.6-7), we will have no part in the victory of the faithful.

Several of the New Testament books were written in part to embolden the saints in their task as they faced persecution.

  • Jesus warned us about it not infrequently. The “confession” he declares to be so necessary is, in context, the preaching of the gospel in the public square, Matthew 10.32-33.
  • Peter told the Christians to keep speaking about their faith in the midst of challenges and pressures, 1 Peter 3.15.
  • The writer of Hebrews warned against giving up in the “struggle against sin” — that is, when the “opposition … by sinners” appears — the sin of abandoning the faith, Hebrews 12.3-4.

4. Focus on the One Thing

A big temptation is to get involved in social and political issues of the day. The Christian belongs to the heavenly country. He is not to be involved in the affairs of this life, 2 Timothy 2.4. We are not Democrats or Republicans. We have no party or earthly affiliation. We wear a single name: Christian. We represent one “cause,” the Kingdom of God.

If we want to save others by the blood of Jesus Christ, we must not alienate by taking sides in earthly conflicts. We have a single message, the cross of Christ. We are a single-issue people: God created man for his love and offers it in his Son. We do not concern ourselves with the nation’s Supreme Court, but with the judgment to come when all will appear before the Sovereign Judge of all mankind, Acts 24.25. If we speak of earthly things, we are not reflecting the concerns of the Holy Spirit, John 16.8-11.

What is the One Thing of our message?

  • Jesus the Just
  • Jesus the Reconciler
  • Jesus the Sacrifice
  • Jesus the Lord and Savior (in that order)
  • Jesus the Example
  • Jesus the Judge
  • Jesus the Revealer of the Will of God

And that’s just for starters.

5. Start where people are in order to get to salvation

What a challenge to be sensitive to where each person is in his belief system! Because we must start where people are. Today, more than ever, Christians bump up against a wide range of beliefs. Not only must we deal with people who believe in denominationalism and atheism, but rampant sexual deviation, witchcraft, anarchism, environmentalism (one of the most extreme religions out there), scientism, socialism, and selfism, to name just a few. Such a gamut of beliefs sounds a bit like the first century, doesn’t it?

It does no good to talk about the evils of denominationalism to a person involved in Wicca. The atheist isn’t interested in immersion for the remission of sins. Both subjects are important, but those can’t be our starting points with such people.

So to be a Christian in a topsy-turvy world, we must be flexible when dealing with people. We have one gospel that is able to save all people, but to get to the point of salvation, we must often start at different points, just as the proclaimers in Acts did, depending upon their audience.

Not only possible, but necessary

God made the faith for every century, with every certainty. He is able to keep us faithful and to make us capable for service and proclamation. We think our times are tough, and well may they be. But God is sovereign. He works in the hardest situations. And he uses his people in the fire of the furnace and in the den of lions to pluck from the mouths of the unbelieving a confession of his glory.

So feel the breath of the beasts and the smell of the burning and praise God that you can be a real Christian in such a world as this.

J. Randal Matheny


“Then the scribes and Pharisees who were from Jerusalem came to Jesus, saying, ‘Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread’” (Matthew 15:1-2, NKJV).

Few things are more polarizing and divisive than tradition. One group will say, “That is our tradition so we must do it.” Opponents will counter, “That is just your tradition, it has no validity or authority.” To conservatives, traditions seem sacrosanct. To those of a more liberal or progressive nature, to label something as “tradition” is to condemn it to obsolescence and irrelevance.

Those working in other cultures may often be frustrated by unbreakable traditions. An Asian woman may cook with unhygienic and inefficient methods, but if that is the way her mother and grandmother cooked, good luck with getting her to change. In every nation, things continue to be done in accordance with time-honored principles which are rarely or never examined critically. It is simply “the way we do it here.” That attitude is often a barrier to constructive change.

The scribes and Pharisees of New Testament times were by no means the first traditionalists, nor were they the last. I once was a part of a congregation which closed every service with a song following (not preceding) the final prayer. They had no concept that this was a mandatory order from Scripture, but it was their habit and they had no need or desire to change it. Neither did they insist that other congregations adopt their practice.

