52 Reasons to Love the Church #15- the Encouragement

When anyone says anything encouraging to my husband, I want to hug them! It warms my heart when someone tells him his sermon was just what they needed, sends a text saying they are thankful for him, or writes him a note (that he’ll keep in a special file!). He doesn’t preach for praise, but I know that those thoughtful words encourage his soul and keep him going.

I hope you know that when you take a moment to say something kind, it means something. The Bible calls it life-giving (Prov. 18:21).

The Lord’s church is filled with people who know how to build others up, and I see it all the time. I see ladies complimenting each other (and meaning it). I see people going up to the Bible class teachers and thanking them. I see our church mailboxes filled with cards, notes, and small gifts. I see people greeting each other with kind words. It makes me smile to stand in the middle of it all and overhear conversations filled with sweet words, thoughtful questions, and friendly laughter. Where else can you go and be consistently lifted up? God’s people have received His grace and love and are so good at giving it back to His people.

Let’s prayerfully remember:

  • To be aware of and acknowledge the efforts of others to lift us up. How easy it is to brush it off or miss it in our distractedness.
  • To make sure those who are awfully good at encouraging others (you know who they are) are getting it themselves.
  • To thank God for His people and the support they give. They really are the best!

Also remember, if you feel like there’s not enough encouragement going on, you can redouble your own efforts. I’ve said it before…when you feel something is lacking in your church family, the good news is that YOU ARE the church. You can be the change by speaking uplifting words and sending lots of life-giving texts.

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

(Ephesians 4:29)

By Kathy Pollard

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