Writing to Learn

I remember a fad that went through schools in SC in the late ’70’s, and
maybe it was not all bad. We had what was called “Reading Across the Curriculum.” I learned quite a lot about how to read and how to teach
reading that year. K
ids reading levels in my classes rose significantly.

Now I see on the internet that another fad (if you want to call it that) is “Writing Across the Curriculum.” Part of that philosophy is known as
“Writing to Learn.” I have found one PDF, actually a chapter from a book,
that tells some about that method of learning. Knowing only a little about
how it works, I would say most anyone would benefit from that approach. I
know I learn (and study) more scripture when I write my Bible articles.
Struggling to write an article helps me understand a lot more about the
topic. I don’t mind saying that calling for help to clarify ideas has
truly helped me also.

*Writing to Learn Approach* http://wac.colostate.edu/books/bazerman_wac/chapter5.pdf

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat

57. 5. Writing to Learn. Origins of the *Writing to Learn Approach*.
Writing to Learn is based on the observation that students’ thought and understanding can grow *…*

His servant,


For Women’s Bible studies:* *Daughters of Sarah http://helpmeet39.wordpress.com/
; Muliebral Studies http://pilgrimstranger.wordpress.com; Muliebral
Viewpoint http://pilgrimstranger.preachersfiles.c/> Articles and Books
by Beth Johnson http://www.oldpaths.com/Archive/Johnson/Edna/Elizabeth/1939/home.html

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