In Bangladesh most (maybe all) congregations will pass the emblems of the Lord’s Supper, with each participant holding his or her piece of bread or cup of juice until all have been served, then they will eat or drink it together at the same time. There is a sense of fellowship which accompanies that shared partaking that gives special meaning to the observance. That is a local tradition which I can appreciate without any necessity to bind it upon anyone else.

Frequently, however, traditionalists have confused their preferences with eternal truth, as did the Jewish leaders who complained to Jesus. I once encountered a family which had ceased attending the services of the Church because the congregation had changed the order of worship. To them, things should proceed in a certain order without variation. Anything else was wrong.

The Pharisees had elevated the opinions of former Rabbis to the status of Law. Part of their commitment to the Law was to follow all of the traditions (written applications) of the elders (scholars of the past) as perfectly as was possible.

Their zeal for the Law was admirable; however, they took it even further. They used their own devotion to the traditions as a standard by which to judge others. It was no longer enough to state, “God says;” one must also be aware of what the elders had said on any given subject. To violate their interpretation was to sin, whether that interpretation had clear Scriptural authority or not.

Jesus responded emphatically to their criticism of his disciples. “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God because of your tradition” (Matthew 15:3)? He then gave an illustration which proved his accusation true (cf. verses 4-6).

Tradition or habit is ethically and doctrinally neutral. A thing is not right or wrong just because it is or is not traditional. Sometimes change refreshes us and helps us to focus on what we are doing. Sometimes familiarity generates comfort and security, enabling us to endure difficult circumstances.

One should not continue to do the same things in the same ways only because “that is the way we do it here.” Neither should one change “just for the sake of change.” Let us live thoughtfully, with purpose, embracing those things from our past that are true and helpful, while also accepting new ideas and methods that are the same.

Michael Brooks

Locked Out

A woman accidently locked herself out of her car. A man was passing by and noticed the woman’s distress. “Are you locked out?” he asked. She indicated she was and so the man ran off to get the standard tool for such a problem – a coat hanger. He returned, fashioning this hanger into the appropriate shape when he asked, “Wait, are you positive this is your car?” The woman looked more closely and started to notice a few subtle differences. The truth was starting to dawn on her. “Oh no! This isn’t my car.” (SermonIllustrations.com, adapted).

It always pays to do a little questioning, searching, and investigating. This especially makes sense in our world of dramatic and diametrically opposite opinions on, what seems like, every topic. Religious truth is no exception. While it is more important than ever to search for the truth on current topics, searching for spiritual is absolutely vital.

Back in the First Century, the Bereans were known for their diligent search for religious truth. Acts 17:11-12 says, “Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Therefore many of them believed, along with a number of prominent Greek women and men.”

With so many different religions and beliefs, it can be extremely difficult to figure out which one is true (Matthew 7:15-23; Ephesians 4:4-6).  However, the truth can be found!  In fact, God has promised us that those who seek the truth will find the truth on spiritual matters (Matthew 7:7-8).  However, like the Bereans, we have to diligently and eagerly search the Scriptures in order to find the truth.

Let’s never blindly accept something without support, especially spiritual matters.  Let’s adopt the Bereans love and eagerness for truth and constantly investigate the Scriptures to make sure the things we believe are right and true.

Brett Petrillo


Joe and Sam were talking one day.  Joe said, “My wife asked me to buy organic vegetables from the market garden.”

“So were you able to find some?” asked Sam.

“Well when I got to the market, I said to the gardener, ‘These vegetables are for my wife. Have they been sprayed with any poisonous chemicals?’  The gardener said, ‘No, you’ll have to do that yourself.’ ”

There are some things in life that you have to do for yourself.

Your parents can’t do them for you, nor can your spouse or your best friend. Only you.

Whenever people try to point out the “contradictions” in the Bible, they will frequently point to Galatians 6.  They say, “Paul contradicted himself within just a few short sentences.”  He said in verse 2, “Bear one another’s burdens” and then shortly after that, in verse 5, he said, “For each one shall bear his own load.”

