From 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, we note the following: There are sins mentioned other than homosexuality (just so you know that I know). But some are deceived (“Be not deceived”) into thinking that they can live these lifestyles and still attain the kingdom of heaven.
Apparently these ailments are not incurable (“Such were some of you”). Many Corinthians had once done these things, but they were doing so no longer–repentance had taken place.
Two things one often hears regarding the subject of homosexuality.
“Why are you making a special case of homosexuality? Why do you not preach against other sins? You act as if homosexuality is the only sin there is!”
“In what way is speaking against homosexuality calculated to influence those who are homosexuals to become Christians?”
With regard to statement number one, I feel professionally and personally hurt. Homosexuality is distinctly not the only sin I have preached against. I have been preaching for a long time, and I have addressed many subjects in my messages.
I do indeed care about racism, poverty, theft and so on. If you do not believe this is so, you have simply not been listening.
Regarding the second concern, please note the following declaration: “To commit homosexuality is to break God’s law, and those who do so are called to repentance.”
How would this approach differ from that of an adulterer, a gossip, or a racist? How, for instance, should we approach the racist?
Shall we suggest it is a sinful lifestyle, or not? Should we teach this from the pulpit and in private, or not? Shall we suggest the racist should repent, or not?
Should we suggest that for the penitent racist, there is forgiveness and grace, or not? It seems to me that it is not the Christian who makes a “special case” of homosexuality, it is the homosexual advocate. They want this sin to not be considered sinful. Gossip, racism and other acts are sinful, but this one is not.
When homosexuals win the legal right to marry, do you believe the “homosexual agenda” will be satisfied? Will their powerful lobby simply retire happy in the knowledge that they can now be considered married? You would be extremely naive if you thought so.
Already Christian-based orphanages are being pressured to give equal opportunity to homosexual couples for adoption. Already speaking against homosexuality is being couched as “hate speech.” The day will come when this very article will be considered hate talk.
Christianity, it seems, has become the “alternative lifestyle.”
Some Questions you might ask:
Is it sinful to be confused about your sexual preferences, or to feel tempted? Answer: Remember that Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, yet did not sin.
Does God love the homosexual? Answer: Yes. Jesus died on the cross for the homosexual, just as much as he died for the arrogant, the murderer and the thief.
Remember, however, that the cross runs two ways: It expresses not only God’s love for the sinner, but the seriousness of the sin. The same cross that expresses the grandeur of God’s love also expresses the depths of our depravity.
Is it unkind to say that homosexuality is a sin?
Answer: No. It can be said in an unkind manner, I acknowledge, but how else is the church to know what is a sin? Mental telepathy? Osmosis?
Is homosexuality the civil rights issue of our era?
Answer: No. The Bible frequently states that God is no respecter of persons, racially speaking (Acts 10:34,35). If a preacher or Christian declares a person of color is not valued in God’s sight, then his statement is unscriptural and wrong! The Bible, however, does speak against homosexual sin.
Will homosexual marriage become the law of the land?
Answer: Yes, I believe it will. Hasn’t the shift in public opinion the last 10 years shocked you? This is sad, considering America’s Christian background, but when did God’s people ever decide biblical doctrine based on a nation’s legislation?
The bigger question is how the church will respond. I think the most depressing factor in this matter is the large number of people in Christian circles who have already compromised on this issue. In the face of clear biblical teaching, they have walked away from the Bible.
Here is the issue, in a word: Will we take the Bible as our guide, or will we conform to the world. A generation of faithful Christianity is at stake here.
God bless us all!