A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.

I sat outside, sipped my coffee, and watched the children play in the yard, oblivious that I was being attacked. But at bedtime, I found myself tossing and turning and finally realized I was itching. Reluctantly I arose, walked into the bathroom, and stood before the mirror. To my horror, I was covered in miserable red, whelps. The culprit was immediately recognizable: Chiggers!

Now if you are not from the south, you may be unaware of the chigger. In truth, we southerners don’t really know what a chigger is, because measuring in at 1/60th of an inch, these bugs are impossible to see. My family un-affectionately refers to them as “no-see-ums,” but never doubt, the result of their stealthy bites will torture you for days. If chiggers serve any positive purpose, it is to prove to the world the power of the small things!

Throughout scripture, small and insignificant acts changed outcomes. A simple basket-bed saved a slave baby who became one of the greatest leaders in scripture. A simple barley grain led Ruth to the field of her future husband, Boaz, who became the father of her child and placed her in the lineage of Jesus Christ. A small stone in a young boy’s sling brought down a nation.

But as with the chigger, the greatness of small things can be seen negatively. One simple question from a cunning serpent fractured Eve’s personal bond with her creator and changed forever God’s relationship with humanity. A lingering look from his rooftop led King David to adultery, murder, and a lifetime of unimaginable consequences. And a simple kiss from Judas led our Savior, Jesus Christ, to His death on the cross.

Just as a small amount of yeast levens an entire bowl of dough or the small no-see-um chigger brings misery to the masses, our actions, no matter how small, do matter. So, if you seek to be significant in this world, take a lesson from the lowly chigger whose existence should never be doubted. Do not consider yourself too small to make a difference. Your random acts of kindness can lighten burdens and redirect broken lives, my friend.

Father God, open our eyes to the many ways our small acts of kindness can bring others to You.  


Rita Cochrane

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