“There, that proves that the Bible is contradictory!”  Nonsense!

Giving it just a small amount of thought will cause you to realize that while there are many areas where we need to help carry the load of our brothers and sisters in Christ (being there in times of sickness or sadness, for example), there are other areas where we cannot do that.

We can help carry the burden of difficulties this life has to offer, but we cannot carry the burden of responsibilities we each have.

In regard to salvation, for example, I can’t be saved for you.  I can teach you, I can encourage you, but I can’t do anything to save you.

That’s a load that you must bear.

In like manner, I can’t fulfill your responsibility to live morally, to visit those in need, or to give as you ought.  In areas of responsibility, you must carry your own load and I must carry mine.

“But let each one examine his own work, and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another.  For each one shall bear his own load.” (Gal. 6:4-5)

As the gardener put it so well, “You’ll have to do that yourself!”

Have a great day!

Alan Smith


22 Encouragements For Strugglers From the Letter to the Philippians

I was recently reading again the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians. I was preparing a sermon on finding some joy during the holidays when it’s hard.

Although I’ve read this little letter many times, it occurred to me to see it through the eyes of painful experiences. Paul is in prison, not because of a crime. He is concerned about how people are talking about him, using his imprisonment as a source of gossip and profit. He’s concerned about how unjust this situation is. He is thinking about two women in the church who are not getting along – women he thinks highly of and wants to urge to mend their fences. Other things are on his mind also.

So here we are. A time of year when the world sings sentimental songs, has family gatherings, and offers gifts to others …. many are left behind in sadness and discouragement. Whether it’s death, financial loss, relationships crumbling, mental health debilitating, or failing physical health -those are the kinds of things that do not care if it’s Christmas or not.

It’s important to me to share some thoughts from a fellow struggler during this sometimes extra difficult time. All references are from the book of Philippians, found in the New Testament.

1. Let memories bring joy. (1:3)

2. God isn’t through yet, hang on. (1:6)

3. Bad experiences are not the end of the story. (1:12)

4. The prayers of others are a comfort. (1:19)

5. No matter what happens, hang on to Christ. (1:20)

6. Whatever happens, conduct yourself as Christ would. (1:27)

7. We are not alone in our suffering. (1:29-30)

8. How can you serve others? That will get the focus off of self. (2:4)

9. Recovery is an ongoing process. (2:12-13)

10. Minimalize conflict with others. Set boundaries. (2:14-15)

11. Realize that joy can be found even in suffering. (2:17)

12. Look out for others. (2:21)

13. In losses, find the gain in Christ. (3:7-8)

14. Remember Christ suffered as well. He knows. (3:10-11)

15. Nobody’s perfect. You don’t have to feel pressure to do this well. (3:12-14)

16. Try to move forward. (3:16)

17. Turn from anxiety to prayer. (4:6)

18. Expect unexpected peace. (4:7)

19. Choose to think about the right things. (4:8)

20. You are going to make it, friend. (4:12-13)

21. God will meet our needs. (4:19)

22. God’s grace will calm your spirit. (4:23)

Remember to read each of these as written from the hands of someone in pain and loss, constricted from the life he would have liked to live. And I hope that if this is a sad Christmas time for you, you will find a little relief, hope, even joy, in spending time in this letter from Paul to his friends in Philippi.



Encouragements For Strugglers Available Online at:



Link to Sermon: When The Holidays Are Hard



John Dobbs

Be Not Deceived James 1:16

The Bible very clearly declares that obedience to God’s will is essential to one’s salvation (Matt. 7:21). If one is deceived or led astray, he cannot render that obedience; hence the warning of the text: “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.” The importance of this subject is also seen from 2 Timothy 3:1, 13.


The text implies that much. In John 7:17, Jesus says, “If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself.” He also says in Matthew 13:12: “For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.”


