One night recently, I laid awake listening to Rachel’s breathing – soft, rhythmical. For those of you who know her, Rachel has a strong personality. That is, she thinks independently; she’s active; she has lots of ideas; she doesn’t mind sharing her opinion. After sixteen years of marriage, I know her well. I know what makes her glad/sad, what makes her happy/mad, what makes her elated/upset, what makes her grin/cry.
God knows each of us better than that. He knows us better than we know ourselves. God’s children, Israel, were in slavery in Egypt. A Pharaoh was on the throne who was afraid of Israel and oppressed them grievously. Early in Moses’ confrontation with Pharaoh, God told the Egyptian monarch that if he did not let Israel go, “Behold, I will kill your son, your firstborn” (Exodus 4:23).
God knew Pharaoh’s heart. He knew what would motivate him. God gave Pharaoh nine chances to change his mind. But each plague had the effect of hardening Pharaoh’s heart. Pharaoh’s attitude was such that it would take a strong hand to make him blow his gasket. So, that’s what God did. Pharaoh would not submit the easy way. So God took the life of Pharaoh’s firstborn. That did it. That final plague was the temperature that caused Pharaoh to spew out the Israelites with their arms full of money and clothes (Exodus 12:35-36).
God knows us intimately. Because of God’s promise in 1 Corinthians 10:13, we know that God will not allow us to be so overwhelmed with negative emotions that we have to break under its load. He will not allow us to be overwhelmed with doubt, fear, temptation, trials, etc. that our only response is to break. He will not allow it to happen. He knows us that intimately.
“But the Lord is faithful. He will establish you and guard you against the evil one.” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).
–Paul Holland