Have you ever read a passage in your Bible which made you stop, read it again and again, and then highlight it because it touched you in such a profound way? Later, when you ran across that same passage, you might have wondered why you had highlighted it in the first place. Or maybe you had written in a cross reference which was meaningful at the time, but looking at it again made you wonder what the two verses had to do with each other. My Bible has been the object of such scrutiny over the years, as I read and read again (Luke 24:32). It is my treasure, my life history, my diary of thoughts and dreams, my journal of progress on the road to salvation (Psa. 51:10).

My first Bible had very few highlighted passages. I remember it vividly as a very soft, easy-to-carry, KJV published by Nelson Publishing Co. But at the time it was given to me, I was a rebellious teenager, not wanting to be forced to read as punishment. Unfortunately, when my mother rebuked me, she often forced me to go to my room and read (nothing specific, just read), and those times were “in my craw” so to speak. The wear and tear on that Bible was mostly to the beautiful Moroccan leather cover and to one or two torn pages after our first son was born. The Bible itself was not to blame; however, parents of strong willed children should remember such reactions to correction may change the course of a child’s life. When parents rebuke their children, wouldn’t it be better to sit with them to read appropriate passages rather than send them to read (Col. 3:21)?

Another Bible which became my treasure for a different reason was a very large Dickson Bible. It was given to me by my husband with much love and affection. He had inscribed two phrases taken from our elder two children’s oft repeated prayers during devotional times. It went something like this, “May this gift of my love to you help you to be ‘more righteouser’ and to love Him in every way you can.” The phrase ‘more righteouser’ was our little daughter’s coinage, while ‘love Him every way we can’ was our eldest son’s phrase. Those were so dear to my heart and a very great encouragement to me (Matt. 18:3).

During the time I owned that Bible, I was eager to put in cross references while my husband preached. It would become my very own chain-reference Bible with Christian, rather than denominational, references. However, trying to get every verse and the notations necessary to explain those verses was nearly impossible as I simultaneously dealt with two very energetic little people on the pew beside me. Often there were mistakes in the chapters or verses, perhaps mistakes in the book references themselves. Pages became thick and worn from use and discoloration was obviously the work of my hands. During my private study time I made every attempt to correct mistakes, but did not always manage (Acts 17:10-11). That grand old book was worn to a frazzle. It had whole sections which came loose from the stitching; pages were literally falling out and the binding came off. I had it rebound more than once. Finally, I started the search for a new one.

By that time, the Dickson Company had stopped printing Bibles, but I was able to find a photo-copy of one in smaller print from World Publishing Co. At great sacrifice, when family money was scarce, I bought one for my mother and another one for myself. My mother had only a little time to use hers before she passed from this life, but her marginal notes and questions were there for me to cherish. Especially after her passing, I was eager to read everything she had written to know more of what was in her heart as she studied (Matt. 12:34; Jer 17:10). Then thieves broke into our house and her Bible (in a green canvas cover) was one of the many things they took. They obviously thought they were taking a purse (Matt. 6:19).

I managed to buy another copy of the same edition and have again begun to make my own chain references. Someday those will be the lock that opens a deeper understanding to my heart (Psa. 40:8). It is my Bible that contains more of my mind and heart than any other single item in my possession. Again, its pages are getting thick and worn and sections are falling out, but it still serves me well. I pray that I will have time to search and compare many more scriptures on my journey to eternity (John 5:39).

These have been my meat while I live, and will be my gifts to my children and grandchildren after I am gone.

The Scripture quotations in this article are from the King James Version.

Published in The Old Paths Archive –

Disclaimer: I have linked Bible verses from or for the reader’s convenience; however, I have found there are serious issues with both programs. I neither believe nor recommend the Calvinist’ doctrines of predestination/foreordination nor the Baptist/Lutheran doctrines of grace only. I firmly disapprove of the denominational advertising found on one site.

Let the reader understand.

–Beth Johnson

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