Sin can be deceptive. In Hebrews 3:13, the writer encourages us: “encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called “Today,” so that none of you will be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.” In Revelation 12:9, we see this is the primary modus operandi of Satan: “And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.” Then in Romans 7:17, Paul writes: “So now, no longer am I the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.”

The serpent, finding occasion through the commandment, beguiled Eve, and through it separated her from God (Gen. 3:1ff; 2 Cor. 11:3). Sin is, indeed, deceptive.

Riches are deceptive. In Matthew 13:22, Jesus tells us: “And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.” Also, in Mark 10:24-25, we read: “The disciples were amazed at His words. But Jesus answered again and said to them, “Children, how hard it is to enter the kingdom of God! “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

Riches promise many of the same blessings that God does. A trust in riches renders impossible a complete trust in God. Therefore, the claims of riches are deceitful.

False wisdom is deceitful. Paul discusses this in Colossians 2:8: “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.” He offers similar warning to the Christians in Ephesus: “Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience” (Eph. 5:6). He also warns the Christians in Rome: “For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Rom. 16:18).

Finally, people who misuse Scripture (Rom. 16:18) deceive the simple-minded. In 2 Corinthians 4:2, Paul writes: “we have renounced the things hidden because of shame, not walking in craftiness or adulterating the word of God, but by the manifestation of truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.” There are those who “adulterate the word of God.” Back in 2:17, he had already written: “we are not like many, peddling the word of God, but as from sincerity, but as from God, we speak in Christ in the sight of God.” This is like a peddler who adulterates his goods or puts the best on top so as to deceive.

Yes, Satan will use any means at his disposable to deceive us (cf. 2 Thess. 2:3).


By exercising personal care (Matt. 24:4; 15:14) and by listening to and searching the Scriptures (Acts 17:11-12). Finally, by manifesting the proper attitude toward the truth: loving it and believing it (2 Thess. 2:10-12).

It is not the will of God that anyone should perish (2 Peter 3:9) and it is certain that He will not permit His trusting child, who is doing his best, to be led astray (1 Cor. 10:13).

the late Wayne Holland
from a sermon preached:
Hiawassee, GA (1/22/1984)
Roxboro, NC (11/18/1990)
Henderson, NC (4/5/1998)


Lots of things experience dormancy. Many species of plants for example. Look out your window at the deciduous trees (the ones that have lost their leaves for the winter). They are dormant. Many animals also experience dormancy, and it comes in a variety of forms. Hibernation is a sort of dormancy. Dormancy means that an organism stops growing, stops developing and largely ceases activity. Dormancy results when adverse conditions occur and a plant or an animal recognizes that to survive, it must cease normal “life” and put the brakes on growth, development, and activity. Dormancy comes in a couple of ways. Predictive dormancy happens when the length of days shortens, temperatures lower or water is limited. The organism reacts to signs like these and goes dormant prior to adverse conditions. Consequential dormancy happens after the fact. After unpredictable environmental conditions worsen, the plant or animal reacts by going dormant.

Dormancy happens to people too. It even happens to Christians. Think back to this time last year. You were growing in God’s Word (Ephesians 4:13-16), developing your thinking and behavior to mirror the qualities listed in Galatians 5:22-23 and 2 Peter 1:5-8, and you were actively sharing God’s word through your words and actions (Titus 2:7-8). Then a sort of consequential dormancy occurred, starting in the spring of 2020. Our unpredictable environment did what it is prone to do, and was, well, unpredictable. Dormancy has its place. For a period of time, it allows us to protect ourselves and limit damage that might come from adverse environmental conditions. But here’s the thing…dormancy has to come to an end. Ideally, the plant or animal comes out of dormancy in a position to THRIVE!

This is the question I suppose. Are we ready to exit a dormant state and thrive in this new year? Maybe our willingness to stop being dormant is a result of taking a new perspective on the environmental conditions around us. If we stop focusing exclusively on our worldly environment and consider that our spiritual environment is incredibly stable and predictable, we might feel better about making changes that allow us to thrive.

