Let’s talk about MONEY!



Money can be a touchy subject for some, especially if one is trying to get into their pocketbook.  We learn the true character of a person when dealing with their finances.

Just last week we had an unusual phone call from someone we barely knew.  The man said he was a Christian and that his baby had just gotten out of the hospital and he needed a certain amount of money to pay his electric bill.  Long story short—my husband gave him the amount he asked for, but we found out a few days later that the man was an erring Christian and on drugs.

Was I angry about the loss of the money?  Not really—just hurt that someone would pull such a stunt.  This man will answer for his actions.  We will answer for ours.  We gave him the benefit of a doubt.  He took advantage of us.  Money meant a lot to this man until he squandered it for a quick fix.

Money meant a lot to Judas, too, or so he thought.  He found out that it didn’t bring the pleasure he had imagined.  His betrayal of innocent blood caused him to hate himself and destroy his own life (Matt. 27:3-5).

How much does money mean to us?  Does money bring me pleasure at the “expense” of the poor going hungry?  Does it bring me pleasure at the “expense” of those who have a lack of clothing?  Does it bring me pleasure at the “expense” of those who have insufficient housing?

Do I practice pure and undefiled religion that may require me to help with monetary needs of orphans and widows (Jas. 1:27)?  Do I ever think of giving of my means to help win souls?

My husband and I are missionaries to India.  During the spring and summer months we travel to numerous supporting congregations, here in the states, to give updates on the work.  Once a lady made a comment (that she didn’t intend for us to hear).  She said, “Here they come again wanting more money.”

It is so sad when Christians have this mentality!  We have become so comfortable in our own lifestyles that we sometimes forget the hardships of others.  We are like those in the days of Amos who were ‘at ease in Zion.’  God pronounced woe on them.  He abhorred their pride and hated their palaces” (Amos 6:1, 4, 8).

May we not “sleep” in our comfort!  May we not hide the Lord’s money for our own use (Matt. 25:18).  Let us wake up and use it to lighten the burdens of others, and ultimately to win their souls.

–Becky Honeycutt

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