I never really knew what death was.

I heard a sermon in which the preacher taught that from the time that we are born we start to die, and in that sermon that was preached, the minister taught that we all would die either from an accident, disease, or natural causes, and that it was in between those years from birth to death that we will have to make choices.   Serve God or Satan, Truth or error, faithful or unfaithful, believe or disbelieve, treasures on earth or treasures in heaven.   It is all about choices.  Our choices in this life determine where we will spend eternity.

“And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve;  whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell:  but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”   Joshua 24:15

I never really knew what death was.  I was a young lady interrupted.  My parents died, my grandparents died, my aunt died, but their deaths were so far removed from me that I had no feeling about it at all.  I had been removed from my home years earlier. I went to funerals of members of the Lord’s church, participated in singing at funerals when asked, went to my brother-in-law’s funeral.  He died less than one day removed from the hospital.  An unexpected death.  Flesh eating disease killed him.  He never made the choice to study His Word, but spurned our offers to teach him. The choice was his…..and on the day of his death, he believed that just reading a verse or two from Scripture, and believing in God would save him. So many opportunities for him to make a right choice, but he answered the world’s call.  He was ushered into eternity without God, the choice was his.  He chose to lay up treasures on earth instead of heaven, and for him death was off in the future, just as many of us think that there is more time.  “Be not deceived…”  We don’t hold the clock, and we are not guaranteed our next breath.  The young die as well as the old.

“The days of our years are threescore years and ten;  and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow;  for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”     Psalms 90:10

I really never knew about death until it touched me, and then I knew how fragile man was.
I taught my husband the Gospel, and he became a Christian, and served Him until his untimely death.  …and though my heart was torn from me in this life, I had a peace too.  He is now in paradise.  Choices…… I don’t believe that we know about real loss until we have lost something that we love more than ourselves…..but the choices he made, and the life he lived determined where he would spend eternity, and when his death came, he was ready.

“For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him.”    I Thessalonians 4:14

“Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was:  and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”   Ecclesiastes 12:7

In the end, make right and Godly choices.  Satan convinces us that death is a long way off, but Satan lies.  Death is nearer than we think, and it is certain.  Eternity hangs in the balance.  The choice is up to you.

“You are free to make whatever choice you want, but you are not free from the consequences of the choice.”

Eileen Light

One thought on “I never really knew what death was.

  1. People speak freely of the “death angel,” but no concordance to Scriptue lists that term. In Exodus 11 and 12, God says he will destroy the firstborn in every house (Exo. 11:4-5) and then later says the “destroyer” will do it (Exo. 12:23)–maybe an angel appointed for the business.

    Children really cannot understand death, but they do understand abandonment and emptiness. Wives who lose a Christian husband understand death well because their comfort and protection is gone.

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