Remember these things. God is still God (Isaiah 45:1-7). God is still on His throne, he loves us and he continues to be in control of this world (Isaiah 55:8-9). The sacrifice of Christ still stands (Hebrews 10:1-18), and as a result we have an expectant hope of one day finding ourselves in the environment of heaven. It’s time to thrive…

Dean Murphy

The Art of Saying “No” Tyler King

We often associate the word, “yes,” with a positive mood. That simple word is the entrance for opportunity, the fulfillment of service, and the optimists’ answer. It has been ingrained in our minds that we do good by saying “yes” in our life. We believe that any other alternative is to suggest and promote a substandard spirit. Saying “no” truly is an art that one has to master. It isn’t used often, nor should it be, but needs to be expressed in the right situation.

Despite our natural tendency to say “yes,” we see the Messiah offer an attitude of “no” on several occasions. Here are two quick points in which Jesus rejected the plan at hand to stay true to God’s plan. While there are many other scriptures to infer Jesus’ opposition of a situation, these two examples serve as overarching areas in our life in which we need to tell others “no.”

Jesus Said “No” To The Crowds (Mark 1:35) – Prior to this passage, Jesus is seen healing many people. One great example that our Lord offers us is the departure from good deeds in order to nurture His personal relationship with the Father. Our inability to tell others that we aren’t available or we can’t help can sometimes stand in the way of our communion with God. Once more, Jesus was one who was consistently active in good deeds; though that didn’t stop Him from refusing the crowds at times.

Jesus Said “No” To Worldly Temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) – There’s a lot to be said in James’ sage wisdom of “resisting the devil and having him flee from you” and this example of Jesus fits that exhortation perfectly (James 4:7). Jesus resisted Satan three times and he eventually fled. Unfortunately, we are too eager to say “yes” to temptation, and the Devil seldom needs a second chance to persuade us into our desires. We can be entrapped by the temptation of sin where we think our only option is to say “yes,” but we must be resilient in our remembrance that “no” is always an alternative.

I believe we can learn a lot from Jesus’ approach in how he handled His time. He was often seen with His disciples as they ministered to those in need, but He also made sure to take time for His connection to God. In addition to that, Jesus resisted the devil and by doing so, was able to offer a perfect sacrifice for humanity. Can our “yes” take us away from God or completely burn us out of performing good deeds? Can our “yes” not only entangle us in sin, but also lead others to the doorpost of Satan as well? We must be diligent in our responses to this life, and not agreeing to a situation just to have the mind of an optimist or an opportunist.

Tyler King

There is no “secret service” branch in the Lord’s Army.

To get your concealed carry permit for a firearm in Kentucky, you can expect to undergo a background check, complete gun safety training, and pay a fee. There is a minimum age requirement, and there are other conditions to meet while holding a permit (which can be revoked or suspended). Did you know that in 2020, there were over 68,000 permits either issued or renewed? Since 1996, well over one million have been issued and renewed here. What does all that mean? It means that there are a lot of people you run into on the road, in the store, and just about any other public place who are carrying and you don’t know it.

I do not mention any of this to induce or participate in a Second Amendment debate. There is a different type of “concealed carrier” which Jesus does not approve of. He preaches about it in His sermon on the Mount. He says, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven” (Mat. 5:14-16).  Jesus exhorts His disciples not to conceal the light of their influence.

It is impossible for a true disciple to conceal their influence (14). Truly, one can claim to be a follower of Christ in an affirming environment like at church services or around Christians. Yet, if we can be around people away from these “easy” situations and no one knows, from our speech, action, attitude, and presence, that we are a Christian, how much of a disciple are we? Jesus says it should be totally obvious to everyone!

It is unprofitable for a disciple to conceal their influence (15). What good is it to be a disciple if those characteristics are suppressed and concealed? A lamp might as well be a piece of furniture if it is covered up. All the knowledge of who Jesus is and what He means is useless if we do not apply that by sharing Him in our daily lives!

