Watershed Moment

An opportunity presented itself recently for me to counsel a young Christian woman who is dating a nonChristian. I let her talk awhile about how he had such potential and how he was going to change. I softly reminded her, “All the potential in the world is not reality,” and, “You know that the only person you can fix in a relationship is yourself.”

I began to tell her about my past. I had just graduated from high school. My boyfriend was not a Christian. I prayed that God would guide me in the right direction. I was well aware of His words, Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14).

An opportunity came for me to visit Freed-Hardeman University. The fall term had just begun. The admissions rep told me to pack as if I would stay. My parents insisted we go. We arrived on campus, met with admissions and they accepted me. Before I knew it, my parents left and I was on my own.

Homesickness quickly consumed me. Many of the students went home the first weekend. I called Mom and asked if I could come home. She asked Dad and he said no. I was crushed.

I was in the cafeteria, forlornly looking out the glass windows, when I saw a Volkswagen beetle drive up. A tall, handsome young man in dress blue Marine uniform got out and asked someone a question. They pointed to the cafeteria and he started walking closer. I couldn’t imagine who it might be, until suddenly I recognized my brother! I started screaming and running out of the cafeteria, met him in the parking lot and threw my arms around him.

I explained to the young lady I was counseling that it was an unbelievable moment in so many ways. First, my brother, fresh out of boot camp, cared enough to drive the distance to see me. He even wrote me a poem about the dangerous relationship I was in with the guy back home, and how it could take me down a painful road. Second, when I made a spectacle of myself running out of the cafeteria Gary and his friend were watching. They thought it was my boyfriend who came to visit me. The friend said, “Looks like you’re going to have to mark her off your list!” Gary said, “Oh no. He has to leave!”

That marked the beginning of Gary’s pursuit to win me over. It was, in fact, a watershed moment in my life! By that, I mean it changed the course of my life forever. It helped me end a toxic relationship. It helped me meet someone who took me on a path that has been an incredible ride, emotionally, but most important, spiritually.

I think about all the things that have transpired since then, all of the opportunities that decision gave me. It is stunning. I thank God often for Gary’s love for me, which has  been steadfast through all the ups and downs with my multiple sclerosis and two other autoimmune diseases. He is my solid rock when storms are raging. I am thankful for  Gary’s great love for the Lord.  The vast biblical knowledge he possessed and continues to acquire has brought me closer to God than I ever thought possible. God blessed us with two beautiful children. He opened doors that have taken us all across the U.S. and into numerous foreign countries speaking the good news of salvation in Christ, recognizing all the while that we could never do these things by ourselves. Rather, God has taken our weaknesses (physical and spiritual) and molded us into vessels, we pray,  to His glory.

I shiver to think what would have happened if my parents had not taken me to FHU. Yes, that weekend was a watershed moment! My parents, my brother, Gary, and FHU played a unique role. I thank God for each of them. I praise Him for the provisions he made for me then and now, and the amazing, astounding way he provides for all who love him! Amen! Amen!

Today’s Verses: And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19), and For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD gives grace and glory; No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O LORD of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You! (Psalm 84:11-12).

Audios available at http://christianwomanaudiodevotionals.abiblecommentary.com

By Teresa Hampton

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