Motherhood is an absolute continual joy?

I was surfing the Internet once and came upon a blog where the writer stressed that she wanted her readers to know that motherhood is an absolute continual joy.

That caught my attention. I don’t know much about raising kids, but I do know that it’s not a continual joy.

I had four teens living in my house at the same time.
Friends, there are words for that and joy doesn’t even make the top ten.

There are some days when life gives off a lot of drama but not a lot of joy. We’re going to hurt, we’re going to grieve, and we’re going to get sick and tired. We’re going to get frustrated and furious and that’s okay.

What’s not okay, is letting those moments take control of our life and keep us away from our God. Raising children offers many joyous moments but it also comes with hardships and an occasional sleepless night or two.

There will be days when the only joy that can be found is knowing that you won’t have to live that day over.
There may be days when you will feel like the most unqualified person in the world for the role of motherhood. And hindsight is always 20/20 when raising kids.

In fact, you will know the most about parenthood before you ever have kids and you will know the least when you’re in the midst of it.

Take comfort in the fact that you are raising your kids for Christ and find the joy in knowing that the Lord is there to help you (Hebrews 13:5).

–by Paula Harrington @

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