It is dishonorable for a disciple to conceal their influence (16). Our “light” is connected to doing the good works of a disciple and others glorifying the Father by witnessing the fruits of our influence. If seeing Christlike influence at work honors God, what does the opposite do?

God needs us spreading the influence of Christ every day and everywhere. There is no “secret service” branch in the Lord’s Army, and He doesn’t want any “concealed carry” light-bearers! No, not practicing your righteousness to be seen of men. Instead, practicing righteousness openly and without shame as you conduct yourself among the world.

Neal Pollard

Written on God’s hand

“Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me” (Isaiah 49:16 ESV).

Almost everyone has times of despondency and depression, periods when it seems that everyone and everything is against us and nothing is going right. The prophet Isaiah spoke at a time when the people of Jerusalem felt abandoned by their God. “But Zion said, ‘The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me’” (Isaiah 49:14).

God’s inspired response to their plea was two-fold. First, if a woman cannot forget her nursing baby, God cannot forget his people (verse 15). Secondly, Zion and its inhabitants were written on God’s hand – that is, always in his care and on his mind.

The idea that there is a heavenly list of the righteous and faithful permeates Scripture. We think most often of the “Book of Life” which will be open at Judgement (Revelation 20:12-15) and which contains the names of those who will be saved eternally. This book is mentioned at least seven times in Revelation (3:5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:12, 15; 21:27; 22:19).

In the Old Testament Moses demanded that God take his name out of “your book that you have written” (Exodus 32:32) if God did not forgive sinful Israel. David prayed that God would punish his enemies: “Let them be blotted out of the book of the living; let them not be enrolled among the righteous” (Psalm 69:28).

Isaiah’s description of God’s people, represented by the city of Jerusalem, being engraved on his very hand is somewhat more personal, more intimate. The verb used is suggestive; translations vary from “graven” (KJV) to “inscribed” (NKJV, NASV) or “engraved” (ESV). The idea is of words being “carved into” the writing surface, not just put onto its outer layer. All of these renderings depict a permanence to the writing, and a process demanding effort and care.

At least one preacher has used this verse as the text for a sermon, giving it the title, “Does God Have a Tattoo?” Far from being frivolous or disrespectful, that idea hits home. Just as humans have written the names of loved ones into their own bodies as reminders and symbols of their affection, so God has written into his person the name(s) of that (or those) which he has chosen.

In the immediate context of these words, those whom God chose and engraved were specifically the city of Zion (Jerusalem) and its inhabitants. Yet, later verses in the same chapter expand the meaning to include the nations (Gentiles) who will come into fellowship with God and his people (Israel) (Isaiah 49:19-23). It does no injustice to Isaiah or to the teaching of the Bible at large to include all the righteous within this promise made to Zion.

A visit to any cemetery containing graves from the early twentieth or even nineteenth century will reveal that names engraved on a tombstone may be eroded to the point that they are illegible or absent. Engraving is much more permanent than surface writing, but that does not mean it can never be removed. Moses’ conversation with God included the possibility of a Divine “blotting out” of those no longer to be granted fellowship. But so long as those written are loyal to him, that will not happen.

Are we forgotten, deserted, or forsaken by God? Far from it. Just as ancient Israel and Judah sinned and were punished, so we today fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). But we do not fall from his love and care, so long as we trust in him and seek penitence and obedience. If we sin God will forgive us when we confess our sins (1 John 1:8-10). But whatever we do God loves us and seeks to bring us to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). We are inseparable from his love (Romans 8:39), engraved on his hands.

by Michael Brooks

Conditioned response

Conditioned response describes a person’s reaction to stimuli or situations. Those of you who watch The Office are probably already thinking about Jim Halpert’s famous prank on Dwight involving Altoids.

Conditioned response is also used in defense training. It’s developed through training and repetition. With enough preparation, a person can automatically respond to life-threatening situations with optimum safety and precision, regardless of inevitable panic. It’s basically autopilot for extreme situations.

God expects us to develop a conditioned response, too. He described it (through Paul) in I Corinthians 4.11-13.

