While listening to a speaker who was talking about priorities in the Christians life, the speaker quoted I John 5:21. It is a very short verse. “Little children keep yourselves from idols.” Now at first reading it is easy to say “oh I do not worship idols,” but the speaker made the point that anything that we allow to be more important than God can become an idol. It can be money, education, friends, a job, entertainment, material things or prestige. All of these things can be okay to possess if they are not the driving forces of our life and if they are kept in balance. But when they become the most important thing or things in our life each day, then they have taken God’s place and they have become our idol.
When you look in the Old Testament you see that idolatry was the biggest downfall of the Israelites. They were too often looking for some “golden calf” to bow before. They placed value in something that had no real power to save or help them. We think how could they be so stupid and yet isn’t that what we do today in our many pursuits if we are not careful. We too can have our “golden calves” that take all our thought, time and money and keep us away from fellowship and service to God. Who is to be our number one priority and who will give us every good thing if we will put Him first? (see Matt. 6:33)
It is so easy to forget that we are here on this earth today to glorify God and to prepare for eternity with him. Our other pursuits on this earth pale in comparison to the importance of seeking first God and His kingdom. This life is but a vapor. (James 4:14) The life to come is eternal. Which is the most important? If we do not live up to this world’s standards of success, who will know in 100 years? No one will know. But if we fail in preparing for eternity it will be forever! May God help us to get our priorities in order.
–June Smith
I like the fact that your focus is scripture.