1 Peter 3:3-4

This past week I received a package from Mary, a Christian lady we worked with nearly fourteen years ago. We had seen her recently, and reminisced about our work together. Within the box was a delightful surprise.

We first met in south Alabama. Mary was amazing with a needle and thread. She was the resident seamstress at our local congregation. Her special creations were costumes for VBS, puppets for classroom teachers, and much more. One day she learned that a toddler at church loved to cuddle a particular type of fabric. Mary secretly made a pillow for the little girl made of the fabric she loved. What a delight it was when Mary surprised the child with a pillow, specially made with the fabric she loved to nuzzle. From what I hear, the little girl has never outgrown her love for the pillow.

After we left Alabama, Mary’s work continued. She found there was a need for small clothing for premature babies. She went to work making the little gowns and miniature blankets for newborns. The gowns were deeply appreciated by many, especially those who lost a premature baby.

Mary is still making items for newborns. The box contained six or eight gowns, some with delicate embroidery, others with beautiful lace. Each gown had a little blanket. The letter enclosed said she wanted them to be used by some of our women who are nurses, and possibly inspire seamstresses in the church to serve in this way. Mary is a modern day Dorcas, who is “full of good works and charitable deeds” (Acts 9:36). She serves the needy and sorrowful souls of her community in creative ways. Her good works have caused the people of the community to view the church in a positively beautiful way. I almost forgot to tell you. Also in the box was a new little pillow. You see, the little girl for whom she made the pillow was my little girl. It is one of Mary’s good deeds that will always be tucked away in my heart.

Today’s challenge: Look to do good works and charitable deeds so others may see Jesus.

Today’s Verse: “Do not let your adornment be merely outward…rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God”(1 Peter 3:3-4).

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