Heaven is for real

Some days, even for those of us who are abundantly blessed, are just hard. At those times I simply must go out in the garden among the quiet, beautiful plants. The peace is palpable. The quietness and beauty of the flowers makes the cares of the world fall away. I think of it as a little bit of heaven on earth.

Yes, heaven is for real. Not because we get a glimpse in a garden, or by the seashore, or during a few moments when life and death are separated by the thinnest of veils. Heaven is real because God told us it is.

But so is Hell. Many people think of God as a big Santa Claus in the sky, bringing toys and goodies to the naughty and the nice no matter what.

We indulge ourselves in sappy stories about heaven and about departed souls who we assume are in the presence of the almighty God. Even drug-dazed Hollywood celebrities are treated as glorified saints once they have passed on from this life through their drug overdoses.

Lately an elected official publicly proclaimed that he would be waved directly into heaven because of his push for anti-gun and health legislation. There was, as would be expected, a very negative reaction to his casual statement. In a climate that pretends that anybody who is not a mass murderer can and will make it to heaven, is this mayor’s belief any more preposterous than imagining your favorite rock star being waved through the pearly gates?

We may comfort a five-year old with the assertion that they will see their beloved pet in heaven, but isn’t it time that adults put away their notion that “all humans go to heaven?”

My little garden paradise is not the real thing. A cursory look around at the weedy spots will confirm that.

Neither is the “real” heaven what the general public imagines. It is a prepared place for a prepared people. This is not a place that one might stumble into because their heart is good….most of the time.

My little backyard haven is also not an accident. It took purpose, planning, and sweat. Lots of sweat! Mike Shank wrote a book named after the need for using “muscle and a shovel “ to dig into God’s word and mine its riches. Putting effort into our task is the only way we can attain heaven. We don’t earn it, but it takes effort to find our way in (Matthew 7:13,14).

You no doubt have heard it asked, “How can you believe in a God who would send anyone to Hell?”

The answer is, “I can’t believe in a God who would lie about Hell!”

God is clear about His wishes that no one would go to Hell (2 Peter 3:9). But desires are not the same as carrying out consequences. God is also clear that He has prepared a place for the Devil and his angels. This is the destination for those who do not obey the gospel (2 Thessalonians 1:8).

Heaven is most certainly real; not because we feel that it is, or have seen it. It’s real because we have a trustworthy God who says it is a place prepared for us.

Find your little “heaven on earth” place in this beautiful springtime. Take time to reflect on the natural wonders around you, that a loving God made for your enjoyment.

Then pray for a strong resolve to go to the Heaven that’s eternal, and then do it. That’s where your Maker wants you to go.

–Christine (Tina) Berglund @ www.forthright.net

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