Tag Archives: sermon on being desensitized

Becoming desensitized


A young Englishman was in Germany when the Nazis degrade the Jews in the streets.  At first he was sick at the sight and rushed down a side street.  The next time he felt he could look and stopped for a full minute.  The third time he watched.  The fourth time, as he stood with the jeering crowd, the sight seemed less revolting.  He was becoming, he told himself, “objective.”  And with this came the realization of his peril.  This was not a part of life, a social phenomenon for study,  It was the breath of hell (E.M. Blaiklock, Leadership, Winter, 1983).

THOUGHT:  How can can one reach such depths that he becomes desensitized?  How sad that so many have become callused to the things that go on around us:

.  An unborn child is killed every 20 seconds.

.  There were over 1,750,000 last year.

.  God and the mention of Jesus have become a matter of abhorrence and have replaced in schools trumpted with condoms, safe sex, and godless humanism.

.  Our society glorifies murder, rape, adultery, homosexuality, nudity, profanity, and fornication through movies and television.

.  Churches have reached out to those in immoral relationships and accepted them.

Many have become desensitized to sin.  Mark S. Aites, “Indifference,” Life’s Daily Struggles, The 31st Annual Lectureship–ETSOPM, 256-257

“‘Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination?  No!  They were no ashamed; nor did they blush.  Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time I punish them, they shall be cast down,” says the LORD.”  Jeremiah 6:14

Mike Benson