Our conditioned response to physical beatings: nothing (4.11). Paul was punched a few times and likely did nothing in retaliation. Context reinforces this understanding of his silence on the subject.

Our conditioned response to being insulted should be to compliment the offender (4.12). If not verbally, we should mentally wish them only the best and mean it.

Our conditioned response to harassment should be acceptance with patience (4.12). Our conditioned response to character defamation should be gentle appeal (4.13).

This doesn’t come naturally at all. We’re taught to stand up for ourselves and not let people run over us! There’s a time and place for self-defense, but those times are, thankfully, quite rare.

What better way to show we genuinely love people than instinctively responding the way Paul did? Jesus made that a part of who He was, and we get eternal life because of it. We can actually help others find eternal life by instinctively reacting with love!

Gary Pollard



Husbands, Love Your Wives

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” (Ephesians 5:25). The basic idea behind the word “love” in this text is that of wanting what is best for one who is loved. Husbands must want what is best for their wives. They must seek the well-being of their wives. Husbands who obey this command of God will not hurt their wives, nor will they want anyone else to hurt their wives. Further, if a husband is desiring what is best for his wife he will be doing what he can to help her spiritually so that she will live eternally in heaven.

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.”  (Ephesians 5:25). Men, we must love our wives in the same way Jesus Christ loved the church when He gave His life for the church (cf. Acts 20:28). This is a love that will cause a husband to put the needs of his wife above his own. The husband who obeys this command is willing to make sacrifices for his wife. When a man spends so much time with hobbies and friends that he is neglecting his wife, he does not have this kind of love.

“So, husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself” (Ephesians 5:28). Typically speaking, men do not deliberately harm their own bodies. It is normal for a man to avoid receiving pain and injury to his body when possible. We are not to deliberately inflict injury upon our own bodies, but rather we are to be good stewards and take care of them. When a man loves his wife as he does his own body, he will never ever beat her, and in fact will seek to defend her should someone else try to harm her.

“So, husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself”  (Ephesians 5:28). Did you notice that it says, “their own wives”? When sitting in a classroom during an exam, one will likely hear the teacher say something to  the effect of “keep your eyes on your own page.” Do the same with marriage, men. Don’t develop relationships with other women that go too far. Treat other women with respect and kindness, but don’t treat them in such a way as to develop a relationship with them that is closer than it ought to be. The love a husband has for his wife must be unique. His relationship with her must be special. He is not to give that relationship or love to any other woman.

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your payers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). Dwell with your wife. Live with her. Your life with your wife must be intertwined. You need to be with her. You need to spend time focused on her so that you can live with her in an understanding way. We don’t want to develop an antagonistic relationship with our wives. We don’t want to develop a relationship that is simply tolerant of the marriage. We want a living relationship with our wives that involves a commitment to communication, with an effort to listen carefully.

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your payers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). The word “honor” translates a Greek word that can be used in different ways depending upon the context. Some of the ideas discussed by Thayer’s Greek Lexicon that fit this context are; that which is of a great price, highly valued, or precious. In other words, men, we must treat our wives in such a way that shows they are very special and important to us. This we are to do as to the “weaker vessel”. The picture here is of someone taking that which is precious and valuable and treating it with great care because it is also that which can be broken or damaged. Treat your wife in such a way that is befitting of one who sees his wife as precious and as one he does not want to see get hurt. The term “grace” can carry with it the idea of joy. Joy that comes because of a special gift. The special gift we have is the relationship with our wives. The joy of the gift of a life together comes from a very special relationship that is precious to us.

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your payers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7). Men, if we do not treat our wives in the manner here described, God will not hear our prayers. Our prayer will be hindered by our own attitudes. Our prayers will be hindered by the ruining of our relationship with our wives. Our prayers will not be heard by God if we are not going to treat our wives as He has commanded. God is, in essence, telling us that if we don’t treat our wives right, He is not interested in hearing what we have to say to Him. Therefore, a man must have his relationship right with his wife before he can have his relationship right with God.

By Kevin V. Rutherford