A Living Sacrifice

To have the heart of Christ in me

Is my one goal and zeal,

But love is not a simple thing;

It’s more than what we feel.


I thought I loved my sister ‘til

She had something to find;

And then I learned that love demands

That I give up my time.


I believed I loved my brother – then

He asked for helping hands;

That’s when I learned that “love in deed”

Means diverting all my plans.


I thought I loved my neighbor, but

His morals need rebuke;

I realized then that love would mean

I show to him the truth.


I felt I loved the elderly

‘Til one sat all alone;

It’s hard to sit and talk with them,

But love seeks not her own.


I thought I loved the brethren, but

I’m still too quick to say –

In heart at least, if not in word –

“I’m busy; go away.”


When Jesus washed the apostles’ feet,

He had a goal in mind:

To demonstrate the servant’s heart

He hoped in them to find.


When I seek to know the love He showed,

I learn the heart of Christ;

When I lose my life for Jesus’ sake,

I’m a living sacrifice.

—Kara Glott (age 16)

4 thoughts on “A Living Sacrifice

    • When Kara was not quite a teenager she wrote an essay for her school about work, describing much the same things. Nobody would ever know she dreaded to do some things because she is always right there to help.

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