NOTE: To those unfamiliar with the movie UNPLANNED or not seen this film, this picture may still be showing in your local theater and be something you wish to see (it is based on a former employee of Planned Parenthood). The “R” rating is not due to nudity; there are two brief but graphic scenes which seek to set forth how some abortions are performed.
Babies are babies from the time of their conception.
They deserve to be born without question.
All babies come from God above;
a blessing to those who give them their love,
They deserve to grow up to be big and strong.
To abort them would be very wrong.
The need to have a chance to be born and live
and be adopted by those who have love to give.
For all life is sacred to God above
who fills us with His grace and love
He desires that we love these little ones, too,
For they are a blessing for me and for you.
~ Debora Robbins