My son, my son, do you not know this is
Breaking my heart?
There I see you, my son the king,
Led away to battle with no armor.
My son the king, you ride a new
Colt and come with empty hands.
You break bread, not bones.
You are no soldier sacrificed
But a kingdom savior. My son,
When the donkey breaks the
Palm frond beneath you do not think of
Your rib cage. When the coats
Are striped with kicked dust do not
Think of your stripped back,
Of the blood. Of the blood
That will pool beneath your feet
Like the mud beside the Jordan.
When the people call you Blessed,
Remember that you are.
When the people crown your head,
Plead with them to see me.
When the people scream for your blood,
Remember they are my children also.
Look up, my blessed son the king.
Look up into the sky
And know that all time and movement
Have brought you here.
This city for which you wept will
Shout with joy. You enter
Victorious, soon to triumph over
Death. Those who will kill you
Are not the enemy, they are
The lost.
As you ride this road, meet
Their eyes. Think only of them.
And think of me.
Jewell Holland