Open our eyes

Then Elisha prayed, “O Lord, open his eyes so he can see.” The Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and he saw that the hill was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6.17

Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the state of the world? Does it seem that evil is winning? Do you feel surrounded by the enemy?

As God’s people, we should never let our emotions determine how we see the broader picture. God is in control of everything. We say that, but how many truly believe it. We often feel that no one is interested in the Gospel message. The religious world has twisted it so that it is no longer recognizable.

However, instead of letting our negative emotions take control and stop sharing with others about the wonderful news of the Savior, we need to be actively searching for the one who is wanting answers and agrees to the invitation of a Bible study with a resounding, “Yes”.

Jesus promised in Matthew 28.20, that he is with us as we go teaching others. It is what our business is about, teaching others the Gospel. We must not decide who we think is worthy of receiving it. The Gospel is for everyone who will obey it. But, it is necessary that they first hear the message.

It is everyone’s responsibility to open their mouths and speak the truth.

Vicki Matheny

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