You wanted to destroy his love for me

You tried to take me.
You wanted to win.
You wanted to break me.
You wanted me shattered,
Lying broken on the floor.

You wanted to destroy his love for me.
You wanted me to abandon her,
My baby daughter.
You laughed at me.
You pointed your finger at me
And mocked me,
With your devil’s grin,
You said, “I got her. She’s mine.”

You covered my eyes and mind
With Darkness,
You were taking me down.

Yes, You tried to take me.
You tried to take my life.
You sent your crows and buzzards
To hover over me as though they
Were waiting for me.
You instilled Fear into my
Heart, Mind, and Soul.
The dark of winter chilled me,
I saw no light.
You, the Enemy, were taking me down.
You made wagers with your messengers
On how many tears I’d cry each day.

But, there is One greater than You.
There is Darkness,
There is You.

And there is Light.

There is a God.
And He has His own messengers.
You have you black crows of death,
But He sent me a tiny bird,
A Carolina wren,
To sing me a beautiful song
Outside my window each morning.
The bird would look at me
In the moments I felt defeated,
It looked me in the eyes.
There was no fear,
But I could feel that it was God.
It was Him telling me, “I’m here.”

The crows and buzzards fled
The clouds began to reveal the sun
And I could see the Light.
With my healing came Spring,
And the flowers began to bloom.
Life was beginning again,
And so was mine.

You tried to take me,
But I wanted to win.
I wanted to be healed
And pieced back together.

The love of my husband for me
Endured; it was not destroyed.
And my love for her
Cannot be shaken.

Now, I laugh at YOU.
I point my finger and mock You.
My eyes and mind are open
And all I see is Light.

Then, it was clear.
You, the Darkness, had been defeated.
The Light is always stronger than
The Darkness.
Yes, We had won.

Lindsey Fears

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