ONE AUTHOR TALKS about looking for the nugget of truth even in unhealthy and unfounded criticism we receive as leaders…
It has been my observation that even when receiving criticism that is clearly loaded with false charges and nonsense, there is frequently an underlying element of truth that I need to deal with.
I have three choices.
I can simply disregard and throw out the entire criticism and never think of it again. I can dwell on it and rehash it and mentally defend myself time and time again. During this process I will mull over all of the reasons why the critic is an unwise and mean-spirited person.
I believe neither of these responses is best. The third response is to examine the criticism and discover the one percent or five percent of truth in the criticism and use it as an impetus for change and improvement as a leader. In this way, I can quickly forget the rest of the criticism and refuse to allow it to tear me down. Larry Kreider, “The Criticism Test,” 21 Tests of Effective Leadership, 79
“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.” James 1:19
–Mike Benson