52 Reasons to Love the Church #8- New Births!

Ask any Christian and they will probably tell you that the most meaningful moments are witnessing someone put on their Lord in baptism. It never gets old!

Here are just a few reasons why baptisms bring such joy:

  • Memories. You can’t help but think back to your own baptism, that very pivotal moment when you obeyed the gospel and had your sins washed away (Ac. 22:16).
  • Family. A new brother, a new sister. Whoever came up out of that water is now a part of your family, thanks to the uniting blood of Christ (1 Tim. 3:15; 5:1-2).
  • Priority. Sometimes a soul is ready to obey the gospel late at night (Ac. 8:25-33). We experienced just such an occasion this week as a dear lady didn’t want to wait a moment longer. It was after 10 pm when she arrived at the church building. I loved seeing the individuals who were willing to come at a moment’s notice to be there for her!
  • Rejoicing. The best pictures are the ones that capture that first moment out of the water. They’re experiencing that beautiful “new life” promise (Rom. 6:4; 2 Cor. 5:17) and you can see it in their eyes. And what a contagious joy it is! When you look around at those gathered, you see it on their faces, too (as you see in the photo below).
  • Encouragement. Negativity is all around us and sometimes it seems like things are going downhill fast. But every baptism is a reminder that the Word is still powerful, that hearts are still searching, that the church is still growing, and that God’s purpose is still reigning (Mk. 16:15-16)!

We often look forward to the happiness of Heaven. Surely baptisms are a taste of the joy to come and make us long for it even more!

“Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”

(Acts 8:36)

Look at those amazing smiles!

By Kathy Pollard

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