The story is told of a poor old Indian who walked into a Western military camp to beg for food. They found suspended from his neck a locket, inside of which they found a piece of paper containing his honorable discharge from the U.S. Army. The paper, entitling him to a pension, was signed by none other than George Washington. Perhaps because not many native Americans actually enlisted individually to fight as soldiers in the Revolutionary War, this old vet may have been unaware of procedure and protocol or of the value of that piece of paper which he likely could not read. He was entitled to what the Government had to offer, but he did not know to ask. Thus, rather than having his needs supplied, he was severely deprived.
However sad and tragic this man’s story seems, how many children of God entitled to the privileges of strength and help from prayer, Bible study, and Christian fellowship find themselves spiritually starving, alone, and struggling? God is their Father. Jesus is their elder Brother. All spiritual blessings are theirs. Yet, they do not seek and ask. How sad that there are Christians with access to all the help of heaven who have chosen to be lonely beggars! May we live up to that worthy name and life into which we were called when we were baptized into Christ.
–Neal Pollard