“Better to be alone, than in bad company.”

We are influenced by many things in this life..  Movies, commercials, music, television, fashion, magazines, sports, books and right on down to our language.  How many of us have heard “a woman’s right to choose” and incorporated that into our daily living without giving the statement much thought?  That statement was preached in magazines, newspapers, commercials, movies, television until it became a part of our culture.  We don’t think.  Statements like that have a ring, sounds good, but underneath the statement is evil.  We need to think on our ways and place it under the microscope of God’s Word.  ….and while placing that statement under the scrutiny of His Word,  or other statements, let us ask ourselves these questions.  Is it right?  Is it a statement God would approve?  He is our final Authority, not the media nor the government.

Fashion dictates what we will wear, but is it modest?  Would it lead another to immoral thinking and to stumble?  We have to be careful in our dress and that we are dressing in a way that is pleasing to Him.

We are influenced by politicians, but let us seek to find the truth about them and make sure we are voting moral choices for our nation, states, communities and not listening to smooth words and  what we want to hear or voting for our personal benefit, but what is beneficial for the nation, states,   communities and our families.  “Righteousness exalteth a nation:  but sin is a reproach to any people.”  Proverbs 14:34

I love music and listen daily while working around my house, but what I listen to is important to me for I know of the influence for good or evil in the lyrics of those songs.  I like songs that have a moral and substance to them.  Music is great gift from God, but let us make sure that the music we listen to is free of lyrics that have cursing or promote immoral activity.  God knows what we listen to and what we allow ourselves to be influenced by.

Movies and television, books and magazine articles promote immoral lifestyles as a normal way of life, but in view of God’s Word these lifestyles are immoral.  If these shows do not fit God’s criteria for viewing then we should not be watching them either.  We must be guided by His Book and not the book of Hollywood.  Our nation has taken an immoral turn due to the influence of all media and the influence it has had upon us.  Let us seek those things from above that are righteous and not be influenced any longer by those things that are of no profit to the soul.

“O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself:  it is not in man, that walketh to direct his steps.”  Jeremiah 10:23

Our friends, acquaintances have a huge influence on us.  “Bad days come from bad associates and good days come from better associates.”  “Better to be alone, than in bad company.”

Prisons and jails are filled with people that have had bad influences upon them and leading them into drugs, alcohol, deceit, stealing and all manner of evil.  Let us instead,  be influenced for good by reading the Book of Books, God’s Word.  When you read His Word, you are reading the Mind of God and He alone wants what is best for us.  He loves us and cares for us and before you think that His Word is too dry to read.  Dust it off.  In it you will find the pattern to heaven and greatest comfort known for all mankind, IF we obey that Word.

“Be not not deceived:  evil communications corrupt good manners.”  I Corinthians 15:3

“Keep thy heart with all diligence;  for out of it are the issues of life.”   Proverbs 4:23

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Eileen Light

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