Last Sunday my lesson for my 4th and 5th grade class was on the mustard seed. I always enjoy this lesson because it gets such a reaction from the children. They are so fascinated by the fact that such a tiny seed can grow into such a large tree. The application to this lesson is that anyone can serve God. Even a child can do something in the Lord’s service.

As we were talking about the application, I mentioned a lady that was ill and spent most of her time in bed. She was so discouraged that she could not do the things she use to do, so she wrote scriptures on pieces of paper and tossed them out of her window onto the street below. Time passed, and finally one day someone knocked on her door. They had picked up several of her scriptures, and they wanted to meet the person that tossed them onto the sidewalk.

Through study, this lady was able to convert this individual that came to her door. She couldn’t do much, but she converted someone that might never have heard the gospel any other way. After I told this story, one of the boys said that he would like to find some way to do something. Jokingly he said that he was going to write scriptures on paper and put them in a balloon and turn them loose. The children joke about it, and then they decided this was a wonderful way to try to teach the truth.

Several of them have decided to try this to see just how far their balloon might go. They have decided that they will put the church’s address on the paper to see if they will get a response. They certainly proved my point. Even a child can do something!

Sandra Oliver

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