The story is told of a lady who walked into a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist if he had a cure for the hiccups. The pharmacist said, “I sure do,” and immediately and unexpectedly yelled, “boo!” at the top of his lungs. Well, this nearly scared the lady half to death! She looked at the pharmacist and asked, “Why in the world did you do that?” The pharmacist said, “Because a good scare will rid a person of hiccups.” The lady then said, “But I don’t have the hiccups. My husband does and he’s out in the car!”
Oops! Now there’s an illustration of how assumptions can be costly. However, the greatest cost regarding assumptions occur in the spiritual realm. How many people assume they are believing and practicing the things that please God? How many people believe things that they have never bothered to read and study for themselves? How many times do you think God will hear someone say in the day of judgment, “But I thought.”
The Bible says to “prove all things and hold fast to that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
Steve Higginbotham