Go slow! I want to see if the bunnies are out!

We were pulling into our drive-way recently when my
animal loving daughter shouted, “Go slow! I want to see
if the bunnies are out.”

Now, we’ve had a lot of pets through the years. Dogs,
cats, turtles, butterflies, fish, even a hideous hermit
crab or two but we’ve never had rabbits. After I
reminded her of that fact, she told me about the family
of rabbits that have made our yard their home.

When I remarked that I had never seen them, she wisely
replied, “But Mom, you’re never looking for them. You
have to be looking for them to see them.”

Some go through their entire life and never learn what
my youngest already has–what you’re looking for
determines what you see.

Do you know anyone who is constantly negative? It
doesn’t matter what happens to them, even something
wonderful, they love to focus on the downside. What
about someone who is overly dramatic? Their crisis-
oriented thinking will spill into every avenue of their
life and can threaten yours, as well.

But those who have their eyes fixed on Jesus come with
a smile and a hope that no one and nothing can take

Job never lost sight of God even through all his
despair (Job 1:20-21).

Joshua and Caleb saw him when others were overcome with
doom and gloom (Numbers 13:27-30).

A giant didn’t block the sight of God from David’s view
(I Samuel 17:45-47).

Paul, even with all his trials, kept his eyes on Jesus
and our final reward (Philippians 3:13-14).

These men of faith could see passed what was right in
front of them. When others were focused on the here and
now, their vision was eternal.

Don’t let problems get between you and your Father.
Surround yourself with God’s people. Draw strength from
those who don’t let life block their Heavenly view (2
Corinthians 4:18).

Constantly, be on the lookout for Jesus and don’t be
surprised when and where you might see him.

by Paula Harrington

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