WHEN DARWIN’S MODEL of natural selection became popular after 1859, evolutionists combined it with Linnaeus’ system and developed evolutionary trees to define the “real path of evolution…”
Unfortunately, it was all conjecture — speculation based on the assumption that creatures with common body parts had a common ancestor. And it remains speculation today.
Think logically for a minute. Just because bats, chickens, dogs, and men all have elbows — does that truly imply we came from the same ancestor? Isn’t it more likely that a designer decided, so to speak, that “elbows works”? Might not such a designer decide to apply them to several basic types of mechanisms? For instance, a human design engineer might say something like, “Let’s apply wheels to roller skates, bicycles, and cars — that system works for all those things.” Sometime we try to make simple things too complex. Ralphy O. Munchaster, Dismantling Evolution, 66-67
“I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.” Psalm 139:14
Mike Benson