I was asked what was most important to me in life.

I was grateful once again to view a stunningly beautiful sky on a very crisp autumn morning. Across the wide horizon was an orange, fading into gold, pale blue sky. Along this route are many deer. This morning was no exception, with a dozen or so doe and their fawn. My mind immediately turns to God’s creation. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: …..” Ecclesiastes 3:1, “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

I was asked what was most important to me in life. God/Christianity was my answer. Without God and His Son dying for me, nothing would be of much pleasure. There is a glorious freedom being a faithful child of God, knowing that He is in love with me and that I am important to Him. I’m His child and He cares for me and His ears are open unto my prayers.” “The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry.” Psalms 34:15

As we continued talking, I spoke of what gave me pleasure in this temporal world, “where there is much in the window, but little in the room”. The infectious laughter of a child, their tiny hands clasped in mine and looking to me for protection, laughing with them, a hot cup of coffee upon my return, eyes that see, ears that truly listen to another’s heart, a walk in the cool breeze as the leaves fall gently all around me, the beautiful pasture behind my home, faithful Christian friends to encourage me. These and many countless blessings give me great pleasure in life. I have learned much from faithful ministers of God’s Word….and to think my life might have taken a different course. To Him I give thanks!

“The flower that has been crushed has a sweeter fragrance than the protected one.” Leroy Brownlow

Eileen Light

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